Will the accelerated mutation of monkeypox virus lead to the next wave of new coronavirus pandemic? Experts reveal 2 key differences

Will the accelerated mutation of monkeypox virus lead to the next wave of new coronavirus pandemic? Experts reveal 2 key differences

Monkeypox virus mutates faster? This wave of symptoms is not typical “the pimples are smaller”

Monkeypox outbreaks have occurred around the world since this year. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), statistics as of July 1, 2022 show that monkeypox cases have occurred in 52 countries and regions, with a total of 5,783 confirmed cases. , recent studies have also claimed that monkeypox mutates faster than expected. Does this mean that the monkeypox virus is different from the past “version”?

Shi Xinru, director of the Emerging Virus Infection Research Center at Chang Gung Memorial University, said in an interview with “healthorn” that virus gene sequencing technology has only been widely used in recent years, and there has been no similar research on the mutations of smallpox viruses in the past. Therefore, more research is needed to clarify whether the monkeypox virus mutates faster.

Shi Xinru said that in the past, the transmission circle of monkeypox virus was small. Judging from the scope and scale of monkeypox infection this year, the virus may indeed mutate. However, monkeypox is a DNA virus with a relatively stable mutation rate. The possible transmission route is from animals such as monkeys through rodents and then to humans. It mutates when it spreads between different species, rather than mutating due to infection with humans.

Judging from the sequence analysis, this year’s monkeypox cases are indeed different. Shi Xinru pointed out that compared with the sporadic monkeypox epidemics in the past, this wave of infected people has more atypical symptoms, and the appearance of the lesions is smaller. It is easy to be infected and then transmitted to the next person unknowingly, but the symptoms are relatively mild. Although there are currently 1 or 2 deaths from monkeypox, the proportion is extremely small and whether the cause of death is caused by infection remains to be further studied.

Monkeypox virus to follow coronavirus pandemic? Experts point out key differences

The outside world is generally concerned about whether the monkeypox virus will cause a global pandemic like the new coronavirus. Shi Xinru said that the two are quite different. The new coronavirus is mainly transmitted through droplets, while monkeypox tends to be transmitted through close contact. The two are contagious. The scope is different.

In addition, the new coronavirus is an RNA virus. After humans are vaccinated, the new coronavirus will undergo immune escape and continue to mutate, causing the vaccine to become increasingly less effective. Monkeypox is a DNA virus with less morphological variation. Therefore, even if the smallpox vaccine is administered, it still has an 85% protective effect against the monkeypox virus, which is also a poxvirus.

During the monkeypox infection period, it is important to avoid close contact with alcohol and wash hands

Shi Xinru reminded that monkeypox virus can still be transmitted from person to person. When infected, you should avoid close or intimate contact with others to avoid people around you from being exposed to the virus. Monkeypox virus is a virus with a mantle. Frequent hand washing and alcohol disinfection are relatively important.

The current anti-epidemic measures against the new coronavirus are actually effective in preventing the infection of monkeypox virus. The general public should not panic too much. If smallpox vaccines are purchased in the future, they will mainly be administered to high-risk groups.

WHO warns that monkeypox virus may enter high-risk groups such as pregnant women and children. Shi Xinru said that humans have been facing poxviridae for decades longer than the new coronavirus, and there are already weapons such as antiviral drugs and effective vaccines to control the infection. Even after washing the clothes of an infected person, the viral load has become extremely low. People often use alcohol and wash their hands frequently, which is enough to achieve a certain effect in preventing monkeypox virus.


2022 Monkeypox Outbreak Global Map

Further reading:

Monkeypox confirmed to be “family spread”! US CDC: “6 Measures” Effectively Stop the Virus

Will monkeypox cause a “local epidemic”? Is it necessary to get vaccinated? Doctors must learn “4 measures” to fight the epidemic

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