60% of young people do not wear a condom every time they have sex! Experts warn: Single sex partners can still be infected with HIV

70% of the two generations have never heard of U=U! Believing that being infected with HIV is the same as suffering from AIDS
Generation Z (the sample of this survey is 18-27 years old) seems to be very open-minded? Should Generation Y (28-43 years old) pay more attention to sexual health protection? The Association for the Promotion of the Rights of People Living with HIV released the “Survey Report on Sexual Health Concepts of Two Generations”. It was found that as many as 65% of two generations did not protect themselves every time they had sexual intercourse, and the proportion of Generation Y (67.7%) was significantly higher than that of Generation Z (59.8%), and nearly 30% of Generation Z have been screened for STDs.
Regarding the concept that HIV-infected people will not be infected when they reach the U=U state (Undetectable = Untransmittable), 70% of the two-generation group have never heard of it, and do not even understand the difference between HIV infection and AIDS. U=U Day is coming in Taiwan on July 2. Experts call on those who have unprotected sex to be screened once a year. They also hope that the public will know more about U=U, remove the stigma and discrimination against HIV infection, and let people know more about U=U. Infected people can also enjoy life and expand emotional relationships like ordinary people.
U=U just “can’t be spread”! Doctors reveal clinical criteria for “undetectable virus”
The AIDS Association’s survey report on the sexual health concepts of Generation Y and Generation Z was conducted online and 1,068 valid questionnaires were collected. The survey found that no matter which generation they are, they still have unclear knowledge about the HIV disease; nearly 70% (62.5%) of both generations still have the misconception that “people infected with HIV are AIDS patients.”
In addition, 38% of the two-generation group believe that there is a risk of infection if they come into contact with items used by HIV-infected people. Lin Yihui, secretary-general of the AIDS Rights Promotion Association, said that HIV infection does not equal AIDS. Since the public still does not know much about the disease, unnecessary panic and stigma still exist in society.
The AIDS Association has long promoted the concept of “U=U just can’t be spread”, and has designated July 2 every year as Taiwan’s “U=U Day” from 2023, hoping that the public will understand the U= that is supported by scientific evidence. U concept, remove HIV stigma. However, the survey still found that more than 50% (55.8%) of both generations do not understand the concept that “the virus is not contagious unless it is detected”, and as many as 70% (72.8%) have not heard of U=U, indicating that continuous communication is still needed.
Certain infected people may have some misunderstandings about U=U, or they may not know what the so-called “undetectable virus” standard is. Dr. Lin Guanyin explained: “The undetectable virus does not mean that the virus has been cleared from the body. After the infected person is stabilized and treated, if the virus level in the body is less than 200/ml for six months, he is not contagious. However, if a screening test is performed, the results will still show up. Positive.”
60% of young people “do not wear condoms every time”! Experts: Single sex partners can still be infected with HIV
As modern society gradually opens up, people are no longer shy about talking about intimate behaviors; a survey report on sexual health concepts of two generations found that more than 40% (45.1%) of two generations said that they are acceptable to have basic sex without feelings. However, because they “feel that they will not get pregnant” and “feel that their partners have no concerns about STDs”, more than 65% (65.4%) of the bigenerational generation “do not take protective measures every time they have sex” (without protection every time, most of them No protection and most of them have protection); among them, the number of “no protection every time” is as high as 22.1%.
Deputy Commissioner Tsang Shu-hui said that nearly 30% of couples from generation to generation have the myth that they will not be infected with HIV if they have a single sexual relationship. In recent years, the trend of HIV infection notifications has been declining for six consecutive years. Last year, the number of newly diagnosed and reported HIV infections was 940, but nearly 60% of the infected people were young people aged 18-35. The main reasons for infection were unsafe Sexual behavior, regardless of sexual orientation, men and women should actually take protective measures.
Secretary-General Lin Yihui pointed out that sexual contact is the most common way of HIV infection in Taiwan. In the past, it was often found that many people “selectively protect based on the partner.” They thought they were in a single-sex partnership with the other person and felt that the other person had no concerns about sexually transmitted diseases. Have sex with any protective measures. However, only safe sex can truly prevent viral infection, rather than deciding whether to protect yourself based on who you are.
HIV screening awareness is getting better with every generation! Generation Z is significantly more tolerant than Generation Y
Interestingly, the survey also found that nearly 30% (27.9%) of Generation Z have done STD screening on their own, which is significantly higher than Generation Y (21.2%). After learning that their relatives or friends are infected with HIV, Generation Z (33.5%) said " “Would not particularly change their behavior towards each other” is also significantly higher than Generation Y (27.4%). It shows that the younger generation does have better awareness of STD screening and is more friendly and tolerant.
Generation Z representative “Mandai Bulu” generously shared that he had been screened for sexually transmitted diseases and believed that more diverse discussions on sexual issues would help him understand how to protect himself. In the survey, 33% of both generations expressed surprise that medicine could control HIV infection after learning about U=U for the “first time”; “Teacher Xiaoyu”, a representative of Generation Y, also admitted that they were surprised when they heard about U=U for the first time. After arriving at U=U, I felt like I had discovered a new world. I thought that incorporating gender topics would greatly enhance public discussion.
Secretary-General Lin Yihui shared: “For many HIV-infected people, they often doubt whether they can have feelings again because they worry that their status as an HIV-infected person will make others afraid to accept them. This is why the Human Rights Promotion Association invests in U=U health education. , the reason for setting up Taiwan U=U Day. As long as the public understands and accepts U=U better, they can be more friendly to the infected, and the infected can enjoy life more freely and even expand their emotional relationships, just like ordinary people. "
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