Cervical cancer has been dominating the charts for many years! In addition to getting the HPV vaccine, women need to pay attention to "these 3 things" to get complete protection

Cervical cancer has been dominating the charts for many years! In addition to getting the HPV vaccine, women need to pay attention to "these 3 things" to get complete protection

HPV vaccination can help protect you from the threat of cancer! Taiwan Health Promotion Administration calls for complete implementation of the “3 steps”

Cervical cancer ranks 9th in cancer incidence and 8th in mortality among women in Taiwan, posing a serious threat to women’s health. To prevent and control the occurrence of cervical cancer, the government has provided cervical smear examination services for women over 30 years old since 1995. The standardized incidence and mortality rate of cervical cancer has been reduced by 70%, but more than 600 women still die from cervical cancer and more than 1,400 new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed every year.

Chronic infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV) is the main cause of cervical cancer. To prevent the occurrence of cervical cancer, in addition to safe sex and regular smear screening, vaccination with the HPV vaccine can also effectively prevent more than 70% of cervical cancer cases. cancer and reduce the threat of cervical cancer to women’s health. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that HPV vaccination services be provided to girls aged 9 to 14 who are not yet sexually active, and the prevention effect is good. Currently, more than 111 countries around the world have included HPV vaccines in their national vaccination plans. Since the end of December 2018, the National Health Department has promoted the public-funded HPV vaccination service for first-year female students. As of the 2018 academic year, the vaccination coverage rate for female first-year students has reached 87%.

Starting from March 2021, the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare has provided on-campus vaccination services for girls in the 109th academic year, reminding female students who are eligible for public-funded HPV vaccination, and they need to be fully vaccinated with 2 doses to have better protection. . The Taiwan Health Promotion Administration also calls on parents to protect their precious daughters at home to avoid HPV infection and the threat of cervical cancer. Girls in the 109th school year (currently in the second year of junior high school) and 108th school year (currently in the third year of junior high school) who have not yet completed vaccination must also remember to complete the HPV vaccination as early as possible according to the notice to protect their health rights. The Taiwan Health Promotion Administration also reminds the public that they need to follow the following three steps when receiving the HPV vaccine:

  1. Before vaccination, understand the relevant instructions. After vaccination, rest for 30 minutes before leaving; if you feel unwell, please inform your doctor immediately. Students and parents are reminded to read the health education content and related instructions of the HPV vaccine in detail, and only complete the first step before vaccination with the consent of students and parents.

  2. When inoculating, the doctor will conduct a comprehensive evaluation. Please inform your medical history, take your temperature and other assessments in advance. If you have any special conditions or diseases, be sure to inform your doctor. After a comprehensive evaluation by the doctor, you will be vaccinated.

  3. After vaccination, rest for 30 minutes: After vaccination, rest for 30 minutes before leaving; if you feel unwell, please inform your doctor immediately.

The HPV vaccine is not a panacea! You still need to maintain “these 3 habits” after vaccination

In addition, during the vaccination period of HPV vaccine, COVID-19 vaccine, and influenza vaccine, please follow the announcement of the Department of Disease Control and Prevention on September 16, 2021. It is recommended that the time interval between vaccination of COVID-19 vaccine and other vaccines be at least 7 days. This is different from Please follow the announcements from the Department of Disease Control and Prevention regarding the intervals between COVID-19 vaccinations.

The current HPV vaccine can prevent 70% of HPV infections depending on the vaccine type. However, the vaccine does not yet cover all virus types. Therefore, after receiving the HPV vaccine, you still need to pay attention to safe sex, use condoms, and regularly receive cervical cancer. Pap smear tests to provide yourself with more complete health protection.

Health education information related to HPV vaccination (HPV columns, HPV vaccine health education manuals, leaflets, lazy guide and health education videos, etc.) are all posted on the Taiwan Health Promotion Administration website. It is recommended that the public first understand the HPV vaccine before deciding whether to Vaccination. If you have any questions, you can call the 24-hour Taiwan HPV vaccine hotline: 0800-88-3513 (Baby, protect your life), and remember to maintain safe sex and regular Pap smears after receiving the HPV vaccine to protect yourself and Partner’s health.

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