An article to understand the "Quick Screening Real-Name System"! Who needs to use it? Does a negative screening test mean that the diagnosis has not been confirmed?

An article to understand the "Quick Screening Real-Name System"! Who needs to use it? Does a negative screening test mean that the diagnosis has not been confirmed?

In response to the gradually escalating epidemic situation in Taiwan, the Epidemic Command Center announced that from now on (4/28), a “quick screening real-name system” will be adopted. People can purchase limited amounts using the real-name system with their health insurance cards at supermarkets, drugstores or pharmacy channels. In addition, the one-year-long “text messaging system” has also been announced to be canceled with immediate effect. As for the timing of use of rapid screening, user groups and precautions? “healthorn” organizes relevant information as follows to help the public clarify epidemic policies.

How to obtain rapid screening reagents? Which groups are suitable for rapid screening reagents?

According to the announcement from the Epidemic Command Center, the general public can purchase rapid screening reagents in limited quantities at supermarkets, drugstores and pharmacies. Those with ID cards ending with odd numbers can collect them every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; those with even numbers can collect them every Tuesday, Thursday, and Thursday. Collection is available on Saturday, and everyone can receive it on Sunday. The reagents used by those who are quarantined at home will be issued by the local government where they are quarantined. People with respiratory symptoms should register at designated clinics and be issued after evaluation by a doctor.

The command center also announced earlier that it will adjust the number of publicly funded rapid screening reagents distributed for home isolation starting from April 28. Students from elementary school to high school will be issued 2 doses of rapid screening reagents, and students at university (inclusive) and above and adults will be issued 3 doses of rapid screening reagents, providing It is used for initial screening during the quarantine period, when symptoms are present, or when going out for the first time during the self-prevention period. Students must not go to school until the 4-day self-prevention period expires and the rapid screening test is negative the next day.

The Epidemic Command Center recommends that the following five groups of people purchase rapid screening reagents based on their location and physical condition:

  1. Those who have traveled to areas with high infection rates.

  2. Those who have been to hot spots where confirmed cases have been traced.

  3. Those who have close contact with rapid screening users or confirmed cases.

  4. Those who have traveled to crowded areas.

  5. Those who have overlapped with those of confirmed cases.

What should I do if a quarantined person tests positive? Under what circumstances is it not suitable for use?

The Epidemic Command Center pointed out that those who are isolated or quarantined at home should undergo a rapid screening after being discharged. If the rapid screening test result is positive, you should immediately go to a community testing center (public transportation is prohibited) to take a PCR test, seal the rapid screening equipment in a plastic bag, and hand it over to the hospital personnel for disposal, and follow the prescribed procedures for further testing. Seek medical attention. During the 4-day self-prevention period, a maximum of 4 quick screenings will be conducted, and those who are negative can wear masks to work or go shopping.

If a person in home isolation or quarantine develops symptoms related to COVID-19, it is “not appropriate” to use home rapid screening reagents for home testing. They should wear a medical mask and go to a medical institution for medical treatment as soon as possible, and are prohibited from taking public transportation.

What are the precautions for using rapid screening reagents? A negative rapid test does not necessarily mean that the diagnosis has not been confirmed?

The Epidemic Command Center reminds the public that the final results of home rapid screening kits may be “false negative” or “false positive”, and the actual epidemic status still needs to be diagnosed through laboratory “nucleic acid testing”. Multiple negative rapid tests mean that the probability of contracting the virus is low, but PCR testing should still be used as the final criterion.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued guidance stating that rapid screening may be considered for those who develop symptoms of COVID-19, have been in contact with a confirmed case, or are at risk of severe disease such as the elderly, those who have not been vaccinated, or those who are immunocompromised The group was present before the party. However, the stock of rapid screening reagents in Taiwan is limited compared with abroad. Dr. Huang Xuan, an expert in critical care medicine, suggested that if the public experiences the following situations: “has respiratory symptoms”, “overlaps with confirmed cases”, “is in the same space as confirmed cases”, “In a high-risk area”, you can purchase a rapid test according to the situation to know whether the diagnosis is confirmed. Do not waste medical resources or hoard supplies, resulting in a situation where there is no reagent available for people living in isolation.


Self-Testing At Home or Anywhere

Guidelines for the public to use COVID-19 home rapid screening reagents

Real-name rapid screening reagents for home use will be launched on April 28 - Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Centers for Disease Control

Publicly funded rapid screening reagents are not directly available for free and can only be distributed after evaluation by a doctor.

Further reading:

Go and fight quickly! Does the third dose of vaccine prevent severe disease? Research: “B cells” play a key role

Is labor pains still 2 months away? Will the number of confirmed cases exceed 10,000 soon? Famous doctor: “Take vaccines first if available” for children

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