There is so much chaos in Douyin videos! Use bleach to whiten your teeth or use mascara to plump your lips? Beware of "Permanent Disfigurement"

There is so much chaos in Douyin videos! Use bleach to whiten your teeth or use mascara to plump your lips? Beware of "Permanent Disfigurement"

Are you beautiful above all else? Do you like to get skin care tips through social media no matter what? If so, then beware of wrong beauty knowledge, which may cause irreparable damage to your beautiful face! With the rise of social media in recent years, young people have gone viral and uploaded various short videos to gain knowledge or entertainment in just a few minutes. Among them, Tik Tok has the fastest growth and is also the birthplace of many online popular songs. According to statistics, 25% of users in the United States have the habit of using Douyin. However, the popularity of Douyin has also caused related problems. Many wrong messages are rapidly spreading on the Douyin platform, including various “DIY beauty” information. Be sure to be sure before trying these “Internet remedies” Thoughtful.

A laundry list of strange skin care tips posted on social media can cause skin cancer and permanent disfigurement

The British Broadcasting Corporation (British Broadcasting Corporation) has made a complete report on the phenomenon of Douyin beauty videos. The report pointed out that some creators on Douyin use “bleaching agent” to whiten their teeth, or use it to “remove moles” on their own, and even use mascara to make them look better. Lips look fuller. However, these unsafe DIY teaching videos can be watched and imitated by everyone because they do not violate Douyin’s community standards. British Association of Dermatologists spokesperson Angelique. Anjali Mahto criticized that social media should not be used as the main source of medical knowledge. It can lead to unnecessary panic and may also waste medical resources.

As for using tools to “scrape” moles off your body at home, it is completely unprofessional and dangerous. Current dermatology clinic physician Ross. Dr. Ross Perry believes that there is no truly safe way to remove moles on the body through DIY. This requires professionally trained doctors to complete, and people must not try it on their own; Mascara makes lips plump, British Skin Foundation spokesman Adil. Dr. Adil Sheraz believes that it may cause scarring or permanent disfigurement. Since mascara is not botulinum toxin, applying it will only increase the possibility of skin ulceration, so you should never do it at home.

Keeping the skin white and radiant is one of the daily maintenance goals of many women. However, on Douyin and various social platforms, incorrect maintenance knowledge may cause harm to women’s appearance. For example, some video creators use sunscreen lotion as cosmetics to create facial contours; there are also Internet celebrities who apply citrus fruits on their faces and then expose them to the sun for a long time. Do these whitening tips work? Dermatology clinic physician Wei Shaun. Vishal Madan said that frequent application of sunscreen on the skin without sun exposure will actually cause the skin to age faster and even increase the risk of skin cancer in severe cases. Applying citrus fruits to your face and then exposing yourself to the sun can cause skin inflammation, burning sensation, and even blisters.

When obtaining information, remember to filter it first and listen to rumors to be careful of counter-effects.

However, the ridiculous act of using bleach to “whiten teeth” has accumulated 284 million views on Douyin. The British Dental Association points out that the main component of bleach is hydrogen peroxide. Excessive hydrogen peroxide content can cause tooth damage, oral burns, tooth and gum sensitivity, and gum inflammation. According to British law, tooth whitening products can only be sold directly to the public if the hydrogen peroxide content does not exceed 0.1%, not to mention highly corrosive liquids such as bleach. If they are misused by the general public, there may be risks. Irreversible results.

In recent years, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many internet celebrities and celebrities have used social media or audio and video platforms to maintain their exposure. At the same time, more misinformation has been widely circulated during this period. The incorrect beauty and care knowledge on Douyin may be just the tip of the iceberg, and users should be more vigilant about the accuracy of the information. “Scrolling on TikTok” may be a good way to kill time, but don’t take the medical beauty “knowledge” seriously. Not to mention that everyone’s skin condition and skin quality are very different. You can just listen to what the Internet says and use your own body and appearance. Do experiments, and if you fail, you may have to pay a high price. If you have any questions about medical beauty, you should seek the advice of a professional doctor. When browsing information on the Internet, you should also pay attention to whether the information source is a credible media. Don’t think you can learn truly effective “beauty tricks” after watching a 1-minute video!

Source: Warning over ‘dangerous’ DIY beauty trends on TikTok

Image source: Shutterstock

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