Artificial tears containing preservatives may cause keratitis if used incorrectly? Is excessive use of artificial tears more likely to cause dry eye syndrome?

Artificial tears containing preservatives may cause keratitis if used incorrectly? Is excessive use of artificial tears more likely to cause dry eye syndrome?

Do artificial tears contain preservatives? Which one should be used for severe dry eye syndrome?

Several cases of blindness and death caused by infection with multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa after using artificial tears in the United States have aroused public concern about the safety of artificial tears. The main ingredients of artificial tears include water, moisturizers, and thickeners. Its main function is to temporarily help moisten the eyes. Artificial tear products on the market can be roughly divided into two types: “single use” and “multiple use.”

In an interview, Wu Hongzhe, the attending physician at the Department of Ophthalmology at Guangtian General Hospital, said that when choosing artificial tears, the most important difference is whether it contains “preservatives”. Some artificial tears are advertised as adding ingredients such as hyaluronic acid to increase moisturizing. If you are not sure about artificial tears, You should consult your physician or pharmacist first about the ingredients and types suitable for your use.

Dr. Wu Hongzhe pointed out that most people who need to use artificial tears are those with dry eyes. Those with mild dry eye syndrome or those who do not use it frequently every day can choose artificial tears containing preservatives. Most of these artificial tears are bottled products. However, if you have moderate to severe dry eye disease, you may need to use artificial tears more than 6-7 times a day. Your ophthalmologist will recommend choosing artificial tears without preservatives to reduce the burden on your eyes.

Is it possible that preservative residue in artificial tears while wearing contact lenses may cause keratitis?

Many young people wear contact lenses for a long time and are prone to buy artificial tears for dry eyes. Dr. Wu Hongzhe reminds people who wear contact lenses for a long time to use preservative-free artificial tears to avoid preservatives remaining between the contact lenses and the cornea. If combined with insufficient cleaning, it may cause eye infection or Allergies, damage to the cornea and even vision.

Dr. Wu Hongzhe said that except for moderate to severe dry eye syndrome, which cannot secrete tears and must use artificial tears, it is not recommended for the general population to frequently use or abuse artificial tears. Artificial tears are not eye drops and have no effect in treating eye infections or other symptoms. . Once eye discomfort, dryness, redness, swelling, irritation or foreign body sensation occur, or yellow or green discharge occurs, it may be an eye infection or conjunctivitis, and you must seek medical attention from an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

Could abuse of artificial tears lead to dependence? Doctors reveal the correct key points in preventing dry eye disease

Modern people always have 3C products in their hands, and long-term use of their eyes is more likely to lead to dependence on artificial tears. Dr. Wu Hongzhe reminds that excessive use of artificial tears is equivalent to repeated flushing and dilution of natural tears that protect the eyes, and reduces the eye’s ability to secrete tears on its own. Artificial tears should be considered as auxiliary uses. To truly avoid dry eye problems, you should start by maintaining good eye habits and increasing the number of blinks to help normal secretion of tears.

Dr. Wu Hongzhe pointed out that modern society has entered the multi-screen era, and there are still people in their 20s who face severe dry eye problems. When they are young, their eyes still have a certain function of producing tears, and with correct and good habits, there is a chance to improve the dry eye problem. If you continue to overuse your eyes until you are 3-40 years old, your dry eye problem will get worse and you will be more likely to rely on artificial tears. It is recommended to develop good eye-use habits as early as possible, replenish water in a timely manner, and eat more foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E. Fish oil can also be supplemented in moderation.

In addition, in order to protect the health of your eyesight, it is recommended not to look at the computer or read under strong light, and take a moderate rest of 5 to 10 minutes after 30-40 minutes of eye use. Get enough sleep and don’t stay up late. If you need to stay in an air-conditioned environment for a long time, stay away from the air outlet as much as possible to avoid long-term exposure of your eyes to the cold air. When the room is too dry, you can place a water basin to reduce eye dryness.

Further reading:

Are contact lenses “disposable once a day and disposable once a week”? Doctor: If you wear it incorrectly, you may risk corneal cell necrosis!

Artificial tears in the United States are shockingly reported to cause blindness and death due to “superbug” infection! Pharmacists worry: There are almost no medicines available

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