Even Cristiano Ronaldo said to drink more water! There are at least 5 benefits of replenishing water. If you want to lose weight and take care of your skin, you should drink water.

Even Cristiano Ronaldo said to drink more water! There are at least 5 benefits of replenishing water. If you want to lose weight and take care of your skin, you should drink water.

Portuguese star footballer Cristiano Ronaldo moved away carbonated drinks and encouraged everyone to drink more water at a press conference, which attracted media attention from various countries. Many people would rather choose beverages than water, fearing that they miss out on the various benefits that proper hydration brings to the body; for example, drinking water after getting up in the morning can also promote intestinal peristalsis. Especially in the hot summer months, the body is more likely to become dehydrated due to sweating, so it is important to replenish water to avoid heat stroke. The British medical media “Medical News Today” also compiled the “Five Benefits of Drinking Water”, showing that the various effects of supplementing water on the body “outweigh the harm”. It is recommended to drink less sugary drinks and drink boiled water instead. You will gradually find that your body condition gradually changes.

1. Help lose weight

The number one benefit of drinking water in the morning is that it helps with weight loss. A study from Spain showed that 358 young subjects drank more than 3000 cc of water a day, which effectively reduced their weight and saved overweight people from the risk of obesity. Another study from the United States believed that drinking 500 cc of water before three meals .c of water can help middle-aged and elderly people lose weight and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Researchers believe that drinking water before meals makes the body feel full, which in turn reduces the intake of three meals, which is why drinking water may lead to weight loss.

2. Feel better

Research from Swansea University in the UK shows that even mild dehydration can cause memory loss and concentration problems; once the body is rehydrated, memory and concentration will improve. This study shows that staying hydrated throughout the day has a positive effect on boosting your mood, so if a person wants to feel refreshed and focused in the morning, drinking water may help.

3. Emotionally stable

French nutritionists believe that drinking more water can help alcoholics and drug addicts to stabilize their mental state. Drinking water can calm their emotions; if the daily water intake is insufficient, it may lead to a lack of satisfaction in life and become more irritable and irritable. , produce negative emotions and other problems. Therefore, long-term intake of water may have a significant effect on maintaining peace of mind throughout the day.

4. Skin glow

As the saying goes, “A smile is the best cosmetic”. In fact, water is also a natural skin care product! In fact, human skin originally contains 30% water, which keeps the skin elastic and shiny. Research by Universidade Lusófona in Portugal has shown that drinking water will make the skin look more hydrated, especially for people who don’t usually drink water, the effect will be more significant. On the contrary, if the daily water intake is too little, the skin will become dry, rough or itchy, and there may even be a risk of skin diseases.

5. Body functions

Drinking an appropriate amount of water is very beneficial to the functioning of the body’s organs. For example, drinking water can help the kidneys remove excess waste and impurities from the body, keep the urinary tract healthy, and avoid the risk of urinary tract stones. In addition, drinking more water can also maintain the normal function of the cardiovascular system. , thereby reducing the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases; in addition, drinking water can provide good lubrication to the joints of the limbs, help relieve joint pain, and make bones healthier.

Of course, too much water intake is not good for the body. If the body is unable to absorb water in time, it may lead to frequent nocturia at night, body deficiency and coldness, and even general edema. If your body is not good at absorbing water, it is recommended to drink small amounts and often, and try to avoid drinking water 2 hours before going to bed.

Water itself is colorless and tasteless, and it is indeed less stimulating to the taste buds than drinks. If you don’t like “boring” drinks like water, but suffer from dehydration, it is recommended to drink sparkling water or Fruit-flavored water, both of which are quite low in calories, can stimulate your taste buds while keeping your figure in shape. The daily water intake for adults is about 2500 to 3000 cc. Drinking too much or too little has no effect on your health. Don’t keep yourself running to the toilet in the middle of the night just because drinking water has many benefits!


5 benefits of drinking water in the morning

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