The blog is about "labor disputes"! Experts advise against working for "four types of managers": they may increase the risk of death from heart disease

Blogs come to “labor disputes” to explode disputes! Study: Working for an “unscrupulous company” may lead to heart disease
The well-known online bookstore “Bloglai” recently broke out in a labor dispute, causing a large number of netizens to criticize and threaten to boycott. In fact, having worked for a company or a boss who made opaque decisions and was inconsiderate to employees may really cause irreversible psychological stress and significantly reduce employees’ work efficiency. What’s worse is that the stress and anxiety caused by a management style based on “fear” may cause damage to the heart.
A research team from Stockholm University in Sweden analyzed more than 3,100 men in typical working environments over a 10-year period, ranging in age from 19 to 70 years old. They underwent cardiac examinations between 1992 and 1995, and the researchers then compared the men with hospital records of heart attacks and deaths in 2003.
During the follow-up period, a total of 74 subjects developed fatal and non-fatal heart disease. Employees who were considered the worst boss or company increased their risk of heart disease by 25%; and those who worked for a bad boss/company were The longer the time, the higher the correlation. For those who have worked for more than 4 years, the risk of heart disease is as high as 64%.
Study author Anna Nyberg said negative emotions affected most workers, regardless of whether they smoked or drank, and regardless of their social status or income level. “For any supervisor or company that employees perceive to be behaving strangely or causing them great stress at work, there may be serious health risks, particularly with regard to cardiovascular disease.”
If you encounter “4 types of supervisors” in the workplace, leave your job quickly! Experts warn: May increase cardiovascular risk by 60%
Nyberg also pointed out that if an employee’s supervisor or company leader has the following four negative characteristics, the employee’s risk of suffering from cardiovascular problems or life-threatening cardiovascular disease will be 60% higher:
Insufficient supervisory capabilities. Potential reasons for a supervisor’s incompetence may be that the boss promoted him too early or hired someone carelessly, taking a position beyond his or her capabilities. To make matters worse, if the person reporting to the supervisor is a senior person, it can lead to a series of wrong decisions. Therefore, the lower the employee’s evaluation of the boss’s leadership ability, the higher the risk of heart disease.
Inconsiderate managers. When a bad boss bosses around or even verbally humiliates employees, it destroys employees’ focus and motivation to work, and employees are three times less likely to make a high level of contribution. Nyberg suggests that this is the time to implement interventions such as delegating authority to employees or supporting employee development as a way of honoring their contributions.
Decision-making is opaque. Nyberg said study participants’ “no” responses to the “My boss gives me the information I need” questionnaire item best predicted the cardiovascular risk of bad managers. This suggests that supervisors are withholding information about the company, and employees are often left confused.
Decision-making is not clear enough. Supervisors who do not provide employees with clear, realistic goals for their work is another predictor of employee risk for heart disease. Nyberg suggested that in order to improve communication with employees, supervisors can set clear work goals and provide continuous feedback to help employees achieve expected goals.
How to predict whether the work environment will be good? First check whether the supervisor has the “three major characteristics”
As for what qualities managers possess that can reduce the psychological burden on employees? Research from Japan’s Waseda University has shown that supervisors or company leaders have “excellent leadership”, “unique management style”, and “being closer to employees”, which are one of the three major elements that constitute a good leader.
Study author Dr. Yukiko Kuroda pointed out that if the emotional stability of the supervisor is higher than that of the subordinate, the communication basis between the two parties will be better; and if the emotional stability is lower than that of the subordinate, the communication efficiency of both parties will become worse. Dr. Kuroda believes that excellent leadership skills, a charismatic management style, and intimacy with employees are the three key factors that promote a good working environment.
Talking about how to improve the distance between supervisors and subordinates? Dr. Kuroda pointed out that relevant training courses (such as increasing comprehensive capabilities in management, data integration, etc.) and gatherings with employees may be effective interventions to promote leadership capabilities. “Believing that your boss has difficulty communicating is a ’negative’ thought. Negative emotions are often linked to mental illness! Supervisors at all levels should be committed to removing negative labels. When communication costs are reduced, employee productivity may increase.”
Good boss, bad boss, workers’ mental health and productivity: Evidence from Japan
Managerial leadership and ischaemic heart disease among employees: the Swedish WOLF study
Further reading: