Bad breath and periodontal disease are no small things! Maybe it's related to "systemic disease"? Doctor: Oral spray and chewing gum are useless

Bad breath and periodontal disease are no small things! Maybe it's related to "systemic disease"? Doctor: Oral spray and chewing gum are useless

Bad breath is the health problem that many people are most worried about. It makes them more likely to fall into a crisis of “social death” and has a negative impact on interpersonal relationships and the workplace. However, even if you maintain a balanced life and diet, clean your mouth well, and eat more fruits and vegetables that “reduce inflammation”, why does the bad breath in your mouth always follow you? Lin Jiancheng, the director of Chengyang Dental Clinic, said that bad breath is not just about “anger”, but is also related to the condition of the mouth, the drugs used, systemic diseases, etc. For example, diabetes, sinusitis, etc. are all likely to cause bad breath. One of the main causes.

Bleeding gums and tooth sensitivity are the main causes of bad breath

“Some people will feel soreness in their teeth when eating ice, or they may find that their gums are red, swollen, bleeding, or even receding when they brush their teeth. They need to be especially careful.” Lin Jiancheng pointed out that the main reason for most bad breath problems is It is still related to the condition of oral health. Especially when there are signs of periodontal disease, you must not “let go” it. Instead, you should seek help from a dentist as soon as possible. Dr. Lin Jiancheng said that when a large amount of periodontal bacteria accumulates in the oral cavity, it will produce hydrogen sulfide and other compounds, which will volatilize in the oral cavity and cause odor. In fact, the bad breath caused by gum and periodontal problems is similar. If If periodontal problems are not taken seriously, once the disease process continues to be delayed, it may even increase the wear rate of teeth and bite damage.

Further reading: Does periodontal disease affect more than just rotten teeth? The risk of heart disease may double! Doctors reveal this is the correct way to take care of your mouth

If you want to use spray to cover up the odor, doctor: It can cover it for a while, but it can’t cover it forever.

In order to cover up bad breath, some people will choose to buy oral sprays from the market to cover up. Lin Jiancheng said that this is a “cover-up” approach, because commercially available products such as scented fragrances or chewing gum can only cover up oral odor for a short time. . As soon as the smell expires, bad breath will come back again. Many people need to constantly use oral spray or chewing gum to prevent the bad breath problem from getting worse, but this delays the necessary treatment to solve the root cause of the bad breath.

“I have observed a phenomenon in the clinic. Some patients find that mouth spray can indeed cover up odor, but it delays treatment and pays a higher price.” Dr. Lin Jiancheng shared that a young woman once appeared in the clinic and had been using it for a long time. When using oral spray to solve the problem of bad breath, he thought that oral care was not important. He did not seek medical treatment until his teeth started to hurt. The examination found that his teeth were severely worn, his mouth was full of conditions, and he even faced problems that required tooth extraction. This was a big problem for him in terms of nutritional intake in the future, there will also be a big crisis.

Extended reading: Teeth become longer, do you often vomit blood when brushing your teeth? Medical warning: It’s not reverse tooth growth! “4 Symptoms” May Be Warning Signs of Periodontal Disease

The problem of bad breath is not unique. Use “this trick” to self-examine!

In fact, if you want to know where the bad breath problem comes from, the method is very simple. Lin Jiancheng said that you can use a dental floss pick to scrape off the plaque on the teeth and check. If a large amount of plaque is found, it may cause the smell of bad breath. If it comes out, it means that bad breath is most likely caused by oral problems. In addition, if you have chronic diseases such as diabetes, liver disease, sinusitis, or even long-term constipation, it will actually greatly increase the chance of developing oral odor.

If bad breath is a problem, in addition to seeking diagnosis from a dentist as soon as possible, Dr. Lin Jiancheng reminds that correct oral hygiene is also indispensable. Cleaning the oral cavity does not mean filling the mouth with foam and brushing fast, but using the correct brushing method. In addition, you should also use dental floss, mouthwash and other auxiliary cleaning methods to avoid missing the dead spots between teeth that are difficult to brush, thereby reducing the occurrence of periodontal and gum disease, and truly bid farewell to bad breath.

Further reading: “6 Changes in Body Odor” that hint at something wrong with your body! Research warns: Smell “bleach smell” and beware of liver and kidney fatigue

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