Colorectal cancer kills 6,000 people every year! The reason is that these people don't like screening: they are afraid of shame for internal examination

Colorectal cancer kills 6,000 people every year! The reason is that these people don\'t like screening: they are afraid of shame for internal examination

One person develops colorectal cancer every half hour! If you tolerate the rape, you may miss the golden treatment period.

According to the latest cancer registration data from the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Health Promotion Administration, there were 16,829 newly diagnosed cases of colorectal cancer in 2020, ranking first in the number of cancer incidences for 15 consecutive years. The incidence rate among men is 1.5 times that of women. According to statistics, in Taiwan On average, one person will suffer from colorectal cancer every 31 minutes and 14 seconds; more than 6,000 patients die from colorectal cancer every year, which has a huge impact on the health of Taiwanese people.

Since nearly 90% of colorectal cancer occurs in people over 50 years old, and the incidence rate increases with age, in order to reduce the incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer, the Taiwan Health Promotion Administration provides free treatment for people aged 50-74 every two years. Quantitative immunoassay fecal occult blood test, empirical research shows that regular screening every 2 years can reduce the incidence of late colorectal cancer by 29% and the mortality rate by 35%.

Director of the National Health Department Wu Zhaojun called on the public to receive regular colorectal cancer screening to detect potential “intestinal” risks. Those with negative screening results should maintain regular colorectal cancer screening every two years; if the results are positive, they should further undergo colonoscopy at a medical institution. According to cancer registration data, among those with positive colorectal cancer screening results, 1 in 2 people will have colorectal polyps, and 1 in 20 people will have colorectal cancer. Therefore, we must not tolerate it to avoid missing the golden treatment period. .

Colorectal cancer testing is like solving a “criminal case”! Doctors revealed that finding out the key murderer relied on “this examination”

Dr. Lai Zhengda, currently secretary-general of the Colorectal Surgery Society of the Taiwan and a colorectal surgery specialist at Mackay Memorial Hospital, said that fecal occult blood testing is like looking for a “murder weapon” to find out the “murderer” causing intestinal bleeding, and then use it more accurately. A “criminal case” can only be solved if medical equipment is used for testing. “Intestinal bleeding does not mean there is polyp hyperplasia. It needs to be further confirmed through colonoscopy or gastroscopy.”

Dr. Lai Zhengda pointed out that past journals have confirmed that as long as colorectal cancer screening is carried out early and regularly, there is a chance of reducing colorectal cancer mortality by nearly 60%. However, many people still reject screening and even do not agree to remove polyps, fearing pain, bleeding, and even complications. “In fact, the complication rate of polyp removal is far less than one in 1,000, so people should not have the wrong mentality!”

The report shows that the incidence rate of colorectal cancer in men is 1.5 times that of women, but the number of people screened and the number of polyps detected in the early stage is higher than that of women. Dr. Lai Zhengda explained that in fact, among the five cancer screenings promoted by the government (oral cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and cervical cancer), two are related to cervical cancer and breast cancer. Most women will be screened together; while men usually delay seeking medical treatment because they don’t like to undergo colonoscopy or are ashamed of internal examinations. This prevents men from early detection and early treatment, which in turn increases the risk of cancer.

Don’t neglect medical treatment because you are busy at work or afraid of pain! 8 simple steps for easy screening at home

Lin Liru, leader of the Cancer Prevention and Treatment Group of the Taiwan Health Promotion Administration, added that from 2017 to 2021, the colorectal polyp screening rates were 43.2%, 43.3%, 44.1%, 47.0%, and 51.8% respectively, and there is an increasing trend. The reasons may be The increased willingness of the public to undergo examinations shows that the concept of early screening and early treatment has gradually taken root in people’s hearts. Therefore, men should not miss the golden treatment period for cancer because they are busy at work or are too shy to seek medical treatment. Early screening and colonoscopy can significantly reduce cancer mortality.

Team leader Lin Liru said that early-stage colorectal cancer is easy to cure and has a five-year survival rate of more than 90%, but the survival rate of stage 4 colorectal cancer is only 15%. Because early-stage colorectal cancer has no symptoms, it can be detected early through regular screening. In addition, as the COVID-19 epidemic slows down, the Taiwan Health Promotion Administration encourages people who are eligible for colorectal cancer screening to get screened as soon as possible. The fecal occult blood test is not invasive and does not require dietary restrictions before the test. It only requires the following 8 steps. , you can easily get regular screening at home:

  1. Bring your health insurance card to a health insurance designated medical center to receive a fecal tube.

  2. Write your name, date and time of collection on the label outside the collection tube.

  3. After rotating the tube cap, pull the feces picker rod upwards. Do not pour out the water inside.

  4. Place toilet paper diagonally in the toilet to prevent feces from falling into the water and making it difficult to collect.

  5. Sit on the toilet and defecate (you can also obtain a test sample after defecating on a newspaper).

  6. Repeatedly scrape back and forth across the entire stool to collect an appropriate amount of specimen.

  7. Insert the stool collection tube stained with specimen back into the tube and cover it firmly.

  8. Return to the medical institution and go home to wait for the test report.

Identify colorectal polyps and “remove them immediately” without surgery. Delayed treatment may increase the risk of cancer by 30%

Finally, Dr. Lai Zhengda emphasized that in addition to regular screening, it is also very important for those who screen positive to undergo further colonoscopy diagnosis. Through colonoscopy, polyps hidden in the large intestine can be found, and most polyps can be removed as soon as they are discovered. , no additional surgery is required, and the development of precancerous lesions can be blocked as early as possible to avoid further deterioration into colorectal cancer.

Research shows that people with positive screening results have a 20-30 times higher risk of colorectal cancer than the general population. If a colonoscopy is not confirmed for more than 6 months, the risk of cancer will increase by 30%; if no further diagnosis is made, the risk of colorectal cancer will increase by 30%. The risk of cancer death will increase by 64%. Therefore, we remind you that when the screening result is positive, you should undergo further colonoscopy to ensure the health of your intestines.

Further reading:

The latest results of the “Top Ten Cancers” are out! Nearly half cannot be screened early? “This Cancer” continues to dominate the charts for 15 years

Will the colorectal cancer population surge in 2023? Experts reveal “1 reason” that makes people ignore it: the diagnosis is already in the fourth stage

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