The benefits of acupuncture go beyond pain relief? Chinese medicine practitioners list "8 wonderful uses": It is expected to improve the problems of eczema and nasal allergies

The benefits of acupuncture go beyond pain relief? Chinese medicine practitioners list "8 wonderful uses": It is expected to improve the problems of eczema and nasal allergies

Combined with traditional Chinese medicine to regulate the internal organs, acupuncture helps improve your appearance from the inside out.

Annoying acne problems, facial scars, and even skin diseases such as eczema can be improved through “acupuncture” therapy? Ph.D. Xu Fangqi, chief physician of the Chinese Medicine Department of Chi Mei Hospital, said that there was a 28-year-old patient in the clinic. He has been prone to acne since adolescence. The symptoms have become more severe in the past two months, and combined with facial oiliness, which greatly affects his health. Appearance and quality of life.

After diagnosis by a doctor, it was determined that it was acne caused by gastrointestinal dampness and heat overflowing the facial skin. For this reason, Chinese medicine practitioner Xu Fangqi prescribes scientific Chinese medicine to regulate the patient’s constitution, and uses facial acupuncture to improve the blood circulation and metabolism of the face. After treatment, not only the acne disappeared, but the skin also became brighter. Chinese medicine practitioner Xu Fangqi pointed out that facial acupuncture combines traditional and modern therapies to help stimulate and activate Qi and blood circulation and regulate muscle tension.

The benefits of acupuncture are not only pain relief and physical adjustment? Chinese medicine practitioners list “8 wonderful uses”

Chinese medicine practitioner Xu Fangqi explains that facial acupuncture uses acupuncture to clear the meridians, improve the Qi and blood circulation on the face, and regulate its muscle tension. Acupuncture practitioners need to understand the anatomy of the face and select the muscle groups to be adjusted according to different diseases to perform acupuncture, thereby relaxing or contracting the muscles and fascia of the head and face to achieve therapeutic effects. However, the general public may be afraid of acupuncture on the head and face. Therefore, acupuncture needles as thin as a hair (0.12mm to 0.16mm in diameter) can be selected to allow patients to receive treatment in a relatively painless and relaxed state.

In addition, Chinese medicine practitioner Xu Fangqi pointed out that facial acupuncture has a wide range of applications. It can treat any diseases or symptoms such as facial nerve paralysis, eczema, acne, nasal allergies, dry eyes or eye fatigue, tinnitus, scar reduction, etc. It can be said to be medically There’s a new option.

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Chinese medicine practitioner Xu Fangqi added that the “Huangdi Neijing” once recorded: “Twelve meridians, three hundred and sixty-five collaterals, all the blood and qi rise above the face and go through the empty orifices.” It can be seen that the internal organs will use the meridian system to transfer qi. Blood is continuously delivered to the head and face. Therefore, in addition to acupuncture, it is often necessary to combine oral Chinese medicine to improve physical fitness to achieve better results.

However, people need to pay special attention to facial acupuncture. If they are prone to needle fainting, have low blood sugar, have poor coagulation function, or have swollen feet, it is not recommended to receive facial acupuncture. Moreover, the face has many vertical, transverse, oblique and other complex muscles. People who need treatment should seek help from specialists and do not rely on folk remedies. This will not only help the recovery of the disease, but may also worsen the symptoms.

Further reading:

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