Can children also get COVID-19? Understand the "Ten Major Side Effects" at once! Seek medical attention immediately if your child has "6 troubles"

Can children also get COVID-19? Understand the "Ten Major Side Effects" at once! Seek medical attention immediately if your child has "6 troubles"

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, patients infected with the disease have been experiencing many persistent physical symptoms in various parts of the world. The medical community is currently calling it “post-COVID-19” or “long-COVID-19 syndrome.” Dr. Wang Zhiyao, director of the Children’s Hospital of China Medical University, said that there is currently very little information on pediatric patients in this area, and it was only in April that the new coronavirus began to spread significantly in the community in Taiwan. Among them, about 20% are teenagers and children, and this group has a 10-30% chance of developing COVID-19 syndrome, which will affect daily life and schoolwork. Therefore, long-term care deserves long-term attention from the country and the medical community.

Will children also suffer from the sequelae of COVID-19? If “10 major symptoms” occur, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Dr. Xie Kaisheng, deputy director of the Children’s Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and host of the post-COVID-19 children’s diagnosis, treatment and care project DISCOVER, explained that during the recovery period after being infected with the new coronavirus, as many as 73% still develop post-COVID-19 symptoms, ranking first to tenth in terms of sequelae. Cough (43.5%), sore throat/throat problems (35.1%), earache/ear problems (34.9%), weight loss/gain (33.1%), physical weakness (31.8%), lack of motivation (25.3%), Trouble sleeping (24.7%), chest pain (23.4%), difficulty concentrating (23.4%), and palpitations (22.7%).

Symptom data shows that after being infected with the new coronavirus, multiple organs in a child’s body are still significantly affected, and they also require integrated care from various sub-specialties. Dr. Wang Zhiyao emphasized that “COVID-19 in children” not only causes chronic inflammation of the body’s organ systems, but also affects all aspects of psychology. Statistical analysis shows that 22.7% will feel depressed, 19.4% will feel depressed, and 25.3% will lack motivation. , 22.7% are more anxious than before, and 11.7% are not interested in anything.

How to treat children infected with COVID-19? Medically launched “Special Outpatient Clinic” provides comprehensive physical and mental care at once

Based on the above, Dr. Wang Zhiyao calls on parents to still pay attention to whether there are physical or psychological symptoms after their children recover from the new coronavirus infection. If they still have the above-mentioned physical discomfort, reduced activity, easy fatigue, shortness of breath, and poor diet after being infected with the new coronavirus, Changes in sleeping habits, lagging behind in learning, interpersonal relationships and other problems require a detailed overall assessment by a pediatrician to formulate a treatment and care plan, so as to be able to escape from the entanglement of post-COVID-19 syndrome.

Dr. Wang Zhiyao, dean of China Medical University Children’s Hospital, said that after careful planning, China Medical University Children’s Hospital took the lead in launching the “Children’s Post-COVID-19 Special Outpatient Clinic” on July 1. In more than a month, as of August 12, there have been 154 cases. The above-mentioned children and adolescents with post-COVID-19 came to seek medical treatment due to sequelae, and the gender ratio was 59.7% among boys than 39.5% among girls.

The “Special Post-COVID-19 Clinic for Children” and the DISCOVER care plan of the Children’s Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine integrate experts and examinations and evaluations from various sub-specialties in the hospital. In order to reduce the inconvenience of family members seeking medical treatment across disciplines, no matter which department parents register their children with, You can get physical and mental care assistance at the “Children’s Post-COVID-19 Special Clinic”, track symptoms for a long time until recovery, and accompany parents to help children get rid of the consequences of the COVID-19 virus as soon as possible.

Further reading:

Is the fatality rate of MIS-A in adults 3 times that of children? Medical Alert: Seek medical attention immediately if these 2 signs appear

Will children develop COVID-19 if diagnosed? Intensive care doctors urge parents to pay attention to the “5 major sequelae”

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