Is the culprit of nasal congestion caused by "turbinate meat" being too large? Worry about "retaliatory nasal congestion" if you spray too much allergy medicine?

Is the culprit of nasal congestion caused by "turbinate meat" being too large? Worry about "retaliatory nasal congestion" if you spray too much allergy medicine?

More than 30% of people suffer from allergic rhinitis, red and itchy eyes, dark circles and headaches

According to statistics, the proportion of Taiwanese people suffering from allergic rhinitis is as high as 30%-50%. The symptoms are particularly severe during the change of seasons. In addition to runny nose and stuffy nose, red and itchy eyes, dark circles, headaches, etc. are also prone to occur. Dr. Chen Youcheng, director of Shuncheng Otolaryngology Clinic, said that if nasal congestion causes long-term inconvenience to your life, you may consider receiving new treatments to improve your quality of life.

Dr. Chen Youcheng said that whether the nasal congestion problem is serious should be judged by whether it affects normal life when relaxing. Many people think that one side of the nose is blocked and the other side is blocked, which means nasal congestion. In fact, this is a normal “nasal circulation” phenomenon. The purpose is to humidify the air, rest the nasal cavity, and awaken the olfactory nerve.

Dr. Chen Youcheng pointed out that the human body will undergo nasal circulation 6-7 times a day. Many people use “vigorous sniffing” to test nasal congestion on their own, thinking that their nasal congestion is very serious. In fact, this is not the correct criterion. On the contrary, if you find that your nose is blocked for a long time when reading, commuting, or going to work, and you have to open your mouth to breathe, you need to consider seeking medical examination at an otolaryngology department.

Is nasal congestion caused by too big turbinate meat? Is surgical removal required?

The cause of severe nasal congestion is that the “turbinate meat” is too large or the bones of the nasal cavity are too thick. Dr. Chen Youcheng explained that turbinate meat is a strip-like structure in the nasal cavity, which helps increase the surface area for gas contact during breathing and also has the effect of warming and humidifying the air. When the turbinate meat is too enlarged and even medication cannot improve the symptoms of nasal congestion, or long-term use of drugs causes excessive burden on the body, it may be recommended to consider turbinate meat surgery to improve the nasal congestion problem.

Dr. Chen Youcheng pointed out that before evaluating the treatment method, an agent that shrinks the mucosa will be put into the nasal cavity. After 5 minutes, when the turbinate meat begins to shrink, if the condition is good, electrocautery surgery can be used to burn off the nasal mucosa, which can achieve good therapeutic results. . If it is found that the degree of atrophy of the turbinate meat is not ideal after taking the medicine, it will be recommended to consider surgical treatment to remove the turbinate meat. Doctors remind that clipping surgery is irreversible. Before undergoing surgery, patients should consider whether the symptoms of nasal congestion will affect their daily life and discuss it with their doctor in detail.

Will relying on nasal spray cause “retaliatory nasal congestion”? What are the medications for nasal congestion?

Many people are worried that they may face steroid side effects or become dependent on drugs if they use nasal spray and other drug treatments. Dr. Chen Youcheng pointed out that there are currently three types of drugs for treating nasal congestion. “Decongestants” are the fastest-acting drugs and do not contain steroids. They can cause the nasal cavity to shrink in just 5 minutes. However, they are more likely to cause dependence and are more likely to occur after stopping the drug. Drug-induced rhinitis that produces “retaliatory rebound” symptoms of nasal congestion.

The second drug is “antihistamine nasal spray”, which works quickly but is not long-lasting.

The third drug is a steroid-type nasal spray. The steroid content is very low, so there are basically no systemic side effects. The European Society of Rhinology also recommends that nasal sprays be used as the first-line drug because of its therapeutic effect. It covers a wide range and can suppress allergy symptoms such as nasal itching, nasal congestion, runny nose, and itchy eyes. If a doctor prefers to use a single prescription as a treatment method, nasal sprays will be the main method.

The latest one is the new nasal spray introduced last year. Dr. Chen Youcheng explained that this new type of nasal spray contains both steroids and antihistamines. It has the quick effect of antihistamines and the comprehensiveness of steroids. , is currently one of the most effective ways to treat nasal congestion. Patients with nasal congestion are reminded to go to an otolaryngology department for examination and discuss with their doctor the medication that suits them.

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