The child cannot speak in sentences and cannot pay attention! Is it a sign of autism? "10 Key Points" to help you make judgments

The child cannot speak in sentences and cannot pay attention! Is it a sign of autism? "10 Key Points" to help you make judgments

Does your child have trouble speaking in sentences or lack of concentration? Doctor: It may be “autism” and not an upbringing problem

A preschooler’s speech “cannot form sentences” and lack of concentration, could this be a sign of “autism”? Dr. Du Xiaoxin, a neonatologist at the Cheng Ching Hospital Chung Kang Branch, pointed out that before a boy received a vaccination in the clinic, his mother and the doctor revealed that the boy next door was also 3 years old and had the ability to speak and form sentences, but his own child Still babbling and unable to form a sentence.

The mother blamed herself, thinking that she was too busy working and sent her child to a nanny, and whether she had neglected to educate her, which resulted in the child not being able to speak. However, after a consultation with a doctor, he unexpectedly learned that the boy had autistic tendencies. Dr. Du Xiaoxin believes that children with autism spectrum disorder are congenital and not a problem of parental upbringing. After being recommended to receive early behavioral therapy, the child has slowly regained his normal behavior pattern.

Speech delay is not “a big chicken crows slowly”! Parents should not ignore the “10 characteristics” of autism

According to guidelines published by the Centers for Disease and Prevention (CDC), social communication and interaction skills are more challenging for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) than for the general population. They may avoid eye contact, show no emotional reactions, stop playing with other children, or even show a lack of interest. In addition, most patients with autism spectrum disorder syndrome may have the following characteristics:

  1. Delayed language skills.

  2. Delay in action skills.

  3. Cognitive/learning delays.

  4. Hyperactivity, impulsivity, or inattention.

  5. Epilepsy.

  6. Abnormal eating and sleeping habits.

  7. Gastrointestinal problems (such as constipation).

  8. Abnormal emotional reactions.

  9. Anxiety, stress, or excessive worry.

  10. Lack of fear/too much fear.

According to the guide, Dr. Du Xiaoxin said that when he guided the boy to talk in the clinic, he received an indifferent expression. Instead, he was interested in the doctor’s stethoscope, and after touching it for a few times, he became bored again. The doctor asked the mother about the child’s daily life and said that the nanny often complained that the child could not play with toys for more than a minute, did not respond when called by name, seemed to be unable to concentrate, had a strange temperament, and screamed involuntarily easily.

“The boy obviously has speech delay. This is not a “big chicken crows slowly””, but may be caused by autism spectrum disorder syndrome! “Dr. Du Xiaoxin said that this situation is not a problem of upbringing, but caused by the child’s congenital genetic damage or environmental factors. Symptoms of autism spectrum disorders begin to appear in early childhood and continue throughout life. The golden period of treatment is before the age of 6. From the teaching of daily behaviors, it is slowly guided back to normal behavior patterns. It is recommended that children go to professional institutions for early treatment. Remedial therapy.

A child can call “Mom” when he is 1 and a half years old! Doctor: Parents should pay attention to their children’s “language development”

Dr. Du Xiaoxin reminded the boy’s mother to pay special attention to the child’s problems. Therefore, when the mother takes the child to see a doctor, she often teaches her to guide the child through parent-child interaction and establish the child’s normal behavior in terms of interests, achievements, emotions, etc. Behavior patterns, if learned well, will be no different from normal people in life and work when they grow up. The mother later quit her job to focus on being with her children.

Dr. Du Xiaoxin pointed out that there are traces of children’s language development. For example, they can call simple words such as mother and dog before one and a half years old; they can express actions and add names by the age of two, such as drinking water; they can use more words by the age of three. Parents need to carefully observe their children’s language development process. If they have any doubts, it is best to see a neonatologist for further evaluation. The sooner treatment is received, the better the effect.

However, Dr. Du Xiaoxin believes that it is a relatively rare case like this 3-year-old boy who has autism spectrum disorder syndrome that affects his language ability. People with autism spectrum disorder symptoms may communicate, interact, behave, and learn differently from most other people. Some people with autism spectrum disorders require more assistance in daily life. It is recommended that they go to the clinic to have their symptoms confirmed by a doctor before further treatment.


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - CDC

Further reading:

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