What are the characteristics of perpetrators of sexual harassment? How to adjust physically and mentally after being sexually harassed? Doctor: "Low risk and high recidivism" should intervene in psychiatric treatment

What are the characteristics of perpetrators of sexual harassment? How to adjust physically and mentally after being sexually harassed? Doctor: "Low risk and high recidivism" should intervene in psychiatric treatment

The issue of “sexual harassment” has spread, and victims have begun to speak out through social media to report it, covering the political, academic, arts and television media circles, becoming Taiwan’s version of the “Me Too” social movement. In addition to social and cultural influences, the causes of sexual harassment are also related to mental health and gender awareness. Individuals who lack respect and empathy are usually prone to appear in high-power positions. Some cases with “low risk and high recidivism” should receive professional psychiatric medical treatment and psychological consultation in order to reduce the risk of sexual harassment from the root cause.

Which groups are prone to sexual harassment? Is a lack of respect and empathy a warning sign?

Dr. Yang Congcai, director of Yang Congcai Clinic and associate professor of the Department of Social Psychology at Shih Hsin University, said in an exclusive interview with healthorn that groups at high risk of sexual harassment have several characteristics. First, people with a strong desire for power may be more likely to pressure others to engage in sexual harassment. Taking advantage of position and status to engage in sexual harassment.

Secondly, gender discrimination is also an important factor, because most perpetrators are men, who regard sexual harassment as an expression of love for a specific gender or an act of dominance. Furthermore, perpetrators of sexual harassment may be self-centered and lack respect and empathy. They ignore the feelings and wishes of others and put their own needs above others.

“Of course, sexual harassment perpetrators may also have self-affirmation issues. They may regard sexual harassment as a means to demonstrate their rights, self-worth, and sexual attraction!” However, Dr. Yang Congcai reminds that the behavioral and psychological characteristics of sexual harassment perpetrators may not necessarily It is related to appearance. People who dress well and dress well may also be sexually harassed. Appearance and sexual harassment cannot be linked together.

Dr. Yang Congcai said that the proportion of single sexual harassment cases is relatively high, but some groups are “low-risk and high-recidivism” groups, which may be related to special sexual habits such as touch fetishes, or personality disorders such as borderline personality disorder and schizophrenia. It is related to the hallucination symptoms of mental disorder, and appropriate treatment should be intervened according to the mental state.

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Once sexually harassed, how to adjust physically and mentally is the most important problem for victims. Dr. Yang Congcai suggested that victims can seek support systems, including sharing the sexual harassment experienced with close family members and friends to obtain emotional support and comfort. In addition, it is important to protect your own safety. If you feel threatened or dangerous, you should seek a safe environment and protect your rights and interests, and report the crime to the police when necessary.

“It is important to understand and accept your own emotions. When encountering sexual harassment, the victim may feel a variety of emotional reactions such as anger, shame, fear and frustration, and sometimes even lead to post-traumatic stress disorder. We will encourage victims to normalize Feel and express these emotions!”

Dr. Yang Congcai said that practicing self-care is also part of the adjustment for sexual harassment victims, such as breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, sports or art activities. In terms of lifestyle, ensure adequate sleep, a balanced diet and proper rest. If you feel that you are unable to cope with the physical and mental trauma caused by sexual harassment on your own, you can seek help from a psychiatric medical team, including psychiatrists, nurses and counseling psychologists, who can help patients deal with difficult experiences through professional consultation, treatment and support.

Dr. Yang Congcai pointed out that some sexual harassment victims do suffer from long-term sleep disorders due to psychological stress and are unable to work and live normally. They should seek early evaluation and assistance from a psychiatrist. In addition, social support organizations and institutions are important resources. Many social organizations and institutions provide support and assistance to victims of sexual harassment. For example, sexual harassment prevention committees and mental health centers in various counties and cities can provide consultation, legal assistance and support.

Are some causes of sexual harassment related to the so-called “special sexual hobbies” psychological problems? Dr. Yang Chongcai pointed out that the most common one is “touchophilia”. This group of people may touch other people’s buttocks, chests or even sensitive parts while taking public transportation.

