"Asymptomatic" may also have had a stroke! Be alert if 5 signs appear

"Asymptomatic" may also have had a stroke! Be alert if 5 signs appear

Are there signs of asymptomatic stroke? Don’t think dizziness is just a lack of sleep

Don’t ignore numbness in your hands and feet, as it may be an asymptomatic stroke. Dr. Ke Liying from the Department of Neurology at Guangtian General Hospital said that some stroke symptoms are not obvious and are not easily noticed by patients. If there is numbness in the hands or uncoordinated hand movements, or dizziness or poor walking balance, patients often mistakenly think that it is sleep. It’s just not enough, I don’t know that I may have had a stroke.

Other symptoms of stroke include visual field loss, such as being unable to pay attention to pedestrians or puppies running next to you while driving; it may also be language dysfunction and being unable to name acquaintances; if you were originally cheerful, you suddenly become cold, Slow speech may also be a symptom of asymptomatic stroke.

Dr. Ke Liying further pointed out that some patients’ stroke symptoms are very short-lived and get better after a period of time. Patients often ignore the stroke. There is also a group of patients with chronic hypoxic changes in the white matter of the brain, called Binsanger’s disease. Although there are no obvious symptoms of stroke, the white matter appears blackened due to hypoxia under computerized tomography of the brain, and the symptoms are similar to dementia. These patients are also easily overlooked for stroke.

Is it possible to self-detect stroke at home? 5 medical tips to help you detect early

The so-called silent stroke is not the same as a minor stroke. Dr. Ke Liying explained that a minor stroke refers to a small infarction area, but the symptoms are not necessarily mild. It depends on the location of the stroke. Therefore, some patients are completely unaware that they have had a stroke and do not know it until the second examination.

Can I test myself at home? Dr. Ke provides 5 simple methods: clap to test the coordination of both hands, whether the anklets are accustomed to walking in a straight line, whether there is visual field loss, whether the person cannot pronounce the name of an acquaintance, and whether the behavior becomes dull within 1-2 days.

Dr. Ke Liying said that in patients with acute cerebral infarction, brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can best detect the lesions; brain computed tomography (CT) is the best tool for doctors to quickly distinguish whether it is cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction. Although the symptoms of this group of asymptomatic strokes (Binsanger’s disease) are not obvious, they will show multiple cavities under the brain’s computerized tomography, which reminds people with risk factors such as high blood pressure and smoking to be vigilant.

Men suffer strokes 10 years earlier than women? Be careful if you have a family history of stroke in young adults

Dr. Ke Liying explained that cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction have similar risk factors. The most common ones are the three high blood pressure-hypertension, high blood sugar and high blood lipids. You should consider regular ultrasound examination of the neck blood vessels to evaluate the degree of arteriosclerosis. Generally speaking, men are at a higher risk of stroke than women, about 10 years earlier. However, after women stop menstruating at age 50, the risk also catches up with men. Therefore, the risk for men begins to climb after age 50, and women should pay more attention after age 60.

However, if there are cases of young stroke in the family history, it is necessary to carefully evaluate whether there is CADASIL disease (a type of hereditary stroke), and it is necessary to test whether the NOTCH gene is mutated.

With the diversification of society, the smoking population is getting younger, and smoking among women is also increasing rapidly, resulting in a much higher risk of stroke. If you are not determined to quit smoking, you may consider participating in the smoking cessation program of the smoking cessation clinic to avoid the regret of stroke and disability.

4 lifestyle habits can reduce the risk of stroke by half. Pay attention to both fat and thin people

The health insurance standard provides free adult health examination for those over 40 years old, which is to detect the problems of three highs as early as possible. Dr. Ke Liying reminds that thin people do not necessarily have three heights, and the risk must be eliminated through examination. As for obese people, they need to be more careful, because abdominal fat can cause metabolic syndrome and sleep apnea, which is prone to snoring during sleep. disease will cause chronic damage to the cerebral blood vessels, so you should actively lose weight.

If there is a case of young stroke in the family, those over the age of 30 should take their blood pressure, be more alert, quit bad living habits, exercise moderately, eat healthily, and get enough sleep to get rid of the nightmare of stroke.

Further reading:

Will you live 5 more years after myocardial infarction or stroke? Study reveals: Quitting smoking is as effective as taking 3 kinds of pills

Are three highs affecting the brain, heart, and kidneys so severe that it could lead to “organ failure”? The ideal range should not exceed “this number”

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