Can't get out without taking laxatives? Be careful, the more you use it, the worse the effect will be! Pharmacist warns: Using the wrong kind will affect kidney function

Can\'t get out without taking laxatives? Be careful, the more you use it, the worse the effect will be! Pharmacist warns: Using the wrong kind will affect kidney function

Should I take laxatives if my constipation does not improve? Pharmacists reveal two common types

Constipation and difficulty defecation have become one of the diseases of modern people. If the constipation condition persists, can I buy laxatives to help with defecation? Pharmacist Zhang Wenjing, chairman of the Taipei Pharmacists Association, pointed out in an interview that if people have constipation problems, it is recommended that doctors or pharmacists help and recommend treatment. Buying drugs from unknown sources may only worsen the constipation condition.

Pharmacist Zhang Wenjing said that improving constipation requires “prescribing the right medicine”. For those who are born with poor gastrointestinal motility, it is recommended to use fiber-rich “expanding laxatives” to stimulate gastrointestinal motility by absorbing water and expanding. It should be noted that if the patient does not drink enough water at ordinary times, it will hinder defecation and be more likely to cause constipation. These medications are not recommended if you have obstructive gastrointestinal problems.

For those with low gastrointestinal plexus sensitivity, “stimulant laxatives” will be used as the main drug treatment. However, this type of drug has a radical effect and is not suitable for patients with gastrointestinal inflammation or severe dehydration. Long-term use will also cause the sensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract to decrease. In order to avoid gastric mucosal irritation, most of the ingredients in BISACODYL have been designed as “enteric-coated tablets”. It should be noted that the drug cannot be ground or cut in half, otherwise it will destroy the dosage form and cause obvious side effects such as nausea and vomiting. .

How to take laxatives if you have hemorrhoids problem? Which drugs can be used with each other?

Unfortunately, I suffer from “hemorrhoids” and have difficulty defecating. Can I take laxatives? Pharmacist Zhang Wenjing pointed out that hemorrhoids mostly occur in people who sit or stand for a long time, or those who like to eat spicy food. It is not recommended to use laxatives directly. The first priority is to relieve hemorrhoid symptoms first and then deal with constipation through topical ointments or oral medications. Pairing a diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables and sufficient water can initially improve the hemorrhoid problem and relieve irregular bowel movements.

If hemorrhoids or constipation still exist, doctors or pharmacists will recommend the use of enzymes and fiber preparations for intervention, or prescription drugs such as “osmotic laxatives” and “stool softeners” to help soften stools and reduce irritation to hemorrhoids. Wound. Pharmacist Zhang Wenjing said that clinically, different types of drugs can be used interchangeably based on the patient’s main symptoms, but the risks of medication need to be assessed by a doctor or pharmacist.

Will taking too many laxatives cause dependence? Pharmacist reveals side effects: Severe risk of affecting kidney function

Will taking too many laxatives cause “dependence” and make it more difficult to get rid of them in the end? Pharmacist Zhang Wenjing explained that many constipation patients are mainly affected by “psychological dependence” on the use of drugs. For example, patients who are accustomed to using laxatives will feel uncomfortable if they do not use them for a day, or they can only do what they want to do after defecation. , so they will habitually use laxatives or glycerin balls to defecate, thus forming a vicious cycle.

Pharmacist Zhang Wenjing said that there was a patient in his 70s who had normal bowel movements every day when he was young, creating a “sense of ritual”. However, as he gradually aged, his intestinal peristalsis did not behave as regularly as he did when he was young. In fact, it should be considered that the patient’s food intake and daily routine are different from those in his youth. “It usually takes 1-2 days for food to be excreted from the gastrointestinal tract. However, the old man’s food intake has been greatly reduced compared with his young age, and the amount of feces he can produce each time is not much. This phenomenon is contrary to It makes the old man more anxious and unable to go to the toilet!”

Pharmacist Zhang Wenjing warns that regular use of glycerin balls may also cause gastrointestinal motility disorders, prone to gas production and frequent farting, which is not conducive to the growth of good bacteria and increases the number of bad bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, long-term use of stimulant laxatives containing ingredients such as senna and BISACODYL can easily lead to an imbalance of electrolytes in the body, resulting in a loss of potassium in the body and may lead to “hypokalemia”.

As for osmotic laxatives, they contain the ingredient “Magnesium Oxide”, and long-term use may burden patients with poor heart and kidney function. In addition, patients with renal failure should be careful about the problem of hypermagnesemia and should be evaluated by a pharmacist or physician before use.

Pharmacist Zhang Wenjing urges that if you have any doubts before purchasing laxatives, you should confirm the effectiveness and legality of the drug through a doctor or pharmacist in advance. Do not buy drugs from unknown sources to avoid not being as effective as expected and even worsening constipation.

Further reading:

Gastrointestinal upset after taking too many laxatives? The pharmacist explains in detail the effects and contraindications of “laxatives”. If you don’t take these two items, will it be in vain?

The stool is hard and the farts are smelly. Beware of constipation, which will affect your skin and make you look older! Nutritionists recommend “1 liquid” to drink in the morning to help defecation

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