Create a personalized "exercise prescription" specially for cancer patients! Habit Health International was awarded the "Cancer Friendly Charity Label"


Habit Health International creates personalized exercise programs for cancer patients and wins the “Cancer Friendly Seal” again

Habit Health International was awarded the “Cancer Friendly Charity Label” at the “2023 Global Health Forum”; it won the award again this year (2024) and won the “Cancer Friendly Charity” health platform for the second time. Hu Xiaoxin, founder of Habit Health International Co., Ltd., said that Taiwanese people’s health awareness is on the rise. While retaining the knowledge of “health”, they should also practice to take care of their “body”; especially for cancer patients, establishing exercise habits is an important factor in maintaining a good quality of life. a big key.

Hu Xiaoxin pointed out that Habit Health International is committed to building a communication bridge between coaches and cancer patients, understanding the status of cancer patients and customized exercise training, and encouraging them to integrate exercise into their daily lives. “Good Habits uses correct, patient and enthusiastic teaching methods to help cancer patients through muscle strength training, cardiopulmonary endurance training, body flexibility training, etc. In addition, we also focus on “personalized exercise prescriptions” to provide cancer patients with Create an affordable, actionable exercise plan!

Cancer patients also need “exercise prescriptions”. Can’t you train your shoulders after discovering breast cancer?

Hu Xiaoxin explained that the so-called personalized exercise prescription is not just about building muscle and losing fat, but allows cancer patients to clarify the risks caused by exercise and avoid overtraining that may cause harm to the body. According to the definition of sports science, “promoting sports performance” means pushing the body’s range of motion to the limit; however, if the training intensity is too aggressive and the impact of sports injuries on the body is ignored, it will easily lead to a decline in sports performance. The training effect is not as good as expected.

“The same applies to patients with cancer. Coaches must understand the diseases and symptoms of patients with cancer, further customize their training menu, and avoid items that are too intense or cause damage to specific parts. For example Breast cancer patients are not suitable for actively training their shoulders. Instead, they should exercise their lower limbs first.”

Hu Xiaoxin emphasized that through the one-on-one training model, the coach can fully grasp the intensity of each stage of training for cancer patients, and make rolling adjustments according to the current physical condition. Only in this way can the circulatory metabolism of cancer patients be effectively promoted, and the body and mind can be improved. Healthy Purpose.

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Many cancer patients hope to regain their physical strength after recovery, and even challenge sports with high physical load, such as skiing, rock climbing, mountaineering, etc. With professional assistance in training and planning, they do have the opportunity to return to the sports field. Hu Xiaoxin used “climbing Yushan” as an example. The available routes include Qianfeng, West Peak, Main Peak, North Peak, East Peak, etc. Cancer patients can plan the route they want to climb according to their own conditions, instead of just calling out “Climbing Yushan”.

Hu Xiaoxin explained that there are three major prerequisites that cancer patients must abide by before trying more strenuous exercise programs: The first is to take medication and treatment as prescribed by the doctor, exercise and treatment should go hand in hand, and neither can be neglected; the second is a progressive exercise model, such as If you want to climb Baiyue, you can start practicing from the hiking trails in the suburbs instead of jumping up and down to fight monsters to avoid sports injuries. The third is to adjust your lifestyle and master the basic principles of “eat nutritious food, do exercise, and get more sleep”.

“There is no exercise program that is ‘unsuitable’ for cancer patients, but if you rashly try too difficult an activity without understanding your own condition, it will be ’not suitable for any exercise’ for cancer patients!”

Is Taiwan’s sports culture in decline? The national character of following the trend and going out of fashion

Having worked in the field of sports medicine for 14 years, Hu Xiaoxin also noticed that Taiwan’s sports culture has always been inferior to that of Europe, the United States and even certain Asian countries, which may be related to regional cultural and national characteristics. “I once had a conversation with a chairman of the Japanese Fitness Association, and he said: ‘The fitness culture in Japan is worse than that in Taiwan, but the overall sports culture is better than that in Taiwan.’ At first, I didn’t understand what the chairman meant. It suddenly dawned on me: The root cause is that Taiwanese people love to “follow the trend”!

Hu Xiaoxin observed that Taiwanese people like to buy gym memberships and use fitness equipment for exercise purposes; on the other hand, Japanese people go to the gym because they love a certain sport and need to strengthen their physique. In other words, “Fitness is not the goal, life is the goal.” In order to make life more fun, I go back to the gym to exercise. If you blindly follow the trend, you will not only lose the fun of exercise, but you will also be unable to maintain your original enthusiasm for training once the craze subsides.

“This is why I often remind the coaches that in order to convey the correct purpose of exercise to the students, the two of them should “play sports” together instead of forcing the students to accept a menu that is too difficult. Most people do not want to participate in the Olympics Get a medal!” Hu Xiaoxin said that when students regard exercise as a daily routine and internalize it into a habit, they will naturally be willing to engage in more advanced training modes.

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Through online video teaching and continuous expansion of physical teaching, Habit Health International hopes to become a health platform for all Taiwanese people in the future. Hu Xiaoxin said that he hopes that by establishing a good habit of exercise, cancer patients can regain their physical strength and have more energy to fight against the disease. Exercise is not limited to the stereotypical schedule-based exercises, but through the concept of “playing sports”, we help cancer patients customize their exercise menu, become more aware of their physical condition, and ultimately integrate exercise into their daily lives.

Finally, Hu Xiaoxin appealed: “After many years of contact with cancer patients, I have seen that many patients are in good physical condition through exercise and are even healthier than the average person. Therefore, we should not ‘demonize’ cancer. Improper living habits and lack of exercise are the biggest enemies of every Taiwanese people!”

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