Can the cough and chest tightness of "COVID-19" be cured? Doctors urge you to avoid doing "these two things"

Can the cough and chest tightness of "COVID-19" be cured? Doctors urge you to avoid doing "these two things"

The cumulative number of confirmed cases in the country has exceeded the 3 million mark. Since most people have mild symptoms and most symptoms improve within a week, care when diagnosed is not too difficult. However, as the number of recovered people increases, many people are beginning to face the problem of the sequelae of “COVID-19”. Dr. Cai Yueting, director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Kuangtian General Hospital, said that the proportion of Omicron-infected people suffering from COVID-19 is about 30-60%, which means that there may be at least 300,000 COVID-19 patients in Taiwan, who will need continuous care after recovery.

Can the symptoms of “COVID-19” be cured? Doctors advise: Don’t do “these two things”

Dr. Cai Yueting pointed out that recently, many confirmed cases have been received clinically in which patients still have uncomfortable symptoms after recovery. The most common symptoms are fatigue, fatigue, and cough with phlegm stuck in it. Some people will experience chest tightness and difficulty breathing. Fortunately, Most people’s symptoms are mild, but because of the large number of cases, people still need to pay attention to their health even if they recover.

Dr. Cai Yueting said that based on existing research, people who are more likely to develop COVID-19 are those with “moderate to severe” and “chronic diseases” (such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc.), which are all high-risk groups. Therefore, it is recommended that patients take more care of themselves after recovery. Try to have a light diet and eat less raw or cold food; if your physical condition does not allow it, do not force yourself to exercise and get cold, but rest more so that your body can replenish its vitality.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, Dr. Cai Yueting believes that when faced with the sequelae of COVID-19, the concept of “removing evil and making up for corrections” will be used to treat patients. “Generally speaking, it is still necessary to prescribe the right medicine based on the patient’s constitution. For example, some patients have more serious symptoms of weakness and fatigue, so they will take medicines according to this symptom.” In addition, Dr. Cai Yueting also recommends “Vitality Tea” based on traditional Chinese medicine. The three herbs, consisting of Astragalus, Atractylodes, and Fangfeng, have the effect of beneficial Qi and solidifying the surface, and also help to improve immunity.

How to solve the problem of children rejecting medicine powder and medicine pack treatment? “Sanfu patch” helps relieve respiratory symptoms

Many of the confirmed cases in this wave of epidemics are mainly young children. Dr. Cai Yueting said that it has been found that toddlers and children are more sensitive to the smell of herbal medicines and often cannot accept medicinal liquid packets or powders, resulting in poor effectiveness. He believes that at this time, children can use “Sanfu patch” to stick on the acupoints on the back. Sanfu Patch is very effective in treating respiratory problems and can induce local immune response, thereby regulating the overall immune system.

Finally, Dr. Cai Yueting believes that it is important to continue to do a good job in epidemic prevention after recovery. Don’t think that there will be an “invincible star” after being diagnosed. He gave an example. Recently, a young man who was diagnosed with COVID-19 after taking three doses of the COVID-19 vaccine was infected again after recovering, and the symptoms of the second infection were much more severe than the first.

Dr. Cai Yueting appeals to the public that even if the body has recovered after being diagnosed, epidemic prevention work is still indispensable and the power of the virus must not be underestimated. In addition, Omicron subtype mutant strains BA.4 and BA.5 have begun to spread in various countries. Their immune escape ability and infection rate are stronger than the BA.2 mutant strain currently prevalent in Taiwan. Therefore, people should not take it lightly and still wash hands frequently and maintain social distance when going out.

Further reading:

Don’t panic if you suffer from “COVID-19”! Chinese medicine practitioners give prescriptions and acupuncture tips to effectively relieve the “5 major symptoms”

If you are diagnosed with fever, cough, or sore throat, don’t panic! Chinese medicine practitioner reveals “2 tricks” to help shorten the course of the disease

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