The antidote for a couple's "lack of sexual interest"? Study: Helping each other do "one thing" makes the sexual experience comparable to simply having sex

The antidote for a couple's "lack of sexual interest"? Study: Helping each other do "one thing" makes the sexual experience comparable to simply having sex

If the couple has lacked sexual interest recently, they do not necessarily have to force themselves to have sexual intercourse. Instead, they can start by helping each other “masturbate” and slowly restore their sexual desire? A study published in the “International Journal of Sexual Health” reported that couples who engage in “two-way masturbation” have more satisfactory sexual life than other couples, breaking the stereotype of one-sided and lonely masturbation in the past.

Can helping your partner masturbate help your relationship warm up? Research confirms: “Two major parts” make the most sense of change!

The University of Southampton in the UK recruited subjects through social media and human resources websites, and ultimately included 117 women and 151 men aged 18-65. After investigation, the sexual experience, solo/bi-directional masturbation experience, masturbation feelings, sexual satisfaction and sexual self-esteem of each subject were revealed. Preliminary results showed that 50.7% of the subjects had bi-directional masturbation experience, and 50.7% of the subjects had bi-directional masturbation experience, respectively. 48.3%, 53.8%.

Research results show that the benefits of “two-way masturbation” are significantly positively correlated with the following two indicators:

  1. Positive emotions. The average positive emotion score of all subjects was 29.58 (out of 40 points); the average scores of men and women were 30.71 and 28.11 respectively. Men’s emotions towards masturbation were significantly more positive, and only 12 subjects expressed feelings towards bidirectional masturbation. Masturbation is viewed negatively.

  2. Sexual satisfaction. The average satisfaction score of all subjects is 45.35 (full score is 60 points). There is not much difference between men and women. Both genders can obtain higher sexual satisfaction from two-way masturbation; compared with no two-way masturbation in the past 2 weeks Partners who masturbate are 12% more likely to be sexually satisfied.

In addition, research has also found that two-way masturbation is not very helpful in improving sexual self-esteem; previous research has suggested that partner masturbation can easily cause insecurity or embarrassment in certain women, because sometimes they have to show orgasm , in case the other half’s self-esteem is hurt. However, most couples who practice two-way masturbation can gain more positive emotions and sexual satisfaction from it.

The antidote for a couple’s “lack of sexual interest”? Expert: Masturbation does not need to be kidnapped by “sex script”

In this regard, Dilan Kilic, the lead author of the study, said that most subjects know exactly what type of stimulation they like, so two-way masturbation is considered to be helpful in understanding the sexual preferences of themselves and their partners. In addition, two-way masturbation can also help partners explore each other’s “orgasms” and learn different stimulation techniques. It is recommended that sex therapists or couples therapists incorporate two-way masturbation into treatment content to help both parties achieve satisfaction.

Kilic also emphasized that sexual behavior does not need to be kidnapped by traditional “sexual scripts.” “The so-called sexual script is that couples or partners are limited to “penis-vaginal intercourse” (PVI), or end with male pleasure as the end of sexual behavior. In fact, sexual behavior involves a wide range of aspects and should not be limited to kissing, partner touching, oral-genital contact, PVI, male or female orgasm, etc.”

Kilic believes that by promoting the practice of two-way masturbation, it can not only create diverse orgasm opportunities for partners, but also help increase sexual pleasure and emotional intimacy. It is important to consider that improved sexual communication may enable couples to try new sexual activities, while experiences with mutual masturbation may facilitate discussions about sexual needs. Therefore, future research should focus on exploring whether masturbation can play a “sexual communication” role.

Stop being ignorant about your partner’s sensitive areas! Top 5 most sensitive parts of men and women in Taiwan

Not only can helping each other masturbate, it can help the relationship heat up, but understanding each other’s “sensitive zones” can also significantly help improve sexual feelings. The “Taiwan Public Sexual Affairs Survey” has released data showing that up to 90% of Taiwanese hope that their partners can better understand their sensitive zones, but 69.9% prefer to “show comfortable feelings and let their partners know” rather than “directly Tell your partner (40.7%)”

Might sensitive zones differ according to gender? According to the survey results, Taiwan’s male sensitive zones are ranked in order: glans, nipples, penis, testicles and coronal sulcus. Four of the top five sensitive zones are concentrated in the private parts. On the other hand, female sensitive zones are spread all over the body, and the top five are in order. They are the clitoris, nipples, ears/earlobes, back of the neck and waist, as if the whole body is a sensitive zone.

Not only finding the right part, but also the way to stimulate it is very knowledgeable. According to a survey, nearly 70% of Taiwanese people believe that “tongue licking” is the most comfortable way to stimulate sensitive zones. Experts remind that in addition to the private parts, tongue kissing is also the key to bringing a positive atmosphere. Using changes in rhythm or different touching methods can provide better preparation for the upcoming bed incident.


The Role of Mutual Masturbation within Relationships: Associations with Sexual Satisfaction and Sexual Self-Esteem

Further reading:

A must-see for couples who are not interested in sex! Nutritionist reveals “Top 10 aphrodisiac foods” to help partners rekindle love

Can masturbating at night help you sleep? Research reveals the truth: useless! Unless you have sex with your partner

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