What causes chest tightness and chest pain? Gastroesophageal reflux also causes cardiac load? Is a heartbeat exceeding "X beats" an arrhythmia?

What causes chest tightness and chest pain? Gastroesophageal reflux also causes cardiac load? Is a heartbeat exceeding "X beats" an arrhythmia?

What is the reason for frequent chest tightness and chest pain? Will young people develop irregular heartbeats if they don’t eat properly?

Recently, many people have suddenly experienced symptoms such as chest tightness and palpitations after receiving the vaccine. They are worried that they are related to side effects or heart disease, and the proportion of people seeking cardiology consultation has increased. Dr. Chen Jieyu, the attending physician of the Department of Cardiology at Cathay Hospital, said that if chest tightness or palpitations are severe and there have not been any related symptoms before, it is necessary to go to the cardiology department for examination.

Dr. Chen Jieyu believes that young people do not have any of the three high risk factors, family history of cardiovascular disease, nor smoking, obesity and other problems. Simple symptoms of chest tightness may be benign arrhythmia, which can be improved by getting more rest and drinking more water. Doctors point out that “mitral valve prolapse” is the most common heart disease among young people, especially young women. The main symptoms are occasional emotional problems and cardiovascular diseases caused by poor sleep. In addition, gastroesophageal reflux can also cause heart discomfort, which is medically known as “gastrocardiopathy” and is not uncommon in cardiology outpatient clinics.

Dr. Chen Jieyu emphasized that arrhythmia will occur more or less in life, and it is necessary to observe the frequency of attacks. Some people will develop arrhythmia if their mood swings are too high; while some people consume stimulating foods, such as those with too high concentrations. High concentrations of theophylline and caffeine in coffee or tea may also trigger symptoms. In addition, eating too spicy, too salty, and too oily may also lead to arrhythmia.

Which department should I go to for treatment if I have chest tightness or chest pain? Doctors urge: Seek medical attention quickly if symptoms become severe

Dr. Chen Jieyu said that the symptoms of chest tightness involve a wide range of aspects. If you don’t know which department is more suitable for you, you can first go to a home medical department for differential diagnosis. If the symptoms cannot be resolved, then seek help from a sub-specialist. For example, if you have chest tightness symptoms caused by gastroesophageal reflux, you will be referred to the gastroenterology department to check whether it is gastric ulcer or Helicobacter pylori infection through gastroscopy. Therefore, chest tightness and chest pain are not necessarily heart-related problems.

How to determine whether there is a heart lesion? Dr. Chen Jieyu said that if patients register at the cardiology department, their blood pressure will be measured first. If the blood pressure is normal, the electrocardiogram and X-ray results are normal, and there is no heart murmur or arrhythmia on auscultation, then there is a high probability that other organs are experiencing problems.

If the symptoms of chest tightness become more frequent, occur more than 2-3 times a week, or even 2-3 times in a day, you must seek medical treatment immediately, otherwise it may be life-threatening. Dr. Chen Jieyu urges you not to endure it when symptoms become more severe. For example, the famous actor Long Shaohua had symptoms while filming and died suddenly without seeking medical treatment in time. When symptoms become stronger, more frequent, or even combined with other symptoms, such as dizziness, cold sweats, and wheezing, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Is frequent wheezing a sign of cardiovascular disease? Many people are actually chronically anemic?

Dr. Chen Jieyu said that wheezing or difficulty breathing in daily life involves a wide range of aspects. It may be insufficient lung capacity, or it may be a “chronic anemia” problem. If you have any relevant doubts, you can first go to the cardiology department to seek medical assistance to further determine whether you are at risk of cardiovascular disease.

If the test result is not related to cardiovascular disease, it may be emphysema caused by smoking, or pulmonary fibrosis, anemia and other problems. Among them, young women are prone to iron deficiency anemia due to excessive menstruation and insufficient iron intake, which is related to asthma. It is related to hypoxia to a certain extent.

Is the most serious palpitation feared by “frequent ventricular pulses”? How to judge whether your heart rate and heartbeat are normal?

Dr. Chen Jieyu explained that although people can feel palpitations, they are often unable to identify the type of arrhythmia, and further diagnosis by electrocardiogram can be used to confirm it. Basically, the most malignant arrhythmia is called “ventricular pulsation”, which is caused by unstable arrhythmia in the ventricles; the second type is “atrial fibrillation”, in which patients have a relatively low risk of cardiovascular disease. high. If it is just premature atrial contraction, it is mostly related to personal dietary conditions, such as excessive intake of diet containing theophylline and caffeine.

If people are unable to identify the type of palpitations, in addition to identifying and judging through 24-hour electrocardiograms, “wearable devices” are a simpler identification reference. Dr. Chen Jieyu said that if the heart rate digital display on the wearable device is higher than the “maximum exercise heart rate (220-age)”, it is a symptom of arrhythmia. The wearable device can measure the palpitations in real time and then bring it to the outpatient clinic for doctors to make judgments on the condition, which is also helpful.

Dr. Chen Jieyu added that although there are many heart rate watches or medical recording devices with similar functions, if you do not have a wearable device to assist you, you can make a preliminary judgment by measuring your heart rate. A normal heart rate ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute. If the heart beats too slowly, too fast or irregularly, it is basically a sign of arrhythmia.

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