"Chawanmushi" is the first choice for those who eat out and control their diet? Nutritionist reveals the "6 major dietary strategies" you must know for three meals outside

"Chawanmushi" is the first choice for those who eat out and control their diet? Nutritionist reveals the "6 major dietary strategies" you must know for three meals outside

Recently, the topic of “chawanmushi” has been spreading. Many people are curious whether chawanmushi, which contains high-quality proteins such as eggs, chicken and edamame, can be used as an option for eating out to control diet? Nutritionist Gao Minmin pointed out in a social post that office workers “eat like foreigners” and often fail to absorb sufficient and balanced nutrition. The total calories of chawanmushi are about 90-150 calories, which is indeed one of the high-protein and low-calorie foods.

Dietitian Gao Minmin said that it is recommended that people who eat out who are always worried about eating the wrong calories and nutritional imbalances can use the following steps to match meals at the common “six major outside food restaurants” to help them fully absorb sufficient nutrients:

1. Hot pot restaurant

Staple food: udon noodles

Protein: low-fat seafood

Side dishes: vegetable plate

Drink/Soup: Kelp soup base

Dining principles:

  • It is recommended to avoid the sauce when eating hot pot and just enjoy the original flavor.

  • Do not drink the hot pot soup base before finishing it to avoid excessive sodium content in the body.

  • Give priority to kombu soup base, and avoid spicy hotpot, kimchi hotpot, etc.

  • For ingredients, you can choose low-fat seafood, chicken, pork, etc., and choose less pork belly.

  • The staple food can be replaced with udon noodles and glass noodles, which are lower in calories and will make you feel full.

2. Noodle shop

Staple food: Yangchun noodle soup

Protein: Cold Tofu

Side dish: kelp

Drink/Soup: Sugar-free black tea

Dining principles:

  • Noodles are mainly light Yangchun soup noodles, and less dry noodles and fried noodles with high sodium content are preferred.

  • Do not add dried meat to blanched vegetables to avoid absorbing too much fat.

  • The soups are mainly seaweed egg drop soup and vegetable soup.

  • Pairing it with sugar-free tea can help remove oil and greasiness and avoid sugary drinks.

3. Sushi restaurant

Staple: Salmon sushi

Protein: Chawanmushi

Side dishes: cold side dishes

Drink/Soup: Sugar-free Matcha

Dining principles:

  • The main types of sushi are whole fish, such as mackerel, eel, salmon, etc. Although the calories are slightly higher, it is rich in fish oil and can be consumed in moderation.

  • Avoid caramel and roasted products, as in addition to refined sugar, mayonnaise and other processed products are also added.

  • You can choose flower sushi with a variety of ingredients. Usually flower sushi contains vegetable ingredients, so you can eat more nutrients.

Chawanmushi is a high-protein, low-calorie dietary source that can increase satiety. If you need to lose weight, chawanmushi can be used as a snack when you are craving for food. It is a great tool for diet control for those who eat out.

4. Convenience store

Staple food: brown rice

Protein: braised chicken legs

Side dishes: three-box bento dishes

Drink/Soup: Seaweed soup

Dining principles:

  • It is recommended to use “steamed, boiled, braised, grilled” ingredients as the main choices.

  • Grasp the order of eating vegetables first, then eating meat, and then eating rice. Chewing slowly can slow down the rise in blood sugar.

  • Those who need to control sugar can reduce the amount of white rice and increase the intake of vegetable fiber to make their diet healthier.

5. Fast food restaurant

Staple food: Pan-fried chicken drumsticks

Protein: Add eggs

Side dish: Japanese salad

Drink/soup: fresh milk

Dining principles:

  • It is recommended to mainly choose burgers with fried chicken legs and less fried chicken or burgers containing fried products.

  • Meals are mainly served with salads and fresh milk, replacing high-calorie French fries and sugary drinks.

  • For salads, be sure to use Japanese dressing and olive oil as the main ingredients, and avoid Caesar dressing and mayonnaise. Otherwise, the original salad with less than 100 calories will increase to 2-3 times the calories.

6. Beef noodle shop

Staple food: noodles

Protein: Beef stew

Side dish: cold cucumbers

Drink/Soup: Stewed soup base

Dining principles:

  • It is recommended to mainly use clear stew soup base, and choose less tomato and braised soup base.

  • For meat, you can choose beef tendon or tendon. You can try the higher-calorie sirloin and beef offal occasionally.

  • Thick noodles are preferred. In addition to providing a higher sense of satiety, they are also chewier and absorb less fat than thin noodles.

Nutritionist Gao Minmin also reminded that although it is inevitable for office workers to eat three meals out, it is recommended that the dietary content should still be based on “prototype foods”, mainly white meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, beans and nuts, and avoid processed or processed foods. Fried food not only ensures balanced nutrition, but also has the effect of maintaining body shape and avoiding obesity. If you have any questions about the content of your diet, you should seek advice from a physician or nutritionist.

Further reading:

What should I do if my constipation doesn’t go away? Harvard reveals “8 major measures” for dietary adjustment and drug treatment, understand them all at once

How can outsiders eat a balanced diet? Nutritionist announces “Lazy Man’s Pairing Technique”: Any combination of 25 kinds of ingredients can be healthy

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