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Crowd stampede in Itaewon caused "hundreds of deaths"! Famous doctor: Use "1 trick" to protect yourself when encountering a large number of abortions

South Korea’s Halloween parade is not peaceful! Itaewon Halloween event leads to 151 deaths

Korean Halloween is not peaceful! Yesterday (31st) morning, a stampede broke out in the “Itaewon” area of ​​Seoul, South Korea. According to reports, at least 151 people died and more than 80 people were seriously injured. Dr. Li Jianzhang, a clinical professor at the Emergency Department of National Taiwan University Hospital, pointed out in a social post that the Itaewon Halloween Parade in South Korea was the first large-scale festival since the COVID-19 epidemic in South Korea. The long-repressed crowd of 100,000 people took to the streets, but unfortunately it led to tragedy.

The event was held in an open outdoor space. Many of the deceased were young women in their 20s. Most of the deceased had purple upper bodies and bleeding from their nostrils. It was determined that the cause was suffocation leading to cardiac arrest. How could an endless supply of oxygen lead to collective suffocation at a Halloween parade where crowds of people were outside in an open space rather than indoors?

The upper body of the deceased was purple and bleeding from seven holes! “Compressive suffocation + human trampling” may be the main cause

Dr. Li Jianzhang explained that in addition to common respiratory obstructions, such as neck compression, pinching, and choking on food, there is also a very rare condition called “Compressive Asphyxia”. The main cause of compression asphyxia is that the chest is compressed by gravity, making it impossible to breathe. Even if there is oxygen around, gas exchange cannot occur. Crowds can turn into stampedes, usually triggered by the crowd’s collective panic or excitement. According to a report by Korea Economy, eyewitnesses pointed out that during the event, a person visited an alley next to the Hamilton Hotel in Itaewon, causing many people to crowd into a narrow street and get out of control.

In addition, the young women participating in the activity are relatively thin, and there are many stairs and alleys in Itaewon. Once they fall, the crowd behind them will cause a “stacked man effect”. People who are oppressed below will not be able to breathe smoothly. After 4-5 minutes, There may even be suffocation and hypoxia. In addition to being unable to breathe due to chest compression, the heavy weight also prevents blood from the head and neck from flowing back to the heart. This is why the deceased suffered injuries such as congestion and purpleness of the upper body, and bleeding from seven holes.

In addition to crowds of people, similar tragedies can also occur in campus crowds or car accidents, so this phenomenon is also called “Traumatic Asphyxia” (Traumatic Asphyxia). As for chamber compression syndrome and rhabdomyolysis caused by muscle compression, they are usually subsequent complications and are not the main cause of death on the spot.

A must read before attending Christmas and New Year’s Eve events! 1 measure of self-protection taught by doctors: Learn from “cowboys”

“To prevent similar incidents from happening in Taiwan, we need to learn from the experience of ‘cowboys’!” Dr. Li Jianzhang said that in nature, cows will also have “running bulls out of control” accidents, leading to the death of a large number of livestock, so shepherds or cowboys will Separate the cattle. The same is true for human groups. Organizers must be able to monitor and control the flow of people before they can hold similar large-scale events.

“Nowadays, the technology of aerial photography and AI should be put to use! When it automatically detects that the crowd is overcrowded, it is necessary to start diversion and crowd separation to avoid human trampling.”

Dr. Li Jianzhang added that people who want to participate in Christmas, New Year’s Eve and other activities at the end of the year should also be vigilant. Once there are more than 5 people per square meter, it is a warning sign of overcrowding, and you should quickly move to the perimeter of the crowd. If you are caught in a crowd, remember to put your hands on your chest to protect yourself and give your chest room to breathe. When participating in activities with relatives and friends, remember not to leave alone, help each other, and find ways to get out of trouble when encountering crowds.

In addition, if the heart of a participant unfortunately stops, it is mostly due to suffocation caused by overcrowding and is not caused by “psychogenic reasons.” Therefore, Dr. Li Jianzhang reminded that whether it is a passerby or a firefighter who is first aid, artificial respiration or resuscitation balloon ventilation should be used immediately during first aid. First aid steps are indispensable and cannot be skipped; if you experience obvious physical discomfort after participating in an activity and it does not improve, you should seek medical advice as soon as possible to clarify the symptoms.


“How Itaewon Halloween Event Caused Mass Suffocation” - Dr. Li Jianzhang

Further reading:

University of London study: Sleeping less than 5 hours a day may increase death risk by 25%

Winter warning! Influenza and COVID-19 trigger dual epidemics? Famous doctors: Deaths from severe illness could increase by up to 30%

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