Alkaline water is not that amazing! Experts dispel myths: The anti-cancer and detoxification effects are the same as drinking boiled water "Just listen"

Alkaline water is not that amazing! Experts dispel myths: The anti-cancer and detoxification effects are the same as drinking boiled water "Just listen"

Many bottled water advertisements claim that drinking “alkaline water” has antioxidant, acid-base physical improvement, and even anti-cancer and detoxification effects. They also claim that it can be better absorbed by the human body. Is alkaline water really that magical? Zhuang Peizhen, an assistant professor at the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food and Drug Administration and the Institute of Food Safety and Risk Management at the National Taiwan Ocean University, said that advertising claims should not be trusted at all, and called on the public not to listen to rumors and buy bottled water products that claim to have therapeutic effects. .

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As the name suggests, alkaline water is water with an “alkaline pH value.” The pH value of commercially available alkaline water is between about 7.5-9.5. Assistant Professor Zhuang Peizhen said that alkaline water is mostly produced by electrolysis. During the electrolysis process, water molecules will receive electrons at the cathode to form “hydrogen gas (H2)” and “hydroxide ions (OH-)”; trace amounts in the water Metal ions such as calcium and magnesium will also accumulate towards the cathode because they are positively charged.

These hydroxide ions and metal ions make the water near the cathode more alkaline, becoming what most people know as alkaline water. Hydrogen is also generated during electrolysis, so some people go further and call it “alkaline hydrogen water”. However, Assistant Professor Zhuang Peizhen emphasized that hydrogen has low solubility in water and is not easy to store, and did not particularly emphasize the necessity of “hydrogen” water.

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Assistant Professor Zhuang Peizhen said that there is currently insufficient scientific evidence to support the effects of alkaline water on adjusting acid-base constitution, antioxidant, detoxification and anti-cancer. Drinking alkaline water has the same effect on health as ordinary drinking water. Some manufacturers claim that alkaline water molecules are smaller and easier to absorb. In fact, there is insufficient scientific evidence to confirm its effect, which is an alkaline water myth.

Assistant Professor Zhuang Peizhen further explained that the pH value of blood, stomach and other parts of the human body has a mechanism to maintain acid-base constant. Drinking alkaline water alone is not enough to affect the acid-base constant. If it can really change the pH value of the body, it will make the cell metabolism and enzyme function in the body unable to operate normally, thereby causing diseases. Therefore, the argument that drinking alkaline water to adjust the pH level of the body is not acceptable.

The best choice for hydration is boiled water? You need to pay attention to pollutants when drinking “this kind of water”

Assistant Professor Zhuang Peizhen specially reminded that “water” is an important substance for maintaining human body functions, but most of the curative effects and functions claimed by various packaged aquatic products and water treatment equipment are not supported by sufficient scientific evidence. Therefore, the public should avoid trying to replace regular medical treatment with special aquatic products and believing in alkaline water myths in an attempt to achieve anti-cancer, disease treatment, and antioxidant purposes. Disease treatment still requires correct medical support and a balanced nutritional diet to truly achieve results.

As for the function of daily replenishing water, any aquatic product has the same effect. The tap water provided by the water company and commercially available packaged water all meet the drinking water quality standards. Therefore, drinking boiled tap water is a good choice for hydration, and you can also choose based on your personal preference for the product. However, if it is groundwater, you need to be aware of the risk that it may contain other pollutants.

Finally, the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration reminds that drinking enough water is good for health, but alkaline water does not improve physical fitness or treat diseases. People should not listen to rumors or buy high-priced water products from unknown sources or claiming to have curative effects to avoid Being deceived.


Can alkaline ionized water change your physique? Expert: Just a myth! - Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food and Drug Administration

Further reading:

Drink water often or have a dry mouth? Critical care doctor reveals warning: It may be a sign of “four major diseases”

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