In addition, some mental illnesses that are more likely to produce hallucinations and delusions, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (bipolar disorder), may cause patients to have false sexual fantasies. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder may think about sex, and they may display sexually harassing behaviors that are unpleasant and unpleasant. Such sexual harassment cases are often accompanied by emotional disorders and require appropriate medication and behavioral cognitive therapy.

Dr. Yang Chongcai said that “personality disorders” may also be the cause of sexual harassment, such as antisocial personality and borderline personality disorder. These cases are often indifferent to the rights and interests of others and lack compassion and respect when treating others, resulting in inappropriate behavior. actions, including sexual harassment.

Dr. Yang Congcai pointed out that the above-mentioned types of sexual harassment cases may belong to “low-risk and high-recidivism” offenders, and treatment and intervention require psychiatric evaluation at the same time. If they are confirmed to have a mental disorder, further mental medical treatment and psychological counseling are needed to help them establish an understanding of legal norms and respect for others and empathy.

Sexual harassment is not limited to physical contact! Doctors name 5 biggest sex myths

As people from all walks of life come forward to express their experiences of sexual harassment, it has also revealed the lack of awareness of gender equality in society and the long-standing myths about sexual harassment in Taiwanese society. Dr. Yang Chongcai said that the main myths Taiwanese people have about sexual harassment include five major directions:

Myth 1: Sexual harassment doesn’t only happen in the workplace. In fact, sexual harassment can occur in a variety of settings, including schools, social settings, families, and online spaces. Forms of sexual harassment are not limited to physical contact, but also include images and words conveying sexual harassment intentions through social messages.

Myth 2: Women are not the only victims of sexual harassment. While women are disproportionately affected by sexual harassment, sexual harassment can affect people of any gender. Regardless of the gender of the victim, victims should be valued and supported, and a support system and voice channel should be provided for them.

Myth 3: Victims of sexual harassment do not need to remain silent. Remaining silent can easily affect the physical and mental health of the victim, and even encourage the perpetrator’s criminal behavior. Victims of sexual harassment have the right to express their feelings, talk about their experiences and seek support to bring the issue of sexual harassment to the surface and help others avoid similar situations.

Myth 4: Sexual harassment is not a harmless joke or a simple expression of affection. Regardless of the intent, sexual harassment is often a violation of another person, causing fear, embarrassment and distress to the victim. Sexual harassment perpetrators should be made aware that sexual harassment is a sign of disrespect for others’ boundaries and dignity, and should be condemned regardless of appearance.

Myth 5: Sexual harassment involves more than just physical contact. Forms of sexual harassment are not limited to physical contact. Verbal harassment, graphic harassment, and unwelcome sexual innuendos can all be considered contact types of sexual harassment. Even the continuous sending of sexually related messages through digital platforms and social software is classified as sexual harassment.

Is the retroactive period for sexual harassment too short? Counseling for “offenders” should be taken into consideration

In addition, Taiwan has passed the “Three Sexual Equality Laws”, but there are still inconsistent retroactive periods for legal issues arising from sexual harassment incidents. Dr. Yang Congcai believes that the retroactive period of Taiwan’s Sexual Harassment Prevention and Control Act is only one year, which is shorter than the ten-year notice period of the Gender Work Equality Act. Because sexual harassment occurs at the moment, the victim may be frightened, depressed, ashamed, etc., resulting in delays in reporting and seeking help. In the future, we should move towards amending the law to extend the retroactive period.

In addition, considering the correlation between sexual harassment, sexual fetishes, severe mental illness, etc., the treatment of “ill criminals” should also include comprehensive mental medical considerations. Dr. Yang Congcai pointed out that for recidivist sexual harassment offenders, mental medical status should be assessed and corresponding psychological counseling mechanisms should be provided to help prevent recurrence of sexual harassment. This aspect also needs to be continuously improved through future amendments to relevant laws on sexual harassment prevention and control.

Extended reading:

Women who encounter “sexual harassment” are sad and even hurt their bodies! Harvard: The chance of suffering from “hypertension” increases by 21%

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