Causes, symptoms and dietary control of hyperthyroidism? Are you worried about thyroid storm if you stop taking medication if you are afraid of getting fat?


What causes hyperthyroidism? Can colds and life stress cause them?

The thyroid gland is located in the front and lower part of the neck, in front of the trachea. It has one lobe on the left and right, each about 4 cm long and 1-2 cm wide. The two lobes are connected by an isthmus. The thyroid gland is the most important organ in maintaining normal metabolism of the human body. Its main function is to promote the synthesis of various proteins. It is a necessary hormone to maintain the metabolism of body cells. It is also crucial to the growth and development of children. Newborns must be tested for congenital abnormalities when they are born. Insufficient thyroid hormones can cause neurodevelopmental delays and growth retardation.

Excessive thyroid hormone secretion can cause hyperthyroidism, which is often caused by an imbalance in the autoimmune system. Hyperthyroidism is more likely to occur in young people and is mostly related to genetic inheritance and autoimmune constitution. People with autoimmune thyroiditis may gradually develop symptoms of hyperthyroidism due to external events such as infections, colds, life stress, and imbalance of the body’s immunity.

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism? Be careful if you go to the toilet like crazy and eat more and lose weight?

Excessive secretion of thyroid hormones can lead to faster metabolism and various clinical manifestations, including weight loss, hand tremors, heart palpitations, increased bowel movements, menstrual irregularities, insomnia, bad temper and other symptoms. Due to accelerated metabolism, patients may eat more but lose weight as they eat. They may also experience visual changes such as obvious anxiety, fear of heat, emotional instability, insomnia, bulging eyes or even “double vision”.

Many people regard hyperthyroidism as “autonomic nervous system disorder”. When they find excessive anxiety, tension, sweaty and trembling hands, and abnormal heartbeat and pulse, they should consider it to be related to thyroid disease. Normally, a normal person’s heartbeat is about 72 beats per minute. Hyperthyroidism may cause the heartbeat to be as high as 90-100 beats per minute. If you experience the above typical symptoms of hyperthyroidism, you can go to the metabolic outpatient department for blood testing and a doctor for further differential diagnosis.

Testing for hyperthyroidism? Don’t ignore family history and typical signs?

When symptoms are suspected to be caused by hyperthyroidism, blood drawing is the most commonly used testing tool. Thyroid testing items include T4 (thyroxine), T3 (triiodothyronine), FT4 (free thyroxine), and TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). wait. Under normal circumstances, the reference value of T4 is between 4.8-10.4 ug/dL; the reference value of T3 is 60-181 ng/dL. Increases in T3 and T4 may be related to hyperthyroidism.

TSH is also closely related to thyroid problems. TSH is secreted by the pituitary gland and its function is to proliferate thyroid cells and synthesize hormones. When there is hyperthyroidism, abnormally low TSH may occur. In addition, ultrasound is also a commonly used tool to detect hyperthyroidism. Some patients will show thyroid enlargement and changes in the vascular plexus under ultrasound images.

Hyperthyroidism is usually related to autoimmunity, especially in young women. If the elders in the family have a history of thyroid disease and feel that they have obvious thyroid-related symptoms, such as extreme weight loss, protruding eyes, trembling hands, and increased frequency of going to the toilet, they can seek treatment as soon as possible. The metabolic department conducted tests to confirm whether it was caused by hyperthyroidism.

Treatment for Hyperthyroidism? Are you worried about thyroid storm if you stop taking medication because you are afraid of getting fat?

Among thyroid diseases, Graves’ disease is the most typical autoimmune disease causing hyperthyroidism. Its pathogenic mechanism is related to the autoimmune reaction, causing patients to produce antibodies against the TSH receptors of thyroid cells, thereby causing Increased thyroid hormone secretion.

Usually, antithyroid drugs and heart rhythm slowing drugs are given to treat hyperthyroidism. The symptoms of heart palpitations can be significantly improved in about 1-2 weeks. A follow-up visit is required every 1-3 months to test the thyroid concentration and TSH receptor antibody concentration. Generally, it takes about It takes 1.5 -2 years to cure the disease.

Some patients’ thyroid function returned to normal after taking the medication, and their weight subsequently increased, so they stopped taking the medication because they did not want to gain weight; or after the symptoms disappeared, they thought the thyroid disease had been cured and stopped taking the medication on their own. When hyperthyroidism is not completely treated and is faced with stress factors such as surgery, anesthesia, physical discomfort, infection, foot injury, cellulitis, and even sepsis, it may trigger a high-risk “thyroid storm” that can lead to death. Sexual arrhythmia, heart failure or even death from shock. Patients must be treated properly in accordance with medical advice and must not stop medication at will.

Hyperthyroidism Diet? Which iodine-containing foods should not be eaten in excess?

Patients with hyperthyroidism are advised to follow a balanced diet. However, attention should be paid to low-salt intake, and non-iodized salt can be used temporarily. Foods rich in iodine in your daily diet, including seaweed, kelp, mussels, sea cucumbers, hairtail, scallops, lobster and other seafood, should not be consumed in excess. Drinking coffee should be avoided if palpitations occur or worsen, but moderate coffee intake is feasible.

When the symptoms of hyperthyroidism are severe, it may cause the heartbeat to be too fast. The lifestyle is mainly about rest and relaxation. After regular medication, the heartbeat will be slow and stable, and you can engage in appropriate exercise to help maintain health. If there are side effects or adverse reactions during taking the medicine, such as skin allergies, etc., you should return to the doctor as soon as possible to adjust the medicine.

Due to the high pressure in modern society, the number of hyperthyroidism cases has increased. People should understand the basic knowledge of hyperthyroidism and their family history. When symptoms are suspected, they can go to the metabolic clinic for correct diagnosis and treatment in time. Follow the instructions Take medication regularly as directed by your doctor to reduce the risk of thyroid storm.

Further reading:

The mortality rate of hyperthyroidism may exceed 90% if left untreated! Nutritionists urge patients to abide by the “5 major dietary principles”

Feeling hot and having palpitations when the weather cools down? Top 10 symptoms of hyperthyroidism! Doctor: Indiscriminate withdrawal of medication may cause thyroid storm

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