Calories of a piece of cake = 2 bowls of rice? Nutritionist reveals the TOP 3 "fattest cakes" for Mother's Day: Don't even choose one with fresh cream

Calories of a piece of cake = 2 bowls of rice? Nutritionist reveals the TOP 3 "fattest cakes" for Mother's Day: Don't even choose one with fresh cream

Choose carefully when giving cakes for Mother’s Day! If you don’t pay attention, your mother will receive “full belly calories”

The annual Mother’s Day is coming soon. Friends who want to give cakes and desserts to show their love, please pay attention to carefully choose the type of cake. Cakes that are too sweet and have too many additives will only make mothers “full of calories.” “! Today, I will help you explain in detail the main calorie sources of cakes, and how to choose a Mother’s Day cake to avoid making mistakes.

In fact, the main body of the cake, fresh cream and fillings are all made up of a variety of additives, of which the high calories mainly come from three categories: sugar, fat and carbohydrates. Materials often added to cakes include flour, sugar, eggs, cream or grease, and raising agents. Fresh cream is a high-fat and high-calorie ingredient, and sugar and stabilizers are usually added. As for fillings, common additions include fruit, jam, chocolate, etc., which may also contain additional sugar and other thickeners.

Calories of a piece of cake = 2 bowls of rice? Nutritionist reveals the top 3 “fattest cakes” for Mother’s Day

How many calories does a piece of cake contain? The calories of cake will vary depending on the recipe and size. Taking a standard size cake (about 100 grams) as an example, it may contain 250-400 calories, which is equivalent to the calories of 1-2 bowls of white rice. If it is a cream cake or a cake rich in fresh cream, the calories will be even more alarming; if jam or fruit fillings are added, the calories will undoubtedly increase, and it is easy to exceed the recommended daily caloric intake.

As for which types of cakes are the fattest, should you avoid them when giving gifts on Mother’s Day? Listed below are the “Top 3 caloric rankings” of Mother’s Day cakes:

  1. Chocolate fresh cream cake: Because chocolate contains high-calorie cocoa butter and sugar, coupled with fresh cream, the calories can easily exceed the limit.

  2. Heavy cheesecake: Cheese contains high fat and sugar, plus fresh cream and caramel sauce, so you can eat a lot of calories in one bite.

  3. Mille-feuille cake: Because the layers of puff pastry in a mille-feuille cake usually contain a lot of butter or animal fat, and there are often cream fillings sandwiched between each layer, they are also higher in calories.

How to choose the healthiest cake for Mother’s Day? Nutritionist reveals “1 type” contains the least sugar and fat

If you want to buy a cake for your mother, but don’t want to eat extra calories, what is the best choice? First of all, it is recommended to choose cakes with less sugar or mainly natural sugars (such as honey), such as honey cakes, sponge cakes, etc. Furthermore, choosing cakes with no or less cream or fresh cream, such as fruit chiffon cake or light cheese cake, can further reduce fat intake.

In addition, you can choose to add fresh fruit to the cake, which not only helps to increase the nutritional value, but also reduces the need for sugar and fat. Finally, if you really have a hard time deciding, you can consider “chiffon cake” because it contains less added sugar and fat than other cakes. For example, taro chiffon cake and fruit chiffon cake are good choices.

Finally, the public is reminded that if you have chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, etc., before eating cakes or any desserts, you must consciously eat less under the supervision of a doctor or nutritionist, because the high sugar content of cakes can easily affect the patient’s blood sugar fluctuations, and even causing symptoms to worsen. In addition, it is recommended that the public pay attention to the principle of substitution. If cake is eaten during a meal, they should not eat other desserts or other refined starches such as bread, white toast, etc. that day.

Further reading:

Not only will you gain weight, but you may also make your face “ugly”! Research: “1 Eating Habit” May Decline in Appearance Like an Avalanche

Isn’t it healthier to use “sugar substitute” instead of sucrose? Harvard study reveals: Overdose can cause depression and may cause cancer

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