The clinic can also screen for hepatitis B and C! Asymptomatic of chronic hepatitis, the viral load in her body exceeded 50 million

The clinic can also screen for hepatitis B and C! Asymptomatic of chronic hepatitis, the viral load in her body exceeded 50 million

Celebrities in Taiwan and abroad are often rumored to have died of liver cancer. Liver cancer ranks second among the top ten cancer deaths in Taiwan. Statistics in 2020 indicate that as many as 11,737 people died from liver cancer, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. Director of the National Health Service Wu Zhaojun said that 80% of liver cancers are related to hepatitis B and hepatitis C. The liver is a silent organ, and people may not know their liver status. They should receive hepatitis B and hepatitis C screening as soon as possible.

There are no obvious symptoms of liver disease in the early stage. Once symptoms appear, it is usually in the late stage. The most important risk factors are hepatitis B and hepatitis C carriers. About 15-20% of chronic hepatitis carriers will develop cirrhosis, and liver cirrhosis Increases the risk of liver cancer. The WHO has announced the elimination of viral hepatitis by 2030, and Taiwan has set a goal to eliminate hepatitis C by 2025.

Wu Zhaojun pointed out that starting from September last year, people aged 45 to 79 can receive a free lifetime hepatitis B and hepatitis C screening test. In just one year, 1.4 million people were screened, far exceeding the total number in the previous 10 years. In March this year, the number of designated medical institutions for “adult preventive health services” will be relaxed, and all specialists can provide screening services.

I didn’t know that the original hepatitis C carrier had a viral load of over 50 million.

Dr. Liu Maobin, secretary-general of the Taichung Medical Association and director of Taichung Xiangxin Clinic, pointed out that screening for hepatitis B and hepatitis C is simple and only requires a blood draw. People only need to insert their health insurance card during regular health checkups or three-high checkups. If you are eligible, you can receive screening to help you detect liver problems early. There was once a male patient who had been treated in a clinic for long-term treatment of high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia. Although his liver index and fetal alpha protein were normal, he was screened for hepatitis B and the tumor was 9 centimeters in size.

In addition, Dr. Liu Maobin also shared the case of another 67-year-old woman who was originally treated for diabetes at the clinic. During the consultation, she mentioned that she had a history of hepatitis C in the past, but she did not know the status of the treatment. After undergoing liver C screening, the viral load was as high as 53 million. It can be said that “the whole body is full of viruses”, but there are no obvious symptoms in the body.

Dr. Liu Maobin reminded that the liver has a strong compensatory capacity, and it has no nerves and will not feel pain. Unless liver cancer compresses surrounding organs, there are usually no symptoms in the early stages. It is best to get screened for liver B and C as early as possible, and treat the virus as soon as possible once the virus is found. Nowadays, treatment of liver C only requires taking medicine for 8-12 weeks to provide a “quick solution”, avoiding interruption of treatment and increasing the risk of drug resistance.

Asymptomatic liver cancer is like “the oriole behind”. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C must be tracked regularly.

Dr. Dai Jiayan, deputy director of the Chung Ho Memorial Hospital affiliated to Kaohsiung Medical University, said that people in rural areas tend to ignore the importance of screening. He once screened a patient for hepatitis B in an outreach clinic and found no symptoms. Ultrasound examination unexpectedly revealed a small liver cancer. Fortunately, he was discovered in time and is currently preparing for surgical treatment.

Dr. Dai Jiayan pointed out that the biggest benefit of screening for hepatitis B and hepatitis C is that it can immediately know whether the virus is present, and chronic hepatitis is a high risk factor for liver cancer. The vast majority of liver cancer patients have hepatitis B or hepatitis C carriers. Once chronic hepatitis is detected, regular follow-up visits are necessary. When early-stage liver cancer is discovered, radical surgery can be performed immediately to obtain a longer survival time.

“Cure hepatitis B and hepatitis C is the first thing, but liver cancer is still behind, so you must come back to the clinic regularly to report!” Dr. Dai Jiayan explained that the treatment effect of hepatitis C can now reach 98%-99% Cure rate: To achieve the goal of eliminating hepatitis C by 2025, increasing screening rates is an important key. We hope that everyone will receive at least one hepatitis screening test to help reduce the threat to health caused by liver disease.

The National Health Department also reminds the public that early detection and appropriate treatment through hepatitis screening can effectively block the trilogy of hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer. Taiwanese should pay more attention to the 8 key points of “protecting the liver”: avoid risk factors such as sharing needles, maintain a healthy weight, maintain a healthy diet, exercise more, avoid excessive drinking, prevent fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, and hepatitis screening (positive screening test Patients should seek medical treatment early and follow up treatment regularly).

Further reading:

Are there signs of poor liver function? Beware of bad breath and bruises! Failure to sleep well may increase the risk of fatty liver disease by 78%

Is the “liver index” so high because of “eating too much” and “playing too much”? Doctor: Unsafe sex may increase the risk of hepatitis

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