Breast development before the age of 8 may be a sign of "precocious puberty"! Medical warning: Keep children away from the "three major items"

Breast development before the age of 8 may be a sign of "precocious puberty"! Medical warning: Keep children away from the "three major items"

The baby girl in the family has not yet reached the age of development, but her breasts have begun to bulge significantly. Should we pay attention to whether this may be a sign of “precocious puberty”? Dr. Lin Dingzhi, a pediatrician at Wanfang Hospital, pointed out that when a girl received a routine health check-up in the clinic, he found that in addition to being overweight, the doctor also noticed that her right chest was slightly protruding, and she could clearly feel a sliding hard lump on palpation. She originally thought it was just excessive weight. After examination, she was diagnosed with “precocious breast puberty”.

Doctor warns that breast development in girls before the age of 8 may be a sign of “precocious puberty”

Dr. Lin Dingzhi said that clinically, girls enter puberty at the age of 12 and boys at the age of 10, which is the normal development period. However, if it is precocious puberty, according to the medical definition, girls will reach 8 years old and boys at 9 years old. It is common. Secondary sexual characteristics are: breast protrusion, menarche, and pubic hair growth in girls; pubic hair growth, testicle enlargement, beard growth, and voice change in boys.

Dr. Lin Dingzhi explained that clinically, the rate of precocious puberty in girls is 10 times that of boys. The most common symptoms are nipple bulge, hard lumps, and dull breast pain. At this time, the pediatrician will review their medical history and check bone age and basic sex hormones. Index to evaluate whether a child is diagnosed with precocious puberty and subsequent treatment strategies. Since the secondary sexual characteristics of boys are relatively obscure and difficult to observe, girls are mostly treated in outpatient clinics. Dr. Lin Dingzhi also reminded that although the proportion of boys with precocious puberty is not high, if you have any doubts, you should pay attention to the impact of “intracranial tumors” .

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Dr. Lin Dingzhi said that most precocious puberty is caused by central precocious puberty of unknown cause. At this time, if the child’s height is similar to his or her age or the bone age is not significantly advanced, regular outpatient follow-up may not necessarily require treatment. On the contrary, if the child’s bone age is advanced by 2 Children over 10 years old need to be referred to a pediatric endocrinologist for further examination to confirm the diagnosis. If necessary according to the physician’s assessment, gonadotropin-releasing hormone injection therapy will be administered, and adjustments will be made on a rolling basis based on the case status.

“There are many factors that cause precocious puberty, such as family inheritance, environmental hormones, exposure to plasticizers, obesity, endocrine diseases, brain damage, etc., which all have indirect effects. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the mechanism that causes precocious puberty in children.” However, Dr. Lin Dingzhi developed Good habits can still prevent the occurrence of precocious puberty, such as reducing exposure to fried foods, plastic products, and fragrant items. The key to prevention is to eat moderately and maintain a moderate weight.

Further reading:

Does drinking bottled water keep boys from growing up and girls from having premature puberty? Poison expert: Do not reuse PET bottles!

Hamburgers contain “plasticizer”? Are microwaving food and gloves dangerous? Doctor reminds “three types of food” not to be packed in plastic

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