Is air pollution really harmful to your skin? Will you risk "skin age breakdown" if you neglect washing your face? Doctor: Choose the right "3 ingredients" to block dirt

Is air pollution really harmful to your skin? Will you risk "skin age breakdown" if you neglect washing your face? Doctor: Choose the right "3 ingredients" to block dirt

healthorn expert Q&A

Q: Air pollution is extremely harmful to the skin and may it cause cancer? What should you do to prevent air pollution from causing cancer?

A: There are many threats to the air in your home. In addition to smoking and burning incense, the easily overlooked “carcinogen formaldehyde” is the main source of indoor air pollution. The boards, sofas, mattresses, and curtains used for decoration will emit a large amount of formaldehyde, further causing the indoor formaldehyde to exceed the standard. Especially for women, children and people prone to allergies, if they live in a space with excessive formaldehyde for a long time, it will increase the frequency of allergies and skin inflammation, and may lead to female infertility, childhood leukemia, cancer and other symptoms.

To solve the problem of formaldehyde poisoning, it is recommended to seek formal formaldehyde removal companies to carry out indoor formaldehyde removal projects. Long-term formaldehyde removal projects usually take more than 3 days to recycle formaldehyde deep inside furniture and decorations using standard construction methods. And it is effectively decomposed to ensure that the formaldehyde concentration in the space is lower than the safe value for a long time. When selecting a manufacturer, special attention should be paid to choosing a manufacturer with a long-term warranty to ensure healthy and non-toxic indoor air quality for a long time and reduce the risk of cancer.

Could air pollution affect “skin health”? Long-term exposure may cause dullness, dryness, and fine lines.

Does air pollution also affect “skin health”? It is understood that airborne particles such as PM 2.5, ozone, organic compounds, nitrogen-containing oxides, and sulfur-containing oxides can cause air pollution, thereby affecting skin health. According to guidelines issued by the International Agency for Cancer (IARC) under the World Health Organization (WHO), PM 2.5 has been classified as a Class I carcinogen and may be one of the factors causing cancer deaths.

Dr. Hu Yixuan, deputy director of the dermatology department of Jingyan United Clinic, said that going out when the air quality is poor not only easily causes eye discomfort, but also may cause redness, swelling and itching of the skin. In the long run, it is easy to develop dark spots, dull skin, dryness, Fine lines, etc.

The current epidemic situation is severe, and you must wear a mask when going out. However, wearing ordinary medical masks has very limited effect on preventing air pollution and PM 2.5. In addition, when the windows at home are opened, dirty air and pollution sources from outside may still drift into the house and affect the skin.

Therefore, Dr. Hu Yixuan reminds those who frequently engage in outdoor activities, outdoor workers or commuters by motorcycle to wash their faces thoroughly in the morning and evening and after returning home. If you have oily skin, you can use a facial cleanser with strong cleansing power; while for those with dry skin or sensitive skin, it is recommended to use products with mild cleansing power. Unless your skin is particularly dry or severely allergic, as assessed by a doctor, simply washing your face with water will not easily remove facial dirt, so it is not recommended for people who go out.

Wash your face and add “1 action” to reduce air pollution damage! Doctors recommend “3 major ingredients” to protect skin

As for what ingredients are added to facial cleansers, which are more helpful in reducing the damage caused by air pollution to the skin? Dr. Hu Yixuan said that “Moringa extract” has been found to have special effects on human skin. It contains a waterproof mechanism like lotus leaves, which can help increase the skin’s protective power and resist external dirt. It is also known as “Miracle Moringa” “.

In fact, Moringa extract has been used for beauty care as early as ancient Egyptian times. In recent years, it has also been widely used in top-level skin care products produced in Switzerland. In addition, ingredients such as calendula and aloe vera also have moisturizing and calming effects. People can pay more attention when choosing relevant products. Dr. Hu Yixuan recommends that before washing your face, be sure to rub it with both hands to lather, or buy a mousse-like product that has already lathered itself. This will have better cleaning power and ensure that the facial cleanser will not remain on your face.

Might the consequences of over-cleansing your skin be worse? She “washes her face like crazy” every day, but it gets red, swollen and allergic

However, taking too much care of your skin is still too much. Dr. Hu Yixuan cited a past case of a female as an example: The woman had to wear full makeup when going to work and often went out to meet clients, so she developed the habit of cleaning her face frequently. After removing her makeup at home, she must use a strong cleanser containing Wash your face twice with exfoliating facial cleanser. After a period of time, the skin becomes rough and may even cause redness, swelling and allergies.

Therefore, Dr. Hu Yixuan calls on the public to clean their facial skin moderately, at least twice a day. Choose facial cleansers that are suitable for your skin type. If you have any maintenance problems, you should consult a dermatologist for individual diagnosis in advance. Do not neglect or over-cleanse to avoid more serious damage to the skin.

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Further reading:

Should Dry Skin Be Exfoliated? Is it useless to wash your face like crazy if your skin is too oily? Doctor reveals the truth about skin care

How to take care of dry and oily skin? Do steroid rubs cause inflammation and redness? Doctor: Normal skin function is the most important

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