In addition to eating more vegetables, constipation can be prevented in this way! Pharmacist: In case of "1 situation", you can take probiotics to help defecation

In addition to eating more vegetables, constipation can be prevented in this way! Pharmacist: In case of "1 situation", you can take probiotics to help defecation

Besides eating more vegetables, how can you prevent constipation? Probiotics may be helpful in “1 situation”

If you have been suffering from constipation and irregular bowel movements for a long time, besides taking laxatives prescribed by doctors or pharmacists to improve your condition, what other measures can you take in your life to help with bowel movements? Pharmacist Zhang Wenjing, chairman of the Taipei Pharmacists Association, explained in an interview that if you encounter severe constipation, it is recommended that your lifestyle include more fruits and vegetables, more exercise, and a good routine. For fruits, you can eat more apples, peaches, cherries or fruits rich in “resveratrol” such as grapes and berries to help relieve constipation.

The fiber part contained in vegetables can be divided into two types: “water-soluble dietary fiber” and “water-insoluble dietary fiber”. The former can absorb water to produce a gel-like substance and soften feces so that it can be excreted smoothly through the intestines; the latter can increase It increases the volume of feces and stimulates intestinal peristalsis, helping smooth excretion. It is recommended to eat two kinds of dietary fiber together. The former, such as okra, yam and other slimy foods, can soften the stool and prevent it from being too hard and causing constipation; the latter, including leafy vegetables such as celery, sweet potato leaves, spinach, green vegetables, lettuce or pak choi. Food and water absorption can increase the volume of feces and promote intestinal peristalsis. The two-pronged approach can improve defecation efficiency.

As for whether taking “probiotics” helps defecation? Pharmacist Zhang Wenjing explained that if you often have constipation problems and the smell of farts is strong, you must suspect that the probiotics in your body are insufficient, which in turn leads to the accumulation of too much putrefactive matter in the intestines and stomach. At this time, people can try taking probiotics. If the smelly farts still persist after 1 week, they should pay attention to whether the content of probiotics is insufficient, or polyps or even intestinal tumors have appeared in the large intestine, and further medical evaluation is required.

Drink a large glass of warm water first when you get up in the morning! “Three Habits” are the key factors to prevent constipation

Pharmacist Zhang Wenjing reminds the public that if you want to improve constipation, you should first clarify your living habits, eating habits and behavioral habits, and use these three aspects of habits to adjust bad lifestyles, such as holding back bowel movements, or having gastrointestinal history such as irritable bowel syndrome. Symptoms are not treated. It is best to develop a fixed defecation pattern, drink a large glass of warm water first thing in the morning, and quit smoking, drinking, or excessive caffeine. These are all habits that can help with defecation and make the body healthier. If you have a history of gastrointestinal related issues, early medical treatment is also recommended.

If sleeping habits are reversed between day and night, and those who stay up late are also a major culprit of constipation, this group should try to develop a fixed schedule to avoid staying up late and adding extra burden to metabolism. The body will need to consume more energy to support the operation of the metabolic system. “Many people tend to become thirsty and want to drink water when they stay up late. This means that the body is more likely to be dehydrated and constipated when staying up late.”

Finally, pharmacist Zhang Wenjing urges that if you have any doubts before purchasing laxatives, you need to confirm the efficacy and legality of the drug with a doctor or pharmacist in advance. Do not buy drugs from unknown sources to avoid the effect being less than expected. In addition, if your constipation situation still does not improve significantly after improving your diet or exercising regularly, you should seek medical attention immediately to clarify your symptoms.

Further reading:

Gastrointestinal attack after taking too many laxatives? The pharmacist explains in detail the effects and contraindications of “laxatives”. If you don’t take these two items, will it be in vain?

The stool is hard and the farts are smelly. Beware of constipation, which will affect your skin and make you look older! Nutritionists recommend “1 liquid” to drink in the morning to help defecation

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