Can "ball pain" cause lower abdominal pain? Should I apply ice first if my testicles are injured? Doctor reveals the truth, delay in seeking medical treatment may cause "whole group necrosis"

Why does the pain in your balls kill you? What diseases are likely to cause testicular discomfort?
Why do most men always feel so miserable when their “balls” are impacted by external forces? Dr. Lin Judong, the attending physician at the Department of Urology at Shin Kong Wu Huo Shi Memorial Hospital, said that the nerves of the male testicles are distributed in a “reticular” shape along the testicular arteries, and the scrotal structure outside the testicles is also distributed with extremely high density of nerves. When the testicles are compressed or impacted by external force, the cutaneous nerves of the scrotum and the reticular nerves of the testicles transmit pain sensation at the same time, causing obvious pain.
Dr. Lin Judong said that it is not uncommon for patients to seek medical advice due to testicular pain. The common causes are “testicular accessory testitis” caused by urinary tract infection and prostate inflammation. Bacteria or viruses invade the accessory testis or along the vas deferens. Testicles can easily lead to inflammatory symptoms; in other patients, it is caused by “varicocele”. Other less likely causes, including testicular torsion, hernia, and scrotal edema, may cause scrotal discomfort or pain.
Testicle pain, nausea, lower abdominal pain? What are the symptoms of testicular torsion?
Men with testicular pain often experience pain in the abdomen as well. Dr. Lin Judong explained that the nerve circuits of the abdominal cavity and testicles are on the same path. When pain occurs in the testicles and the pain nerves are transmitted to the lumbar spine and abdominal cavity, it may cause vomiting, nausea or lower abdominal pain. Discomfort. When external force compresses the testicles, such as being hit by a ball, in addition to the pain of the testicles themselves, it will also cause pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen.
Dr. Lin Judong reminded that there are many causes of testicular pain and individual diagnosis must be made based on the symptoms. If the accessory testicle or testicular inflammation is caused by bacterial infection, you can seek help from a professional urologist to provide antibiotic treatment and ice pack. However, if it is acute pain or caused by trauma or external force, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible and undergo scrotal ultrasound and other examinations to confirm whether there is testicular torsion or testicular rupture. Testicular torsion, in particular, can cause sudden, intense unilateral pain, accompanied by redness, swelling, nausea, vomiting, or lower abdominal traction pain.
Delay in seeking medical attention and risk “complete necrosis of the balls”? If you experience sudden and severe pain in your testicles, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Dr. Lin Judong said that young men and teenagers should be especially careful when they experience testicular pain. In the past, a young boy went to the emergency room due to testicular pain. Although the patient’s testicular pain was not obvious, it lasted for more than 6 or 7 hours. The ultrasound scan revealed that the testicular structure had an irregular structure, and during surgery it was found that the testicular structure was completely necrotic.
Dr. Lin Judong reminds that when men enter puberty after the age of 12-13, they are in the period of hormonal growth stimulating testicular development, and the size of the testicles may increase by 4-5 times. In addition, the increased contraction rate of the “levator testis muscle” of the testicles can easily cause axial changes in the testicles, causing testicular torsion. In the most severe cases, surgical removal may be required. Young men may be shy about expressing testicular problems, so men themselves and parents of their children should be vigilant.
Dr. Lin Judong reminded that although testicular pain will not affect erectile function, if it is severe and not treated in time, it may cause damage to reproductive function, poor sperm quality, and then cause infertility. Men are reminded that regardless of age, if they experience severe and sudden testicular pain, they should seek medical examination as soon as possible to avoid delaying treatment by applying ice to soothe the testicles themselves, and grasp the golden treatment time to save the “balls”.
Further reading:
Is it possible to get testicular cancer at the age of 15? Was the risk of this “egg problem” 10 times higher? Doctor: Be careful if you find a hard lump by touching yourself