Even "Ai Ai" has an urge to urinate! She suffered from cystitis and her lower body hurt like a knife. The doctor revealed "2 treatments" to solve the problem of frequent urination.

Even "Ai Ai" has an urge to urinate! She suffered from cystitis and her lower body hurt like a knife. The doctor revealed "2 treatments" to solve the problem of frequent urination.

Even when I was “making out” with my husband, I still had to urinate urgently! She had an attack of cystitis and “urinating hurt like a knife”

When women suffer from “urinary tract diseases”, they are often shy to speak out or even dare not seek medical treatment. In the end, this may worsen the condition and even affect their lives? Dr. Wu Wenzheng, deputy director of the Chung Ho Memorial Hospital affiliated to the National Medical University, said that there was a 35-year-old woman in the clinic who went to the toilet as many as 40-50 times a day, including getting up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet more than ten times, even when “making out” with her husband. The urge to urinate will occur.

Dr. Long Zhenyu, director of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Gaoyin Medical University, pointed out that the patient was originally troubled by severe frequent urination and even temporarily stopped working. Since she had to run to the toilet at any time, the patient also placed a urine bucket next to her bed for emergency use. Sometimes she could not urinate, so she squatted in the toilet for a long time, crying while squatting. What was even more painful was that the urine burned and stung like a knife, making her vision. I was afraid of going to the toilet, so I drank less water and didn’t dare to go far.

Dr. Long Zhenyu said that in order to treat this “unspeakable” disease, the patient went to various hospitals. He was also misdiagnosed as “kidney deficiency” and took a lot of pills. For a period of time, he swallowed more than 30 pills a day. The medicine made her miserable. I went to the hospital for treatment 3 months ago and found a cure for a long-standing hidden ailment. Not only did I no longer have to run to the toilet frequently, but I no longer had pain when urinating.

Women are 4 times more likely to suffer from cystitis! Serious fear of “disharmonious sexual life”

Dr. Long Zhenyu pointed out that research in Taiwan found that the prevalence of interstitial cystitis is 18 per 100,000, with women four times that of men, and the prevalence increases with age. The cause of the disease is related to repeated bladder inflammation, emotions, stress, and damage to the bladder mucosa. In addition to involuntary bladder contraction leading to urgent urination, frequent urination, nocturia, and even urinary incontinence, patients are often accompanied by lower abdominal pain when urinating.

In addition, Dr. Long Zhenyu also pointed out that if female patients have the above symptoms, they may affect their quality of life, leading to disharmony in sexual life, poor sleep quality, and even worse, symptoms of depression. Therefore, early treatment is crucial for patients with cystitis.

Cystitis may lead to “long-term frequent urination” and medical “2 treatments” solve women’s problems

Dr. Wu Wenzheng said that the patient had been troubled by such frequent urination for 5 years. It was not until she went to the hospital recently that she discovered that she was suffering from “interstitial cystitis”. After urodynamics and urine tests, she found that she was suffering from “interstitial cystitis”. The patient’s bladder capacity was smaller than that of the average person, so he often went to the toilet and had extreme pain. However, the urine test report was normal, and it was clear that there was no urethra infection.

After evaluation, Dr. Wu Wenzheng believed that the patient’s drug treatment for many years had little effect, so he used cystoscopic hydrodilatation and injection of PRP (high-concentration platelet plasma) for treatment, combined with low-energy extracorporeal shock wave therapy. After 3 months of treatment, The patient’s pain during urination has been greatly reduced. He only urinates once in the middle of the night. The frequency of going to the toilet has been extended from every half hour to two hours. His sexual life has also improved.

Finally, Dr. Wu Wenzheng reminds women that if they have any urinary tract or private area problems, they should not delay treatment because they are too shy to speak up. At present, major hospitals are gradually setting up women’s priority clinics to ensure women’s privacy. Therefore, women are urged to seek medical treatment in time so that their symptoms can improve as soon as possible and they can return to normal life.

Further reading:

Is your vagina often tight, urinating frequently, or uncomfortable? Is “perineal pain” at fault?

The swelling in her private parts was as big as a dragon’s eye, which made her unable to move even an inch in pain!” What is a “Bartholin’s gland cyst”?

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