Give your children enough protection! Can children eat Korean ginseng? Nutritionist reveals real benefits

Give your children enough protection! Can children eat Korean ginseng? Nutritionist reveals real benefits

In recent years, public health issues have been spreading, and the environment is full of various germs, posing potential risks to children whose protective powers have not yet fully developed. Nutritionist Gao Minmin said that in addition to taking basic anti-epidemic measures and washing hands frequently, parents should also pay attention to their children’s balanced diet and eat more original foods to regulate immunity and enhance protection. If your child is often picky about food, doesn’t eat enough, or wants to get more nutrients, you can choose nutritional supplements to lay the foundation for your child’s good physique.

Are children picky eaters and undernourished? Korean ginseng helps children lay the foundation for health

Nutritionist Gao Minmin explained that the main sources of nutrition for children include natural foods and nutritional supplements. Children who are picky eaters can make eating more interesting through visual interaction or parent-child fun, such as arranging the dishes in cartoon shapes or dicing fruits and vegetables. Among other dishes; as summer is prone to loss of appetite, you can also use sour foods to help whet your appetite, such as lemons, cucumbers, plums, cherry tomatoes, etc., so that your children can still eat enough nutrients.

Parents often ask: When is it appropriate for children to take nutritional supplements? Nutritionist Gao Minmin pointed out that infants and young children aged 4 to 6 months do not need nutritional supplements because they have breast milk or infant formula as a source of nutrition; while children over 5 years old should choose more natural and fresh foods. As part of three meals, children can also be moderately supplemented with nutrients that are neutral, warming and easy to absorb, such as 6-year-old Korean ginseng, to help children regulate their immunity.

Nutritionist Gao Minmin said that if your child does not like to eat tablet-like or granular foods, you can choose yogurt-like or liquid nutrition instead. In addition, before purchasing, you should make sure that it is a nutritional supplement for “children” to avoid letting children take adult dosage, which may cause adverse effects.

There is a rumor that children eating Korean ginseng will be too hot and tonic? Nutritionists reveal the real benefits

Is there any doubt that ginseng, which is considered to have obvious benefits for nutritional supplements in traditional concepts, is not suitable for children to nurse? Will letting children eat ginseng cause health problems such as excessive heat and excessive supplementation? Nutritionist Gao Minmin also refuted the rumors. The NDI certification of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the intake of “6-year-old Korean ginseng” for children over 3 years old, so parents do not need to worry too much.

Nutritionist Gao Minmin explains that 6-year-old Korean ginseng contains more than 30 kinds of ginseng saponins, acidic polysaccharides, etc., which can help children improve their resistance and balance immunity. These nutrients help promote growth, brain development, and gastrointestinal health. benefit. If your child is physically weak and often feels tired, has diarrhea or catches a cold, he or she can supplement Korean ginseng in an appropriate amount to adjust his or her physical condition. However, if the child is sick or has concerns about intake, he or she should first consult a nutritionist or physician.

In addition to the 6-year-old Korean ginseng, which is rich in acidic polysaccharides and ginsenosides, there are also various elements in the natural environment that can help increase children’s protective power. Gao Minmin nutritionist gave an example. Probiotics can help adjust intestinal flora and improve physical fitness; anthocyanins have strong antioxidant effects, especially the anthocyanins in mulberry and aronia. Parents choose Korean ginseng for nutrition. When eating, you can also consider whether the nutrients are diverse and sufficient.

There are three key points that parents should pay attention to when choosing children’s nutritional products!

Dietitian Gao Minmin reminds that giving children nutritional supplements is not “the more the better”. If the amount and type are not appropriately selected, the best effect on the child’s health may not be achieved. Nutritionists recommend that three major principles should be followed when supplementing nutritional supplements:

  1. The source of ingredients must be guaranteed: Parents should pay special attention to whether the product has a national quality mark (SNQ) and whether the manufacturer is a GMP pharmaceutical factory, so that the quality is well controlled.

  2. Avoid products with excessive dosages: Many nutritious foods on the market are made to taste like candy, and children can easily “overdo it” if they eat them one bite after another. Therefore, parents should pay attention to the upper limit of intake.

  3. Avoid too many flavors and pigments: Brightly colored products may attract children’s attention, but eating too many pigments may cause a burden on health. Therefore, when choosing children’s health products, parents should choose “no artificial flavors” , “no artificial colors”, “no preservatives”, “no caffeine” products are mainly products.

A must-read for children to improve their protection! Keep in mind the “four dos and four don’ts” in daily life

Entering the post-epidemic era, nutritionist Gao Minmin emphasized that in addition to daily dietary intake and nutritional supplements, children must also develop good living habits and summarize the life principles of “four musts and four no’s” to help children maintain a healthy physique and Regulate immunity and protect against threats from the external environment.

  • Nutrition must be sufficient: the daily diet should be based on natural “prototype foods”.

  • Keep a normal schedule: Children are in the developmental stage, and sleep quality is very important. Try to go to bed before 11 o’clock to help secrete growth hormone and help you be more energetic when learning and doing activities.

  • Exercise regularly: Encouraging children to exercise can prevent obesity and metabolize excess waste in the body. In addition, adequate sun exposure helps the body synthesize vitamin D and contributes to bone development.

  • Choose nutritional products carefully: If your child’s daily diet is not enough and needs more supplements, he should look for major international brands with safety labels to ensure quality. Do not buy brands from unknown sources, which may affect children’s health. When choosing Korean ginseng, parents are advised to choose international brands of Korean ginseng from large factories, which are most helpful in protecting their children.

Nutritionist Gao Minmin suggested that many bad habits in daily life may increase the physical burden on children, which not only affects their growth, but may also lead to a decrease in protective power. Parents should pay more attention to the following “4 don’ts” to reduce their children’s vulnerability to illness and other health risks.

  • Do not consume too much sweets and artificial colors: it is easy to develop an inflammatory constitution.

  • Avoid fried and processed foods: they increase oxidative stress in the body.

  • Do not overuse 3C products: blue light stimulation can easily affect sleep and lead to decreased immunity.

  • Not staying up late: affects melatonin synthesis and reduces cell repair ability.

Further reading:

What is the healthiest way for children to eat when they are “schooling at home”? Nutritionist Gao Minmin reveals the “5 must-have foods”

The stronger your immunity, the better! How to maintain normal immune function? Nutritionist reveals the “5 major nutrients” you must eat

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