"Candida" infection makes women collapse! How to treat and cleanse? Doctors reveal 3 points to improve the flora in private parts

"Candida" infection makes women collapse! How to treat and cleanse? Doctors reveal 3 points to improve the flora in private parts

Is Candida infection so common? Be careful if you have poor immunity

“Candida” is one of the most common causes of infections in women’s private parts, and many women suffer from repeated infections. Dr. Chen Jinghui, director of Yiyun Reproductive Medicine Center, explained that common vaginal infections in women can be divided into three types: Candida, bacteria, and trichomonas. Among them, the former two bacteria are the most common.

Candida is a fungal infection that tends to occur when the immune system is weak, such as abnormal work and rest, drinking too little water, pregnancy, antibiotic use, poor hygiene habits, and humid and stuffy environments (such as wearing non-breathable jeans or Pantyhose), failure to pay attention to cleanliness throughout sexual life, etc. may lead to changes in the vaginal environment, resulting in a decrease in the original vaginal lactobacilli and an increase in other bad bacteria, resulting in an imbalance of vaginal flora.

When Candida grows and reproduces in large numbers, it will cause a thick white secretion that is like cheese or “tofu dregs”, accompanied by itching, burning sensation, odor, burning, redness and swelling.

Repeated infection of chlamydia in the private parts may lead to clogging of the uterine cavity

Dr. Chen Jinghui pointed out that when repeated infections in the private parts are severe, it can escalate to inflammation of the entire pelvic cavity. Among them, “Chlamydia” is a strain of bacteria that may affect pregnancy or fertility. It is known as the invisible killer of “infertility”, and sometimes the symptoms are not obvious. , or just increased secretions, accompanied by mild abdominal pain.

However, chlamydia infection may cause adhesion in the uterine cavity, and even cause edema and obstruction of the fallopian tubes, adhesion in the pelvic cavity, etc., making the bridge between the egg and the uterine cavity “blocked.” If a woman is preparing for pregnancy but is often diagnosed with pelvic inflammation, she should seek evaluation from a physician specializing in reproductive medicine.

How to cleanse when you have a candida infection? Do not wash more than 2 times a day

Dr. Chen Jinghui suggests that when candida infection occurs, it is recommended that underwear should be kept ventilated and dry as much as possible, made of natural materials or pure cotton, and changed frequently. Wear loose-fitting skirts or pants as much as possible and avoid tight, clinging lower body clothing.

In addition, you should change tampons or tampons frequently when you are infected, at least every 4-6 hours. Reduce the use of shower products with heavy fragrances. If there is a need for cleaning, you should choose a lotion or lotion that is specifically designed to clean or maintain the perineum (in line with the pH value of the perineum). Avoid over-washing, no more than twice a day is recommended. After cleaning, you can air dry naturally or blow dry with a personal hair dryer at low temperature. After cleaning, the underwear must be air-dried thoroughly and rinsed several times to avoid detergent residue.

Doctor reveals 3 key points for maintaining healthy flora in private areas

If candida infections occur frequently, in addition to receiving treatment, you must also change your living habits. Dr. Chen Jinghui reminds women to adopt the following lifestyle:

  1. Increase resistance: maintain a regular daily routine, avoid staying up late and exercise appropriately. Eat enough fluids and appropriate fruits and vegetables, and avoid foods high in oil, sugar, or spicy foods.

  2. Change your hygiene habits: Wipe from front to back after using the toilet. Don’t forget to clean your partner’s reproductive organs and urinate before and after sexual intercourse. You can choose a special cleaner for private parts that is suitable for the pH value of the vagina. You can also add more probiotics and cranberries at ordinary times. Plum, maintains healthy vaginal flora.

  3. Maintain a normal environment in the private area: avoid being in a humid and hot state for a long time, and keep the vagina ventilated and dry. Try to wear loose, ventilated, cotton underwear. If necessary, use pads and change them frequently.

Further reading:

At what age is the best age to freeze eggs? The older you get, the worse your eggs become? Do you also need to check the “ovarian inventory”?

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