Can bitter melon peptides help control sugar? The pharmacist answered: If you don't change the "6 bad habits", no matter how much you eat, it will be useless!

Can bitter melon peptides help control sugar? The pharmacist answered: If you don't change the "6 bad habits", no matter how much you eat, it will be useless!

Is it necessary to buy health supplements to control blood sugar? What’s the difference between bitter melon, okra and chromium yeast?

There are many health products on the market that use chromium, bitter melon, and okra as raw materials, claiming to have certain effects on relieving diabetes. Is this true? Let’s start with Chromium Yeast, which is a wide range of nutritional additives. You can see traces of Chromium Yeast in any health product that advertises “comprehensive nutrients”.

Chromium yeast can interact with insulin receptors to help stabilize blood sugar, help with weight management, and promote fat metabolism. In addition, tube-fed nutritional supplements for adults, which are advertised as being suitable for those who limit sugar intake, will also add 30-100 units of chromium yeast. Daily natural foods including meat, egg yolks, and nuts contain chromium, so if you maintain a balanced diet, it will Can be taken from daily life.

As for bitter melon and okra, they are also helpful in stabilizing blood sugar, but after all, it is difficult to take them every day, and because bitter melon tastes bitter, people often make bitter melon tea bags or bitter melon peptide capsules. There are many bitter melon peptide products on the market, and there are also types that combine chromium nicotinate and highly stable fucoxanthin to help stabilize blood sugar levels. So far, there are more than 800 medical literature on this aspect.

Can bitter melon peptides help control sugar? Pharmacist: If you don’t change the “6 habits”, it will be useless no matter how much you eat!

Health products based on bitter melon or okra can indeed help control blood sugar and alleviate abnormal fat metabolism, promote the utilization of glucose by cells, promote lean muscle tissue proliferation, and stabilize cholesterol concentrations. However, can simply eating health foods keep blood sugar levels stable? Based on my many years of store experience, the answer is “not easy”!

There is no other reason, because even if most people take health care products, their daily lives are still in a state of excessive stress, overeating, low exercise, insufficient dietary fiber intake, and drinking with their hands. Simply relying on health food to save excessively high blood sugar is really difficult to achieve the effect of a magic pill.

In addition to dietary changes, the most effective way for people with diabetes to control blood sugar is to “lose weight.” As long as a slight loss of 3-5 kilograms can help with insulin resistance, with day and night efforts, if you can return to the normal standard BMI, 80% of the blood sugar problem can be solved, so daily diet and weight loss control, plus health food The assistance is the key “golden triangle”.

The daily diet of people with diabetes should be based on prototype foods! Be sure to touch less of these foods

As for sugar lovers, when it comes to their daily dietary choices, try to focus on original cooking ingredients. If you are an office worker, I suggest you go to the buffet to pick up dishes. The choices are diverse and the dietary fiber is sufficient. In addition, try to avoid eating too much processed foods, such as fish balls, sausages, hot dogs, and pickled meats, especially pickled meats that may contain high amounts of sugar and oil.

According to many statistics, eating two to three servings of fruit a day can reduce the risk of diabetes. However, there are many types of fruits, so try to avoid eating large amounts of watermelon, pear, custard apple, durian and other high-sugar foods. Or high-calorie fruits, if you really want to eat them, don’t buy prepared juices. The nutrients in the juices will be reduced, but the sugar content will be explosive.

Bread, toast, and pastries should also be taken in moderation. These not only contain a lot of sugar but also have butter added, especially soufflés or cinnamon rolls. The sugar is not only in the bread itself, but also in the sauces and fillings, which are full of carbohydrates. . Beverages such as hand shakes should be sugar-free. Try to avoid adding creamer to coffee and try to replace it with fresh milk.

The red bean and mung bean soup sold in many dessert shops is the best way to relieve the heat. However, if you have ever cooked sweet soups such as red bean and mung bean, you will know that even if a lot of sugar has been added, it still tastes bland. . In other words, if the sweet soup you buy outside tastes very sweet, it means that the sugar content in it is often surprisingly high. You can taste some ancient flavors but not too much.

Generally speaking, sugar itself is not sinful. What is wrong is that modern people use it improperly and it is difficult to satisfy their appetite. I hope everyone can avoid these landmines as soon as possible and regain a better life.

Further reading:

Diabetics eat a “chromium” diet to stabilize blood sugar! Doctors say: “These two” are also good helpers!

Is diabetes more common among those under 40? The younger you are, the less control you have? Expert: 3 numbers must meet the standards

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