The bag was thrown to the nanny, and the 4-month-old was abused and left with 3 kilograms. Doctor: Children and young children need to be protected faster and better.

The bag was thrown to the nanny, and the 4-month-old was abused and left with 3 kilograms. Doctor: Children and young children need to be protected faster and better.

Nearly 80,000 people are notified every year when parents “lost” their children to nannies.

According to statistics from the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, the average number of people notified of “child protection” every year reaches 78,000. Most of the moderate to severe child abuse cases come from fragile families. Once children and adolescents are in an unbalanced family environment for a long time, and relevant assistance is not provided in a timely manner, early negative experiences may affect the child’s personality development, and even lead to deviation or crime in the future. Behavior.

Dr. Xu Meixin, a specialist physician at Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Children’s Intensive Care Unit, pointed out that in clinical high-risk families for child protection, young parents are still the majority, and the level of abuse is not limited to physical trauma, but may also include physical and mental violence that are more difficult to detect. Such abuse Most children who abuse children are naughty and do not listen to adults. After visiting their original families, it is often found that parents treat their children with physical or verbal violence.

In addition, the epidemic has caused unemployment problems, and it has also been found that parents have “lost” their children to nannies, or nannies have abused their children due to long-term arrears of wages, etc. This shows that the protection of children requires more social resources to pay attention to help vulnerable children be properly treated. Treatment and placement.

Protective and medical treatment process for a 4-month-old abused child weighing less than 3 kilograms

The number of children who are abused in Taiwan averages about 12,000 every year, which is equivalent to 33 children facing abuse every day. Dr. Xu Meixin said that an abused baby she handled this year was found to be only 3 kilograms in weight when she arrived at the hospital (the normal weight of a 4-month-old infant is about 6 kilograms). Through the early intervention of social workers and family defense officers, , and then gradually improve the child’s physical condition and nutritional development.

Dr. Xu Meixin pointed out that if a child is suspected of suffering severe trauma due to abuse, the emergency department will now report it to the front line. The social worker will intervene as soon as possible to understand the injury and conduct an investigation of the case, and then discuss the follow-up treatment with the doctor and evaluate it. Whether to issue a medical order to temporarily keep the child in the hospital for care. If a serious child abuse case needs to be included in the assessment, the prosecutor will be notified immediately for investigation. When a consensus cannot be reached on the child’s placement, social workers will coordinate placement with relatives or referral agencies.

It can be seen that taking care of child abuse cases requires cross-disciplinary and cross-field efforts. Dr. Xu Meixin said that when handling child abuse cases, the Chang Gung Memorial Juvenile Protection Center will bring together pediatric neurology, rehabilitation, ophthalmology and mental health. 16 pediatric sub-specialties, including the Department of Pediatrics, provide comprehensive care of body, mind and soul as well as follow-up care for “toxic babies, mothers and infants”. It has taken care of 3,000 people so far. Through rapid mobilization of medical teams and close cooperation with social work units and community home defense officers, vulnerable children in need can receive more complete and continuous care.

The time for medical identification is greatly shortened and the law is revised to list “laughing gas”

The Chang Gung Memorial Medical Foundation established the “Children and Children’s Protection Center” in 2018. It not only promotes cross-field cooperation in children and children’s protection, but also starts from action initiatives and influencing policies to help promote the 2020 revision of the law to make it easier for teenagers to obtain and use “laughter” for entertainment purposes. “gas” is included in the list of chemicals of concern. It also strengthens health education and publicity on injury examination and evidence collection, accidental ingestion of poisons, etc., and provides medical institutions, judicial, police, social affairs, education and other government units and the public with joint learning to increase children’s protection awareness and knowledge.

Vice President Gong Jiade, convener of the Chang Gung Memorial System’s public welfare program for child protection, said that in the field of child protection, the medical action strategy is to provide complete care from physiology to psychology, from individual cases to families, from hospitals to communities, and at the same time introduce The most advanced identification equipment has greatly shortened the medical identification time from months and years to days to weeks, providing one-stop medical services and giving children the fastest and best protection.

Let children grow independently and promote a complete child protection medical care model

In addition, some child care cases are placed in institutions or foster families until they reach the age of 18, and then face the problem of leaving the placement institution to “reliance on their own”, often causing hesitation, helplessness and pressure about the future. The Changgeng Children’s Protection Center cooperates with the government to provide self-reliant youth who must leave placement institutions or vulnerable families with subsidies for living expenses, rental fees, tuition and miscellaneous fees for school-going teenagers, as well as vocational training course fee subsidies and workplace training support.

Vice President Gong Jiade pointed out that from promoting initiatives, integrating medical care, continuing care to caring and accompanying, the Chang Gung-Gung Children’s Protection Center has worked hand in hand with the government, civil society, experts and scholars to help children overcome difficulties, and also through outreach services , providing institutional education and training as well as immediate medical responses, hoping to establish a complete child protection medical care model and promote it to Taiwan, so that every child has the opportunity to grow up healthily.

Further reading:

Eating red meat can lead to heart disease, but cholesterol isn’t the only reason! Research: Related to intestinal “metabolites”

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