The 6th most common cancer in men! Are the 2 symptoms of esophageal cancer a sign that if it is discovered too late, treatment may be "worse than death"?

The 6th most common cancer in men! Are the 2 symptoms of esophageal cancer a sign that if it is discovered too late, treatment may be "worse than death"?

Is dysphagia a precursor to esophageal cancer? Half of the patients were found to be in stage 3

Esophageal cancer causes more than 1,900 deaths every year and ranks sixth among the top ten cancers in men. The standardized incidence rate in men is as high as 15.8 times that in women. According to data from the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, esophageal cancer most commonly occurs between the ages of 50 and 70 and is the fifth leading cause of cancer death. Since esophageal cancer has no obvious symptoms in the early stages, you should be extra careful if you have long-term difficulty swallowing or have a foreign body sensation when swallowing. .

Dr. Wu Jiaoen from the Oncology Department of Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital said in an interview that more than half of the patients with esophageal cancer are in stage 3. Although the cancer cells have not yet metastasized, the treatment will mainly be radiotherapy plus chemotherapy. The treatment process is quite difficult, especially radiation. The treatment uses high-intensity radiation to inhibit tumor growth. The skin inside the esophagus will be broken repeatedly, often causing esophageal pain for a month or more. Many patients say that the treatment process is “worse than death.”

Is radiotherapy too difficult and I have to insert a nasogastric tube? Is esophageal cancer likely to cause the second type of cancer?

Dr. Wu Jiaoen explained that mucosal rupture caused by radiotherapy is like sunburn. A radiotherapy treatment takes at least a month, and the recovery period also takes a month. During this period, the patient only needs to eat, which is like sprinkling salt on the wound. Every time he swallows Everyone will feel severe pain, even unable to swallow saliva, and completely unable to sleep at night. The most severe patients need to use a nasogastric tube to eat.

The arduous treatment process can easily lead to weight loss. Dr. Wu Jiaoen said that most patients will lose 5 to 10 kilograms during treatment. After five years of follow-up without recurrence, they may start to gain weight again. Some patients will return to bad habits such as smoking and eating betel nuts within 1-2 years of treatment, causing second cancers such as oral cancer.

On the contrary, if patients can quit smoking, drinking, and betel nut after treatment, their survival and prognosis will be ideal, but the proportion is only about 20%.

Drinking strong alcohol causes severe damage to the esophagus. Balanced nutrition is most important in preventing cancer.

Alcohol addiction and alcoholism are one of the main causes of severe esophageal injury. Dr. Wu Jiaoen explained that most esophageal cancer patients have the habit of drinking, especially spirits with high alcohol concentration, and the injured parts of the esophagus will be concentrated in the upper half. For people who are accustomed to drinking sips, the injured area may be concentrated in the lower half of the esophagus. Once the mucosa is repeatedly injured, it can easily lead to cancer.

Dr. Wu Jiaoen explained that many patients with esophageal cancer will abstain from drinking for a period of time in the early stages of diagnosis. However, due to work or social needs, they must drink and socialize before they can return to work to make a living. Many people return to their drinking habits in order to return to their old jobs. , there are not many people who can really strictly control it. Many patients have been smoking and drinking for 20 or 30 years. There are also patients who have used nasogastric tubes and insist on drinking alcohol, facing the withdrawal problem of alcohol addiction.

Dr. Wu Jiaoen reminded that there are many claims that specific foods can prevent cancer. Generally, Taiwanese are recommended to adopt a balanced diet and consume different types of vegetables and fruits every day. In addition to helping to balance nutrition, it can also reduce the risk. It is recommended to consume all six major categories of nutrients to avoid eating only fiber or protein, which may lead to low calories. The most important things to stay away from are tobacco, alcohol, betel nut and other clear carcinogens.

Further reading:

If you like to drink hot soup or hot drinks, be careful! Will exceeding “65 degrees” damage the esophagus and cause cancer risk?

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