Will the colorectal cancer population surge in 2023? Experts reveal "1 reason" that makes people ignore it: the diagnosis is already in the fourth stage

Will the number of colorectal cancer patients decline in 2020? As the epidemic cools down, patients may “bounce growth”
Three years since COVID-19 swept the world, many people have reduced the frequency of going to the hospital. Even if there is an abnormality in their body, they are unwilling to check the cause, and unknowingly let the disease gradually worsen. In fact, for colorectal cancer, which has always been among the top ten cancers in Taiwan, even if the cancer is diagnosed at an advanced stage, surgical treatment can have a high cure rate; using “relay treatment” of chemotherapy and multi-line targeted drugs, The overall survival period can also reach about 3 years or more.
Professor Yang Chunhao, Chairman of the Colorectal Surgery Society of the Taiwan and Dean of the National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University Hospital, said that according to cancer registration data from 2016 to 2019, the number of colorectal cancer diagnoses has shown an upward trend in the past four years, but from 2016 to In 2020, the outpatient data and hospitalization data of the National Health Insurance Department were combined with the analysis of major injuries and illnesses. The numbers showed a decline in 2020, which is inferred to be related to the reduction in the number of people screened. It is expected that after the epidemic slows down and policies are relaxed, the number of new diagnoses of colorectal cancer may show “bounce growth” in 2023.
As the COVID-19 epidemic continues to cool down, people’s fear of going to the hospital has also faded. The Colorectal Surgery Society of the Taiwan reminds you that during the epidemic period, if you have experienced 8 major symptoms such as abdominal distension and pain, bloody stools with mucus, obvious changes in bowel habits, frequent diarrhea or constipation, thinner and smaller stools, weight loss, anemia, and palpable lumps, etc. , colorectal cancer may have exceeded the first stage, and in severe cases, it may even be the fourth stage. If you have the above symptoms, people should go to the hospital for examination immediately, and do not delay medical treatment and miss the golden treatment period.
It was only after an examination that I was diagnosed with stage four colorectal cancer! “2 therapies” combined treatment allowed him to have no recurrence in 4 years
Even if you suffer from stage 4 colorectal cancer, is there still a chance to control the disease as long as you seek medical treatment immediately? Mr. Li, 60, was found to have colon polyps during an examination 12 years ago. Although he knew he was in a high-risk group, he stopped following the examination due to discomfort during the examination. Until March 2018, I went to the doctor for a checkup because I often felt tired. Immediately, I found a 4 cm tumor on my colon. After several rounds of referrals, I was sent to Taipei Veterans General Hospital. When I underwent further examination, I found that there were 3 metastatic tumors on my liver. , diagnosed with stage IV colorectal cancer.
Mr. Li recalled that he was shocked when he learned about his condition and was filled with fear. However, when he saw his wife beside him crying in sadness, Mr. Li decided to collect his emotions and take active treatment measures with the doctor. After discussion, Mr. Li decided to try chemotherapy and targeted drug relay treatment first. Fortunately, the tumors shrank to meet the resection criteria and 2 tumors were successfully removed. It has been 4 years since the operation and the patient is under stable control with no signs of recurrence.
Targeted drug “relay treatment” improves 3-year survival rate and “1 drug” is included in health insurance to reduce patient burden
According to Mr. Li’s experience, targeted drug relay treatment for stage 4 colorectal cancer can indeed effectively prolong the patient’s survival. Dr. Huang Shengjie, Department of Colorectal Surgery, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, explained that with the development of targeted drugs, when doctors face patients with stage IV colorectal cancer, they first consider whether to perform surgery as the primary goal. If the patient’s condition does not allow it, Targeted drug relay treatment is very important.
Dr. Huang Shengjie pointed out that for patients with stage IV colorectal cancer who did not use any targeted drugs, the average survival time was only 4.77 months; if one targeted drug was used, it could be extended to 17.23 months; if two more targeted drugs could be used, For targeted drugs, this can be increased to 26.87 months. If you are lucky enough to be able to use 3 targeted drugs, it can be greatly improved to 35.97 months. Compared with patients who do not use targeted drugs, the overall survival period is increased by approximately 7.5 times.
Dr. Huang Shengjie explained that the effect of chemotherapy and targeted drugs is to inhibit the outward expansion of tumors, and it is best to shrink the tumors. Cancer cells that are free in the blood and lymph can also be eliminated with chemotherapy and targeted drugs. If the patient responds well to the targeted drugs and can be treated “line by line”, the survival period will be effective with the help of drugs. elongated.
In addition, many patients with stage IV colorectal cancer will constantly explore the effectiveness of different drugs on tumors when choosing target drugs. According to the analysis, there is no significant difference in the treatment efficacy of the left/right side tumors of stage IV colorectal cancer when “anti-angiogenic growth factor-targeted drugs” or “anti-epidermal growth factor” targeted drugs are used in the first line. . Therefore, if there is cost consideration, patients can choose to have their medicines covered by health insurance to reduce their burden.
The proportion of colorectal cancer liver metastases accounts for 67%. Liver resection combined with local ablation increases survival time by 3 times.
Unlike other cancers, when liver metastases occur in colorectal cancer, there is still a chance that the tumor can be removed surgically. Dr. Lin Hongxin from the Department of Colorectal Surgery, Department of Surgery, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, pointed out that among the 1,583 colorectal cancer patients, liver metastases accounted for about 67% and lung metastases accounted for 38%, indicating that the majority of colorectal cancer patients Cancer cells easily metastasize to the liver. If chemotherapy and targeted drug treatment go well and successfully control and shrink the tumor, the patient can then undergo surgery to remove it.
Dr. Lin Hongxin explained that data analysis shows that patients with stage IV liver metastases from colorectal cancer without genetic mutations have an average survival time of only 17.10 months without surgical intervention. If tumors that have metastasized to the liver are surgically removed, the average survival period can be significantly increased to 45.53 months; even if only local ablation is used to remove cancer cells, the average survival period can be 38.13 months.
If surgery can be combined with ablation therapy, the average survival period can even be extended to 49.93 months, showing that multi-party intervention can effectively enhance the therapeutic effect. A similar situation exists for patients with stage IV liver metastases of colorectal cancer with genetic mutations. .
Regularly undergo fecal occult blood screening every two years to make early diagnosis and grasp the golden treatment period
Dr. Lin Hongxin reminded that the Taiwan Health Promotion Administration currently provides fecal occult blood tests for people aged 50-74 every two years. People who meet the screening qualifications should be screened regularly. If high-risk groups have a family history, have been found to have colon polyps, or have had ulcerative colon inflammation, it is best to undergo regular colonoscopy in advance. If you are unfortunately diagnosed, facing it bravely is the right attitude.
Dr. Lin Hongxin said that the cure rate of colorectal cancer in stages 1 to 3 has been very good. Even if the stage 4 tumor metastasizes to the liver, there is still a chance that chemotherapy combined with targeted drugs can be used to make patients more acceptable. Tumor removal surgery. Even just relying on chemotherapy combined with targeted drug relay treatment can achieve good therapeutic effects and greatly extend the survival period. On the other hand, passive avoidance will not help improve the condition at all.
Finally, Dr. Huang Shengjie said that the treatment methods of colorectal cancer have continued to improve, and both the cure rate and survival period have continued to improve significantly. If patients can be detected early, the cure rate in the first three stages can reach an average of about 70%. Even if the fourth stage tumor metastasizes, there is still a chance to remove the tumor through multi-specialist cooperation. Therefore, when suspected symptoms appear in the body, an examination should be arranged immediately. Even if you have cancer, you should face it bravely and receive early treatment.
Further reading:
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