The consequence of missing teeth is diabetes? Medical warning: If not remedied in time, 5 major problems may arise

The consequence of missing teeth is diabetes? Medical warning: If not remedied in time, 5 major problems may arise

Does missing a missing tooth not only affect your appearance? The risk of diabetes may increase by more than 20%

Don’t think that missing teeth will only affect your “appearance”! In fact, missing teeth not only easily causes oral diseases, but is also associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes in the future. Director Deng Haoxiang of Chengxin Dental Clinic in Kaohsiung said that even if there is only one missing tooth, the negative impact on the oral cavity cannot be underestimated; over time, tooth decay, gum recession, periodontal disease and other problems may follow.

Dean Deng Haoxiang explained that past literature has confirmed that missing teeth are related to gum atrophy, reduced speech clarity, occlusal dysfunction, surrounding tooth decay and periodontal disease. Among them, the risk of diabetes in patients with periodontal disease is 9 times higher than that of ordinary people. %; if more than 15 teeth are missing, the risk of diabetes increases sharply by 21%. The study also found that periodontal disease seems to have a stronger negative impact on young people. The probability of developing diabetes in the future is 14%, which is higher than the 6% of the elderly.

What are the treatments for missing teeth? Does “1 course of treatment” increase the risk of tooth decay?

“There are three main ways to treat missing teeth: dental bridges, removable dentures and dental implants!” Among them, dental bridge treatment has the advantages of fast speed and low cost; however, it may also cause irreversible damage to natural teeth and make the middle part of the bridge difficult to Cleaning may actually increase the risk of periodontal disease or tooth decay. Although removable dentures are relatively cheap and do not require bone replacement, they have poor bite force and a strong foreign body sensation, which may cause gum recession or loosening of the original teeth.

Dental implants can be divided into traditional dental implants and the popular “All on 4/6” full mouth reconstruction. Dean Deng Haoxiang explained that if a single or a small number of missing teeth are concerned, it can indeed be treated with traditional dental implants, but it requires a professional evaluation by a doctor whether it should be combined with bone and flesh filling surgery. “High-quality dental implants, It’s not as simple as drilling holes and locking dentures!”

However, if the patient has multiple missing teeth, traditional single-jaw full-mouth reconstruction with dental implants requires 8-10 implants. The scope of bone replacement increases with the size of the bone defect at the implant site, requiring multiple times. Surgery; treatment and waiting for dentures to be made take a long time and are relatively expensive. In addition, during the bone filling stage of traditional full-mouth dental implant reconstruction, temporary dentures need to be adjusted frequently, and the bite force is usually not good.

As the name suggests, “All on 4/6” is a procedure in which 4-6 tooth roots are driven into the alveolar bone, and the entire set of dentures is evenly supported by the mechanical design of the diagonal bridge. The implant of this technology is directly implanted into your own healthy bone, without the need to add foreign bone powder, and to avoid affecting the important nerves in the maxillary sinus cavity and oral cavity. Therefore, a special composite abutment is used to correct the gap between the implant and the dentures. angle.

Who is suitable for “All on 4/6” treatment? The success of the surgery depends entirely on the physician’s judgment.

Compared with traditional full-mouth reconstruction, “All on 4/6” is suitable for patients with severely missing teeth, extremely tooth decay, severe periodontal disease, and is also suitable for patients with severe alveolar bone atrophy. Dean Deng Haoxiang emphasized that its implants can provide relatively stable support for dental bridges. Therefore, without the need for bone replacement or only a small amount of bone replacement, it can be completed in just one operation and the recovery period is shorter. However, this technology is relatively difficult and complicated, and the position, angle and depth of each implant all depend on the judgment of professional doctors.

The effectiveness of full-mouth reconstruction treatment involves a wide range of factors, and patients need to make a comprehensive and prudent evaluation when choosing a hospital. In particular, the education and experience of the attending physician should be given priority, because the experience value of performing full-mouth reconstruction surgery is the most important factor affecting the treatment. In addition, before surgery, you can ask about the denture manufacturing process used by the hospital. It is recommended to choose a dental hospital that has strict quality control from consultation and explanation, health education and maintenance, to denture production. In addition to ensuring the quality of dentures, subsequent maintenance is also more secure.

Don’t change your toothbrush until it splits! Doctors reveal tips for correct oral care

Dr. Deng Haoxiang pointed out that patients with missing teeth should take better care of their oral cavity after having their teeth filled. According to research, those who brush their teeth more than three times a day can reduce their risk of developing diabetes in the future by about 8%. However, people generally have myths about oral hygiene, such as changing the toothbrush bristles after they have split. In fact, toothbrushes should be replaced after about 3 months of use; brushing too hard and using too hard bristles are NG behaviors that can harm your teeth.

“If the toothbrush is not replaced until the bristles are broken, the oral cleaning may not be thorough enough, and dental plaque may easily remain on the teeth!” Dean Deng Haoxiang suggested that in addition to changing toothbrushes regularly and reducing brushing force, the public should make more use of " The 4 steps of the “Belcher’s Teeth Brushing Method” to correctly remove dental plaque:

  1. Starting from the upper buccal side, the toothbrush bristles are at a 45-degree angle to the teeth. Aim at the junction of the teeth and gums to clean the gingival sulcus and teeth.

  2. Using 2-3 teeth as a unit, gently brush back and forth about ten times, brushing every surface of the teeth.

  3. There is a sequence for brushing your teeth, starting from the right side and ending at the right side, and then brushing the top and bottom.

  4. When brushing the inside of the front teeth, hold the toothbrush straight and at a 90-degree angle, then brush up and down each tooth.

Dean Deng Haoxiang reminded that the entire process of tooth brushing with the Bei’s method takes at least 15-20 minutes. At the end, the surface of the tongue can also be gently massaged with a toothbrush. As for the frequency of daily oral cleaning, you can master the “333 principle”, that is, brush your teeth within 3 minutes of meals, 3 times a day, and for more than 3 minutes each time. In addition, dental plaque will continue to accumulate, so it is necessary to perform regular dental cleanings every six months to remove plaque and tartar to avoid damage to dental implants after fillings and endangering the health of the original teeth. The Taiwan Health Insurance Administration currently provides Taiwanese people with a monthly payment for teeth cleaning every six months. It is recommended that the public make good use of health insurance resources to maintain oral health.

Further reading:

My teeth can’t get white no matter how I brush them, maybe it’s caused by taking “this drug”! The most effective solution to medical exposure

Should teeth whitening be done with patches or laser? Doctors reveal the “4 points” judgment: bleaching too white will harm your teeth

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