The craze for medical beauty is sweeping the world! Is the epidemic making more people want to undergo plastic surgery? The reason turned out to be video software?

The craze for medical beauty is sweeping the world! Is the epidemic making more people want to undergo plastic surgery? The reason turned out to be video software?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, various countries implemented movement restrictions to prevent the epidemic, which caused a serious setback in economic growth. Many companies such as airlines, department stores, and restaurants faced severe blows, which also triggered a wave of unemployment and bankruptcies. However, there are also many industries that have suddenly emerged during the epidemic. The medical aesthetics industry in many regions has even grown against the trend, and its performance is better than before the COVID-19 epidemic. Could it be that “becoming beautiful” is more motivating than “dying from illness” or “starving to death”, so that people have to pursue “makeover” even at the risk of being infected by the virus? A survey by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) showed that the “focus effect” may be one of the reasons.

The medical beauty industry is soaring against the wind. It turns out that the “focus effect” is at work.

ASPS recently released a national consumer survey, asking 1,000 American women about their views on plastic surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey report shows that during the 2020 epidemic, 11% of women believed that they were more interested in plastic surgery than before the outbreak. 24% of women who had undergone plastic surgery or minimally invasive surgery were willing to undergo plastic surgery. Another surgery during a pandemic. In addition, 35% of women who have undergone at least one plastic or minimally invasive surgery before plan to spend more on medical beauty care in 2021.

Why is there a surge in plastic surgery during the epidemic? Curry, an American medical doctor. Corey Hartman made an interesting point: After the COVID-19 pandemic, if you want to see your family or friends in person, you will have to use video messaging software. Before the epidemic, people used video software less frequently. As a result, people saw the appearance of several wrinkles on their faces, sagging of the face, and worsening of dark circles through the lens of their laptops or mobile phones. , as if he no longer recognizes himself. The “strange self” has prompted more people to have the idea of ​​plastic surgery in their hearts.

Dermatologist Fatima. Fatima Fahs also said that people have never seen their faces through video software every day like they did during the epidemic. The high frequency of videos makes more people unable to accept the fact that their skin is aging. This gave rise to the desire to undergo plastic surgery and “in-factory repair”. The “ZOOM” application is currently widely used in the United States for video communication. This plastic surgery trend caused by video behavior is also called the “Zoom effect” by the American medical community.

Afraid of being gossiped about by relatives and friends, being quarantined at home is a good time for plastic surgery

During the epidemic, not only did the trend of aesthetic medicine rise in the United States, but also in South Korea and Japan in Asia. A report from the BBC Chinese website pointed out that foreign tourists to South Korean medical aesthetic clinics have recently decreased, and locals have begun to become the main customer flow of the clinics. A 54-year-old Korean middle school teacher underwent double-eyelid surgery in February. Before he had the surgery, almost every plastic surgery clinic was packed with people. Some clinics claimed that despite the epidemic in South Korea, the number of medical aesthetic customers has increased. The number of patients has increased steadily, and even compared with the same period last year, the number of medical consultations has increased by 50%.

The Japanese went crazy for plastic surgery during the epidemic. Even the Japan Association of Aesthetic Medicine warned the public not to increase the possibility of spreading the virus because of their love for beauty. However, there is still an endless stream of people in front of plastic surgery clinics. Tajiri, a clinical trial coordinator serving a plastic surgery clinic in Fukuoka, Japan. Michelle Tajiri believes that because office workers cannot go anywhere after work due to the work-from-home model, it is better to take advantage of their free time to have surgery. There is no need to socialize after the surgery, and they can go home to rest directly, and everyone must wear a mask. It can better conceal the traces after surgery and is less susceptible to gossip from relatives and friends.

It can be seen from the crazy medical beauty phenomenon in the United States, Japan and South Korea that the epidemic has caused many unimaginable phenomena. Technology tools and social media also make people spend more time examining their appearance. Wanting to become more beautiful and handsome is a common phenomenon. If it is confirmed that it is safe, more and more people are open to plastic surgery to gain better popularity and social relationships. However, the popular aesthetic values ​​​​are different in each period. In addition to maintaining “improving appearance”, perhaps increasing self-confidence at different levels is also an indispensable part of becoming beautiful.


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