Are the benefits of hypoglycemic drugs more than just sugar control? Taipei Veterans General Hospital study: Metformin drug can reduce the risk of "shingles"

Metformin has benefits beyond just sugar control? Taiwan study: can reduce the risk of shingles
Patients with type 2 diabetes who take the blood sugar-lowering drug “Metformin” can actually reduce the risk of contracting herpes zoster (commonly known as skin snakes) and herpes pain? Dr. Hu Qimin, director of the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism at Taipei Veterans General Hospital, and his research partners used data from the Taiwan Health Insurance Database over the past 18 years to compare whether the use of Metformin affects the risk of herpes zoster in patients with type 2 diabetes. The analysis found that patients who used Metformin had a lower risk of developing shingles than patients who did not use Metformin. This major research result has been published in the international journal “Journal of Medical Virology” in November 2022.
Dr. Hu Qimin’s research found that patients with type 2 diabetes who used Metformin had a lower incidence of herpes zoster than patients who did not use Metformin. The incidence of herpes zoster in patients who used Metformin was 8.1 per 1,000 people; on the contrary , the incidence of herpes zoster among patients not taking Metformin was 11.1 per 1,000 people, a calculated risk that was 0.70 times that of the non-Metformin group.
In addition, if unfortunately they still get herpes zoster, the incidence rate of post-herpetic pain in the group of patients with type 2 diabetes who used Metformin was 8.9 per 1,000 people, which was also higher than the incidence rate of those who did not use Metformin. The number of 42.5 per 1,000 people is low, and the calculated risk is only 0.48 times that of the group not using Metformin.
Is shingles currently not effectively preventable? Doctors reveal advantages of Metformin drug treatment
Dr. Hu Qimin pointed out that herpes zoster often occurs in patients with weakened immunity. Diabetic patients have a weakened immune system due to chronic hyperglycemia. Past studies have found that patients with diabetes are twice as likely to develop shingles than patients without diabetes. Chances of getting shingles. In addition to many blisters on the body, shingles can also be accompanied by pain. Sometimes the pain may even last for months to years even after the blisters disappear. This is called post-herpetic pain, which greatly affects the patient’s quality of life.
Currently, for post-herpetic pain, the existing drugs are mainly for pain control, and there is no effective prevention method. Now the results of this study show that if diabetic patients use Metformin, it will significantly reduce the risk of herpes zoster and herpes. Risk of postoperative pain.
In addition, Metformin is the first-line drug for diabetes without contraindications. It has good blood sugar-lowering effects and is convenient. This study also found that Metformin has benefits other than blood sugar, and has better effects on immunity than ordinary people. It is undoubtedly a great boon for diabetic patients.
Dr. Hu Qimin reminded that with the rapid advancement of technology, the choice of drugs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes is becoming more and more diverse. In addition to the original effect of controlling blood sugar, drugs are also beginning to pursue other benefits. For patients, regular follow-up visits and medication are more important, not only to control diabetes and reduce its complications, but also to obtain unexpected benefits.
Extended reading: Open the skylight for immunity due to large temperature differences in spring! Doctor: Beware of “shingles” outbreak that will change beyond recognition