Is "aortic dissection" only for young people? Is poor blood pressure control the key? Why does the mortality rate exceed 50% once it occurs?

Is "aortic dissection" only for young people? Is poor blood pressure control the key? Why does the mortality rate exceed 50% once it occurs?

Why does “aortic dissection” occur? If your chest and back hurt like a knife, seek medical attention immediately

It has been one year since “Little Devil” Huang Hongsheng passed away suddenly due to “aortic dissection”. In recent years, sudden deaths of young adults due to cardiovascular accidents such as aortic dissection have been frequent, which has further highlighted the importance of blood pressure control for heart health and is a must for all age groups. Health issues that everyone should pay attention to.

Dr. Huang Chongcheng, Department of Cardiology, New Taipei City Hospital , pointed out that more than two-thirds of aortic dissection is related to hypertension. The aorta will peel off, which is related to the “shear force” that hits the blood vessel wall during blood perfusion. Once the blood pressure is too high, the shear force will increase. In the long run, the vascular endothelium will “shear” holes, causing Blood flows to the middle layer, thus dividing the aorta into a “true lumen” and a “false lumen”. When the false lumen comes out, aortic dissection will occur.

Dr. Huang Chongcheng said that hypertension can cause increased blood flow shear and is the main risk factor for aortic dissection. In addition, patients with congenital diseases such as “Marfan Syndrome” are more likely to be at risk of aortic dissection because the epithelial tissue of blood vessels is poorly developed and loose. Furthermore, patients with congenital aortic stenosis, a “bivalve aortic valve” with only two leaflets, should pay more attention to the condition of the aorta. A small number of patients with tertiary syphilis are also more likely to suffer from aortic dissection.

Why is the mortality rate so high after aortic dissection? Dr. Huang Chongcheng explained that aortic dissection divides blood vessels into two chambers, which affects the blood flow to the brain, kidneys, coronary arteries, etc., and can even cause pericardial filling and myocardial infarction, with a fatality rate of more than 50%. . Doctors remind you that when you have chest pain, back pain that feels like a knife cutting, and your blood pressure exceeds 200, you need to pay close attention to whether the aorta has been dissected, and you should go to the emergency room for medical examination as soon as possible.

Hypertension is the main cause of aortic dissection. Control risk factors early to reduce risk.

Dr. Huang Chongcheng reminded that aortic dissection will occur in young people, mostly related to high blood pressure. If high blood pressure is not controlled with timely medication, and if you stay up late, exercise, or get angry, the blood flow shear force of the aorta will increase. Or the congenital disease itself may not be detected, which may increase the risk of aortic dissection.

As the trend of “heavy training” among young adults increases, will it also affect cardiovascular health and increase the risk of aortic dissection? Dr. Huang Chongcheng pointed out that weight training is an “isometric exercise”, and it is not a problem for ordinary people to slowly increase the training intensity according to their physical load.

However, Dr. Huang Chongcheng reminds that if the blood pressure is not well controlled, strenuous isometric exercise will significantly increase the vascular resistance, and the blood pressure will easily surge instantly, causing the shear force of the aortic blood flow to increase. He reminds the public to take appropriate exercise training according to their own physical fitness. , and pay attention to blood pressure control.

Dr. Huang Chongcheng said that patients with Marfan syndrome often have hands that are longer than the knees, and it is recommended to receive a heart examination as soon as possible. If ordinary people have risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and smoking, they will also develop aortic atherosclerotic plaques. They should be actively and effectively controlled as early as possible to reduce the occurrence of aortic dissection.

Further reading:

50% mortality rate in 5 years? Harvard names 7 signs of “heart failure”: edema and difficulty breathing may be signs of heart failure

Does anyone have a myocardial infarction at the age of 30? Is it possible that overtraining can cause an attack? Doctor: There are 2 major risk factors, check quickly

Do young people also have high blood lipids? Is it possible that the first attack is myocardial infarction? Regular inspection is the most important

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