90% protection? The U.S. CDC says the third dose of "RNA vaccine" Omicron is the best to reduce mortality by 91%, key exposure

90% protection? The U.S. CDC says the third dose of "RNA vaccine" Omicron is the best to reduce mortality by 91%, key exposure

The U.S. CDC says the third dose of vaccine mRNA has the best protective effect of about 90%

Which vaccine is best for the third dose? The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated on Friday (22nd) evening that based on the number of three existing studies, the third dose of the mRNA vaccine can produce the best protective effect against Omicron mutant strains. The power is about 90%. Omicron currently accounts for 99% of new cases in the United States.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said at a White House briefing that the third dose of booster vaccine can help prevent infection and symptomatic infection. Adults over the age of 50 will receive the greatest protection from receiving the Pfizer BNT vaccine or the Moderna vaccine.

The CDC also pointed out that, consistent with studies in other countries, the third dose of the vaccine is more effective than Omicron against the Delta variant. Omicron is a “highly mutated version” of the current coronavirus that can escape the protection of vaccines and past infections.

90% of confirmed cases are protected from hospitalization and severe illness. Is the fourth dose of vaccine ineffective?

Citing one of the studies, the CDC said vaccine protection dropped to 57% in people who received the second dose of the vaccine six months ago. For those who have received the third dose of booster vaccine, 90% of confirmed cases do not require hospitalization or intensive care unit admission.

The CDC said that in a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, “JAMA”, based on 23,391 confirmed cases, it was found that compared with those who had only received 2 doses of vaccine or had not been vaccinated, those who received the third dose of the mRNA vaccine had the best health outcomes. Protective power.

However, British data shows that the antibodies provided by the third dose of the vaccine will weaken after 10 months. Israeli reports also indicate that although the fourth dose of the mRNA vaccine increased antibodies, it was still not enough to effectively prevent Omicron infection.

Omicron infection mortality rate reduced by 91%? High levels of contagion remain a burden on the medical system

Omicron’s infectious power makes it difficult for humans to guard against it, but compared with previous mutant strains, is the virus intensity significantly weakened? In the latest preprint study published by the University of California, Berkeley, it was found from 52,297 confirmed patients that compared with infection with the Delta variant, the proportion of Omicron infections requiring treatment was reduced by 74%, the risk of death was also reduced by 91%, and hospitalization was The overall risk is reduced by 53%. Length of hospitalization for Omicron infection was shortened by an average of 3.4 days.

The study claims that there are gradually obvious signs of the weakening of the Omicron virus. First of all, regardless of the age of infection and the type of complications, there is a consistent trend of decreasing hospitalization rates. The risk of symptomatic infection and hospitalization was significantly lower among people who had tested positive for Covid-19 90 days earlier, indicating a significant decrease in the severity of Omicron virus in previously infected people.

The study emphasized that the protective effect of the vaccine against Omicron variant infection is lower than that of Delta, but as long as the vaccine is vaccinated, the severe effects of both Delta and Omicron are significantly reduced. The study claims that vaccination against Covid-19 will have huge public health benefits.

Although the toxicity of Omicron has weakened, it may cause a high infection rate in the community in a short period of time, which will overwhelm the medical system and lead to an increase in the absolute number of hospitalizations and deaths. Therefore, public health measures such as vaccination and wearing masks to prevent infection , remains crucial to reducing infection, mortality and reducing the burden on the medical system.


US studies highlight the need for COVID boosters to fight Omicron

WATCH: White House COVID task force bolsters vaccine booster messaging

Clinical outcomes among patients infected with Omicron (B.1.1.529) SARS-CoV-2 variant in southern California

Further reading:

Omicron has a small amount of virus but is super powerful? Is Herd Immunity No Hope? Scholars exclaimed: Everyone will fall into the trap

There are almost no neutralizing antibodies! Are live-attenuated vaccines useless? Can T cells and B cells protect against Omicron?

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