"6 changes in body odor" suggest that something is wrong with your body! Research warns: Smell "bleach smell" and beware of liver and kidney fatigue

Does a change in body odor indicate that something is wrong with your body? Research advises: Be alert when “6 smells” waft out
Does a change in body odor actually indicate the beginning of health problems in various organs? If you have not suffered from body odor, hyperhidrosis or other problems before, but your body suddenly emits an unpleasant odor, you must pay special attention to the liver, kidneys; intestines and other organs are “silently protesting”. “healthorn” specially compiled the following research information to provide public reference. However, the following content cannot replace the diagnosis of a doctor. If you experience extreme discomfort, it is still recommended to seek medical treatment immediately:
Ammonia or bleach smell: liver and kidney problems. “International Journal of Molecular Sciences” states that one of the main functions of the kidneys is to excrete toxins and waste through urine. The protein ingested by the human body is decomposed into “ammonia” in the body, and then converted into less toxic “urea”. Urea is usually excreted from the body through urine.
However, if you have kidney problems or kidney disease, your kidneys may not be able to clear urea properly. The accumulation of urea in the body can easily lead to “uremia”, causing the odor and sweat in your mouth to smell like ammonia or bleach. In addition, under normal circumstances, the “ammonia” produced in the intestines is metabolized in the liver; but in a state of liver failure, it is unable to convert “ammonia” into non-toxic derivatives such as urea or glutamine, which will also cause Causes excessive accumulation of ammonia in the body.
Fruity or sweet taste: diabetic ketoacidemia. A study in “The Journal of Biochemistry” pointed out that although diabetes does not cause body odor, the complication of diabetes “diabetic ketoacidosis” (DKA) can cause obvious body odor. This complication occurs more commonly in patients who are born with a lack of insulin, such as those with type 1 diabetes.
Research shows that people who lack insulin tend to have low glucose levels in their cells, which forces the body to break down fat as a source of energy. After fat is broken down, it is easy to form “ketone bodies”, leading to ketoacidosis, which may cause the breath to have a fruity and sweet smell. Academics believe the smell is similar to that of rotten apples and nail polish remover.
Severe bad breath: lung or oral problems. Also published in “The Journal of Biochemistry”, research points out that it is common to have bad breath when you get up in the morning; however, the bad breath does not disappear after brushing your teeth. It should be noted that it may be caused by lung infection, such as pneumonia and tuberculosis, which can easily cause saliva and Breath smells bad. In addition, bad breath may be a sign of gum disease or throat infection or sore throat.
Smell of feces: intestinal obstruction problem. “The Journal of Biochemistry” points out that blockage of the small or large intestine is uncommon but can cause serious problems. If the food in the body cannot pass through the esophagus normally, it may even lead to continuous vomiting, inability to defecate, or severe abdominal distension. Under certain conditions, the food in the stomach cannot enter the intestines. After being decomposed by gastric acid, the breath may smell like feces, which is more common during vomiting.
Severe urine odor: urinary tract infection. The International Journal of Molecular Sciences states that if bacteria enter the urethra, it can cause urinary tract infections and other problems. In addition to cloudy urine, pain, or burning when urinating, there is a high chance that the urine will be filled with a strong foul odor.
Fishy smell: vaginal infection. Guidelines published by the US CDC state that overgrowth of bacteria in a woman’s vagina can easily cause “bacterial vaginosis,” resulting in a large amount of grayish-white discharge accompanied by a fish-like odor. A small number of patients may experience itching and discomfort.
Will menstruation and sweaty feet also affect body odor? Expert: Eating too much of these foods may cause body odor
Izabella Mogilnicka, the author of the above study and an expert in physiology and pathology at the Medical University in Warsaw, Poland, said that factors such as bacterial infection, trimethylaminuria, hyperhidrosis, arsenic poisoning, excessive foot sweating, hormonal changes or changes in eating habits, etc. All may be the main cause of severe body odor. Dietary sources of sulfide-rich foods such as garlic, onions, cabbage, broccoli, and red meat are more likely to cause bad breath or body odor.
Mogilnicka also pointed out that estrogen fluctuations during menstruation, menopause and pregnancy can cause hot flashes or night sweats, which may also change a woman’s body odor. Suffering from specific diseases such as hyperhidrosis and trimethylaminuria can also affect body odor. The former may be related to hyperthyroidism; the latter is a rare genetic disease that may emit unpleasant odors from breath, urine or sweat. fishy smell.
Finally, Mogilnicka emphasized that certain ethnic groups may have unique body odors, and some body odors can cause social difficulties and have a negative impact on quality of life. In particular, the appearance of specific body odor may indicate that there is a problem with one’s health. People must pay special attention to it. If body odor occurs along with related symptoms, they must seek medical attention and receive treatment as soon as possible.
Bacterial Vaginosis – CDC Basic Fact Sheet
Microbiota and Malodor—Etiology and Management
Trichomycosis (trichobacteriosis): clinical and microbiological experience with 56 cases
The scent of disease: volatile organic compounds of the human body related to disease and disorder
Further reading:
Can’t stop the body odor caused by the hot and humid summer? Doctor: 5 tips to improve armpit odor