Beauty trick "Beer on face" can tighten pores and whiten skin? Did you know that alcohol can damage your skin?

Beauty trick "Beer on face" can tighten pores and whiten skin? Did you know that alcohol can damage your skin?

Regardless of gender, more and more people are willing to spend time taking care of themselves. Taiwan’s skin care products market is estimated to exceed 100 billion yuan a year. Some “petty bourgeoisie” can’t help but try it out in order to save money or accept the “magic beauty skills” that are widely circulated on social media and messaging software. However, these methods are usually not scientifically proven, and arbitrary experiments may be possible. Cause skin damage, the gain outweighs the loss.

A skincare technique that has been widely circulated on the Internet recently is to apply beer on your face. It is said that applying beer to your face can make your facial pores smaller and your skin firmer. Although beer is a fermented substance, can it really be used for beauty and beauty besides being used for drinking?

“Beer facial method” has limited effect. Excessive drinking will damage the skin.

Beer facial application is so popular that the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration issued a reminder that beer is an acidic substance with a pH value between 4 and 5, which is not particularly helpful for skin care. Coupled with the alcohol content in beer, applying it on the face may cause skin inflammation, redness and swelling, which is counterproductive. Internet rumors claim that “skin feels smoother after applying beer”, but this is only a temporary phenomenon and actually has “no effect” on reducing facial pores. The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration reminds people that if they have skin problems, they should seek help from professional doctors and do not try it lightly according to rumors on the Internet to avoid causing skin damage.

Not only is beer not recommended for use on the face, drinking alcohol itself may do more harm than good to the skin, mainly due to the burden on the liver caused by alcohol. Taiwan Health Promotion Administration pointed out that alcohol metabolism in the liver requires two steps. First, alcohol is metabolized into toxic acetaldehyde by alcohol dehydrogenase (hereinafter referred to as ADH), and then metabolized into toxic acetaldehyde by acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (hereinafter referred to as ALDH2). Non-toxic acetic acid. When the body lacks ALDH2, it will slow down the removal of “acetaldehyde”. Nearly half of the people in Taiwan have ALDH2 deficiency and are known as the “most unsuitable group for drinking on the planet.”

Since acetaldehyde can irritate body cells and cause headaches, dizziness and nausea after a hangover, the body will consume a large amount of antioxidants such as “glutathione” to speed up metabolism in order to remove acetaldehyde from the body as quickly as possible. Glutathione It can restore the skin’s radiance through vitamin C and vitamin E. When you consume too much glutathione due to alcohol consumption, your skin will naturally appear dull. This is why many alcoholics look unhappy and haggard, which is related to long-term excess acetaldehyde in the body and a large consumption of antioxidants.

Check before trying beauty remedies to avoid costly consequences

If you want to make your skin better but can’t quit your drinking habit right away, eating foods rich in glutathione can really help. A study in the American medical journal “Nutrition and Cancer” mentioned that foods such as asparagus, avocado, spinach and okra are good sources of glutathione. In addition to a balanced daily diet, studies have also found that increasing exercise can help the body generate more glutathione.

It can be seen that whether you apply wine on your face or drink a few glasses of wine, it will not be of much help to your skin care journey, and may even cause skin allergies and poor complexion. Social media is full of all kinds of “false information” (further reading: Douyin videos are full of chaos! Are you using bleach to whiten your teeth or mascara to fill your lips? Beware of “permanent disfigurement” ). Before verifying, I would like to remind you. Don’t try it right away. For example, some advertisements use “BEFORE” and “AFTER” to attract you to click and share. In fact, everyone’s skin condition and skin type are different. Before you want to try online beauty tricks, remember to do a fact check first, or directly Seek professional advice from a dermatologist to avoid paying a heavy price for cosmetic failure.


It is said on the Internet that applying beer to your face can shrink pores. Is this true?

Does Drinking Beer Affect Your Skin?

Glutathione in foods listed in the National Cancer Institute’s Health Habits and History Food Frequency Questionnaire

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