A cough that doesn't go away for several weeks after a cold may be an "asthma" attack! 4 Symptoms: Beware of Trachea and Call for Help

A cough that doesn't go away for several weeks after a cold may be an "asthma" attack! 4 Symptoms: Beware of Trachea and Call for Help

healthorn expert Q&A

Q: I have a cough that persists for several weeks. Is it possible that indoor formaldehyde exceeds the standard?

A: If you have frequent coughing, sneezing, itching or allergies at home, you should pay attention to whether it is a poisoning symptom caused by “excessive formaldehyde”. If you live in an environment with excessive formaldehyde for a long time, it may seriously cause infertility, leukemia, and sinus cancer. , liver cancer, etc. The wood panels used in decoration or the new furniture purchased (mattresses, sofas, curtains) will release a large amount of “carcinogen formaldehyde”. Even if non-toxic building materials are used, there is still a risk that the accumulated formaldehyde in the whole room will exceed the standard.

If you want to solve the problem of formaldehyde poisoning, it is recommended to seek formaldehyde removal companies for formaldehyde treatment. However, allergic children should pay special attention to whether the manufacturer uses “formaldehyde” to remove formaldehyde. After all, chitin is one of the common allergens. If you are not careful, It may induce chitin allergy. Especially for infants and young children, those who are allergic to seafood, and those with cystitis, because chitin is taken from the shells of crustaceans such as shrimps and crabs, and may cause various allergic reactions after contact, such as asthma and allergic rhinitis. , skin problems, etc., so you should try to avoid choosing formaldehyde removal companies that use “chitin” as coatings.

Cough that doesn’t heal after infection? It turned out to be an asthma attack

If you have a lingering cough after a minor cold, should you be careful of an “asthma” attack? The most common symptoms of allergic asthma include wheezing, difficulty breathing, chest tightness and coughing, and obstruction of expiratory airflow. Improper use of medications or stimulation by external factors, such as temperature changes, viruses or respiratory infections, exposure to allergens, smoking and air pollution, may cause asthma or make it worse.

Dr. Zheng Shilong, director of the Department of Thoracic Medicine at Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, said that the clinical manifestations of asthma patients are highly variable. Many patients may not be aware that they have asthma problems and have almost no symptoms when there is no allergen stimulation. A common situation is that the cough lasts for several weeks after viral infection, and the cough is more severe at night and early morning than during the day. The patient mistakenly thinks that it is just a chronic cough, and is finally diagnosed as an asthma attack.

Dr. Zheng Shilong pointed out that asthma attacks may become more severe due to changes in seasons, weather changes, temperature differences, or sudden drops in temperature and rain, which may cause the trachea to be irritated. In severe cases, it may lead to typical symptoms such as dyspnea, chest tightness, and wheezing. When relevant symptoms appear, lung function and blood tests will be conducted to detect changes in allergy levels and asthma. Once asthma is determined, medication must be taken regularly to avoid worsening of the condition.

Asthma medication myth: Just take medication if you have symptoms?

“Asthma is a chronic allergic and inflammatory disease, but many patients ignore the importance of regular medication!” Dr. Zheng Shilong said that the most common difficulties in caring for asthma patients are that one is the need to use inhaled drugs, and the other is that inhaled drugs contain Steroids, three, need to be taken regularly every day. These conditions can easily make patients unwilling to receive treatment, or they may only use short-acting bronchodilators briefly during asthma attacks, ignoring the importance of root cause control.

Dr. Zheng Shilong pointed out that asthma patients’ misconceptions about treatment medications may lead to asthma becoming more severe and requiring more aggressive and advanced treatments, or even the use of biological agents, to improve the condition. We appeal to asthma patients to learn more about the correct health education knowledge on asthma treatment. At present, medical institutions are gradually building integrated care platforms for asthma. In the future, smart medical tools will be used to help patients pay attention to symptoms at the appropriate time and take medication on time, thereby improving the effectiveness of asthma control.

Asthma will be cured by just exercising? Never stop taking medication on your own

Asthma can be improved by exercising without taking medicine? Dr. Zheng Shilong reminded that this is a common exercise myth among asthma patients. Many asthma patients hope to seek exercise to improve their lung function, but they are unable to exercise effectively due to limited tracheal function, and their exercise performance is also affected.

Dr. Zheng Shilong emphasized that the most correct way to control asthma is to take regular medication combined with exercise. The main prerequisite is regular medication. When the treatment is stable, you can choose to exercise in a way that you like and can exercise regularly and for a long time.

Dr. Zheng Shilong said that there are now tools for detecting carbon monoxide in exhaled breath, which can be used to assist in diagnosing the severity of asthma patients. They can more accurately understand the patient’s condition and avoid missing changes in the condition by only assessing symptoms or questionnaires. As asthma is an inflammatory disease of chronic airway allergy, it requires long-term intervention with “treating the root cause” of inflammation control drugs. You must not stop taking medication without realizing that you don’t have wheezing or coughing.

“With regular medication and following the doctor’s instructions, many asthma patients have the opportunity to slowly reduce their medication, or even do not need to take medication!” Dr. Zheng Shilong reminded that asthma, like diabetes and hypertension, is a chronic disease. As long as you cooperate with the doctor’s instructions, receive appropriate treatment, and return the medicine on time, With diagnosis, most patients can be well controlled.

Further reading:

Exercise can improve asthma and lung function. Why do patients not want to exercise? I’m afraid it’s an “inferiority mentality” at work.

Dust mites all live here! To prevent asthma and “continuous coughing” in the upper body, 3 anti-asthma actions should be taken

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