Is it annoying to have constant sweat spots? Applying the wrong medicine will make your skin more fragile! Doctor: Recognize that "single dosage form" is more effective

Is it annoying to have constant sweat spots? Applying the wrong medicine will make your skin more fragile! Doctor: Recognize that "single dosage form" is more effective

Although the weather has turned cooler recently, is there still no solution to the problem of “sweat spots” caused by humid weather? Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food and Drug Administration stated that although sweat spots are not a serious skin disease, they can produce dark and light patches on the skin surface, affecting their appearance and daily social activities, and becoming a problem for many people! In view of this, the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration and Dr. Hu Yixuan, deputy director of the Department of Dermatology of Jingyan United Clinic, jointly called on the public to use sweat spot drugs correctly to improve skin problems.

Where are the most likely areas of skin to develop plaques, peeling, roughening, and sweat spots?

Dr. Hu Yixuan said that sweat spots are a skin infection disease, also known as “pityriasis discoloration”. The cause of the disease is the proliferation of spore-forming bacteria (Malassezia) on the skin. In fact, this fungus usually exists on human skin. When the skin condition is suitable for the growth of dandruff bacteria, it will cause sweat spots.

In addition, Dr. Hu Yixuan also pointed out that sweat spots are more likely to appear in places that produce oil and sweat a lot, so they are more common on the chest and back, and a few may extend to the back of the neck and arms. When the skin proliferates, Bacillus dandruff affects the melanin of the skin, so irregular brown or white patches may appear, and there may be slight peeling and roughness.

Is sweat rash more difficult to treat if the ointment contains “steroids”? Recognize that “single dosage forms” are more effective

Dr. Hu Yixuan pointed out that sweat spots are less likely to be transmitted through direct contact, but if the skin is exposed to frequent sweating and relatively hot conditions, there is a possibility of being infected by others. Regarding the treatment of sweat spots, Dr. Hu Yixuan explained that the current drugs for treating sweat spots are mainly antifungal ointments. Among them, “azole” ingredients are more effective, such as clotrimazole, ketoconazole, Sertaconazole and other ingredients. In severe cases, additional oral medications may also be used.

Dr. Hu Yixuan pointed out that most of the skin ointments purchased by the general public are compound dosage forms, which may contain 2-3 pharmaceutical ingredients at the same time; if they contain steroid ingredients, applying them for a long time will make the skin more fragile. Since the cause of sweat spots comes from the proliferation of dandruff spores, it is recommended to directly use antifungal ointments to treat them, which is an ideal choice.

The course of drug treatment for sweat spots usually takes 2-4 weeks, sometimes even more than a month. Dr. Hu Yixuan reminds that when treating skin fungal infections such as sweat spots, many people will feel improvement after applying the medicine for a week. However, if they are to be cured, the medicine still needs to be maintained for a period of time. Do not feel itchy or uncomfortable. If the medication is discontinued without authorization, a physician should evaluate whether the treatment is complete and discontinue the medication.

Stay away from sweat spots with this trick! Medical answer: Avoid the skin being in a hot and humid state

The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration reminds people that if they have symptoms related to small-area sweat spots, they can go to the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist to buy topical ointments (indicated drugs). However, if the sweat spots are large or topical medications are ineffective, they should seek medical treatment as soon as possible. During the treatment process, whether you use topical drugs or oral drugs, you should use them correctly in accordance with the doctor’s instructions or pharmacist’s instructions, read the drug instructions (drug instructions) carefully, and use the entire treatment course in order to maximize the effectiveness of the drug and effectively solve the problem. Sweat spot problem.

Finally, if you want to improve the problem of sweat spots or avoid the recurrence of sweat spots in your daily life, you should avoid your skin continuing to be sweaty and hot. When your skin sweats, you should wipe off the sweat with a wet towel as soon as possible, or at least dry the sweat. Don’t let the sweat stay on your skin. If your clothes are soaked with sweat, you should change your clothes as soon as possible. Remember to keep your skin dry to avoid sweat spots.


Use correct medication to quickly solve the problem of sweat spots.

Do you have trouble with sweat spots? Staying dry is the way to go!

Further reading:

Do you feel itchy all over your body when you eat certain foods? Nutritionist: 10 major allergens to avoid and 4 ways to improve symptoms

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