"Add a spoonful" to cooking every day will help! Research confirms: Consuming "olive oil" reduces the risk of dementia death by 28%

"Add a spoonful" to cooking every day will help! Research confirms: Consuming "olive oil" reduces the risk of dementia death by 28%

Can daily intake of olive oil prevent dementia? Study: Reduces risk of dementia death by 28%

Olive oil is one of the well-known sources of “good oil”. The “Median Diet” and the “Mediterranean Diet”, which have been recognized by academic circles as having cardiovascular protective benefits, also include vegetable oils in their dietary recommendations. Now research published in the authoritative journal “JAMA Network” shows that consuming just one spoonful of olive oil a day can help reduce the prevalence of dementia and further reduce the risk of any dementia-related death.

Harvard University in the United States recruited 92,383 subjects and conducted a 28-year follow-up survey. The research team first evaluated the subjects’ dietary status, such as daily olive oil intake and Mediterranean diet compliance score; and tried to clarify whether they had the apolipoprotein ε4 (ApoE4) allele in their bodies, which was previously believed to be Increases risk of dementia later in life.

After 28 years of tracking, 4,751 dementia deaths were recorded during that period. The results of covariate evaluation and statistical analysis show that olive oil intake is inversely related to dementia mortality, especially those with the highest daily intake (>7g), which can reduce the risk of dementia death by at least 28%; For every 5g increase in olive oil intake, the effect on women in reducing dementia mortality is particularly obvious.

“Add a spoonful” to cooking every day will help! Expert tip: It’s better to use olive oil instead of butter

The study also emphasized that the association between olive oil intake and reduced risk of dementia death still exists after adjusting for the genotype of the subjects, indicating that olive oil intake may have a potential protective effect on the risk of dementia caused by ApoE4. If we further explore the benefits of olive oil in daily diet, we can get the following results: replacing 5g of “mayonnaise” and “margarine” with olive oil per day, the mortality rate of dementia can be reduced by 14% and 8% respectively. .

In addition, among subjects who consumed more olive oil and had high compliance with the Mediterranean diet, the risk of death from dementia was 28-34% lower than those who consumed less olive oil; " (AHEI) scores, the risk of death from dementia was 27-38% lower than those who consumed less olive oil.

Study author Dr. Anne-Julie Tessier said the findings support the benefits of moderate daily intake of olive oil, which may be related to its ability to promote blood vessel health, reduce blood vessel inflammation and relieve oxidative stress in the brain. “In fact, just by adding a spoonful (about 15g) of olive oil to your daily meals, you have a chance to prevent dementia and the subsequent risk of death!”

More than just preventing dementia? 5 additional benefits of taking olive oil daily

In fact, moderate daily intake of olive oil can not only obtain the benefits of preventing dementia? A guide published by the American medical media “Cleveland Clinic” points out that “extra virgin olive oil”, the least processed type of olive oil, is rich in antioxidants and heart-healthy fats and has the following benefits for improving overall health:

  1. Rich in antioxidants. Virgin olive oil contains more than 20 polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants that help protect heart health, fight free radicals and reduce the risk of inflammation throughout the body.

  2. Contains healthy fats. Olive oil contains “monounsaturated fat”, which not only helps fight inflammation, but also lowers blood pressure and bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body.

  3. Prevent cancer risk. Oxidative stress caused by inflammation is believed to be closely related to the development of cancer, and the “antioxidant” properties of olive oil may help fight cancer. In particular, “oleocancer” is believed to play an important role in the risk of cancer cell death.

  4. Improve blood vessel health. Olive oil is thought to help prevent blood lipids and blood pressure, which can improve overall blood vessel and heart health. In addition, some studies have shown that olive oil intake is related to the reduction of atherosclerosis, stroke and cardiovascular disease.

  5. Improve overall survival. Previous studies have suggested that olive oil is associated with an 8-34% reduction in individual mortality risk. Compared with those who did not consume large amounts of olive oil, those who consumed olive oil reduced their risk of cardiovascular and cancer death by 19% and 17% respectively.

However, “Cleveland Clinic” reminds that olive oil intake must be combined with correct eating habits to be effective. For example, frying food with olive oil will not make fried chicken or French fries healthier; in addition, moderate exercise and normal Work and rest are equally important in preventing dementia or other diseases. We call on the public to establish good habits in daily life to stay away from the threat of dementia.


6 Major Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Consumption of Olive Oil and Diet Quality and Risk of Dementia-Related Death

Further reading:

Avoid developing a “pre-cancerous constitution” by eating this way! Nutritionists name 12 “most powerful anti-cancer foods”

Is there still no good treatment for dementia? Doctor: Do these “5 things” to have a chance of prevention

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