Another benefit of drinking coffee? "Lapuncture" study: Drinking 448 mg a day can help prevent Parkinson's disease

Another benefit of drinking coffee? "Lapuncture" study: Drinking 448 mg a day can help prevent Parkinson's disease

“Coffee” has been confirmed by many studies to have health benefits. Now, “The Lancet Regional Health”, a sub-publication of the authoritative medical journal “The Lancet”, has published literature showing that moderate consumption of coffee or tea containing caffeine , helping to reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease in later life in Asians who are at higher genetic risk.

Can drinking coffee help prevent Parkinson’s disease? “Acupuncture”: The prevalence rate of those who do not take it increases by 8 times

A team from Singapore recruited 4,488 subjects and, through genetic testing, confirmed that they all contained “LRRK2” gene mutations. This mutation is believed to be related to an increased prevalence of Parkinson’s disease in the future. All subjects completed a caffeine intake questionnaire. Preliminary results show that subjects with Parkinson’s disease had an average caffeine intake of less than healthy subjects, 448.3 and 473.0 per day respectively over 10 years. milligrams, but the protective effects of caffeine are not diminished.

After analyzing the data, the research team found that among subjects who also carried mutations related to Parkinson’s disease, the prevalence of Parkinson’s disease in those who did not consume caffeine was 4-8 times higher than that in those who consumed caffeine. Study author Professor Tan Yong-king (transliteration) from the National Neurological Institute of Singapore said that 3 different LRRK2 gene variants (S1647T, G2385R, R1628P) are associated with a 1.5-2 times increased risk of Parkinson’s disease, and caffeine intake reduces this risk.

Why caffeine reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease Expert answer: Reduce the expression of 3 LRRK2 genes

Professor Chen Yongjing said that the reason why caffeine affects the expression of the LRRK2 gene may be related to the fact that coffee exerts a neuroprotective effect by blocking the “adenosine A2A receptor (ADORA2A, a gene expression)”. In addition, mutations in different variants will affect the LRRK2 protein through different mechanisms:

  • The S1647T mutation may interrupt protein binding, leading to premature neuronal cell death.

  • The G2385R mutation results in weakened interactions with chaperones, protein misfolding and proteasomal degradation, and subsequent loss of function.

  • The R1628P mutation causes increased phosphorylation of “cyclin-dependent kinase 5” (Cdk5), which in turn increases kinase activity and leads to neuronal death.

In general, Professor Chen Yongjing pointed out that after caffeine blocks adenosine receptors, it interacts with the LRRK2 protein or its protein molecules, resulting in changes in its protein stability. A recent metabolic study also pointed out that caffeine and its demethylated metabolites, trigonelline and other substances, are important markers related to pathogenic LRRK2 mutations. However, animal models are still needed to further explore the underlying mechanism between the two in the future, which may lay the foundation for the future development of Parkinson’s disease drugs.

What are the health benefits of drinking coffee in moderation? It is expected to prevent dementia, heart disease and depression

The preventive effect of moderate caffeine intake on Parkinson’s disease was actually published in a study by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) as early as 2020. A meta-analysis pointed out that the caffeine in coffee can help reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease; there is also literature supporting that moderate intake of beverages with caffeine sources (tea and coffee as the priority) can help prevent the development of Parkinson’s disease. Diseases such as type 2 diabetes, depression and heart disease.

In addition, caffeine is also considered to have a preventive effect on “Lewy body dementia” (LBD), which is prone to the same symptoms as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, and the symptoms may overlap. Even though caffeine has potential benefits for the human body, the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare still reminds that the daily caffeine intake should be 300 mg. Excessive caffeine may cause insomnia, headache or dizziness, and even anxiety.

In any case, people should consume caffeine in moderation and avoid excessive consumption. If you suffer from specific diseases, it is recommended to consult a doctor or nutritionist to confirm whether your condition is suitable for caffeine intake, so as to avoid wrong intake methods that worsen symptoms.


Further reading:

Interaction is harmful! What medicines cannot be taken with coffee? The pharmacist named two types of people who should drink less

Not everyone can drink coffee? Study: People with mutations in “1 gene” in the body may be at risk of kidney failure if they drink 3 cups

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