The artist "Mountain Boar" died of pneumonia caused by sepsis! Doctors remind 8 ethnic groups: A small cold can also be fatal

The artist "Mountain Boar" died of pneumonia caused by sepsis! Doctors remind 8 ethnic groups: A small cold can also be fatal

The artist “Mountain Boar” died of pneumonia caused by sepsis! Hospitals and clinics may also be sources of infection?

The actor “Mountain Boar” Chen Junfu became popular in the past for imitating “Egg Yolk Brother”. News of his sudden death recently shocked the entertainment industry. It is said that the wild boar suffered from high blood pressure, myocardial infarction and sleep apnea before his death. He also suffered from “lupus erythematosus” for many years, and his body immunity is already worse than that of ordinary people. This time, he was diagnosed with pneumonia and was hospitalized due to a cold, and later suffered a failure. Unfortunately, he died of hemorrhagic shock.

Pneumonia refers to inflammation of the bronchi and alveoli at the end of the lungs. The pathogenic bacteria may be bacteria (common ones are Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, etc.), viruses (such as new coronavirus, respiratory fusion virus or influenza virus, etc.), fungi, etc.; American Medical The organization “Mayo Clinic” also stated through published guidelines that patients are likely to contract infectious pneumonia while receiving treatment and treatment in the hospital.

“Mayo Clinic” points out that pathogenic bacteria in hospitals may be more resistant to antibiotics, so the condition may be more severe than other pneumonia patients; patients who receive specific treatments such as hemodialysis (kidney dialysis) may also suffer from infectious pneumonia. risks of. In addition, when inhaling pathogenic food, drinks, vomit or saliva molecules into the lungs, be aware that aspiration pneumonia may occur.

What are the symptoms of infectious pneumonia? Doctors remind 8 ethnic groups: A small cold can also be fatal

Dr. Wang Congbai, director of the thoracic medicine department of Losheng Sanatorium of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, explained that the clinical symptoms of pneumonia include headache, fever, cough, excessive phlegm, diarrhea, loss of appetite, fatigue, difficulty breathing, etc. Among them, the most difficult thing about pneumonia is not only the impact of the disease itself, but also the mortality rate caused by complications, such as empyema, meningitis, septic shock, respiratory failure, bacteremia, etc. Once the disease progresses, it will increase rapidly. Quickly, and then quickly take away the patient’s life.

Dr. Wang Congbai pointed out that there are eight major groups that need to pay special attention to the risk of infectious pneumonia: people over 65 years old, children under 5 years old, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic lung disease, chronic kidney disease, immune insufficiency, and cancer. patient. If the above groups have cold symptoms, do not ignore them. A seemingly mild cold may also increase the risk of death for high-risk groups.

Can infectious pneumonia be prevented? 4 suggestions from experts: Vaccination is a key action!

As for how risk groups can prevent the occurrence of infectious pneumonia? “Mayo Clinic” points out that the following four points must be kept in mind, especially if there are high-risk members in the family:

  1. Get vaccinated against pneumonia. Vaccination can prevent specific types of infectious pneumonia or influenza. You should consult with your doctor to discuss how to vaccinate and which vaccine should be administered, such as COVID-19 vaccine, pneumococcal vaccine, etc. The Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare also stated that there is currently a publicly funded 13-price pneumococcal vaccine for children aged 2-5, and called on parents to bring their infants or children to specific places to complete the vaccination.

  2. Good hygiene habits. To prevent respiratory infections that can lead to pneumonia, wash your hands frequently or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

  3. Quit the smoking habit. Those who smoke must try to quit smoking, as smoking damages the lungs’ natural defense against respiratory infections.

  4. Maintain a normal routine. Getting enough sleep and avoiding staying up late, doing regular aerobic and resistance exercises in parallel, maintaining healthy and balanced eating habits, and eating less inflammatory foods high in sugar and oil can help maintain basic immunity.


Pneumonia - Mayo Clinic

13-valent pneumococcal vaccine. Have children aged 2-5 at home received it?

Further reading:

The prevalence of depression is the highest among all cancers! Doctors warn patients with advanced lung cancer: risk of poor prognosis increases 2-3 times

Before his death, the wild boar revealed that he died “152 times in one night”! Doctor: Sleep apnea may be complicated by “six major systemic diseases”

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